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Grace: The Foundation of Thanksgiving

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1 Grace: The Foundation of Thanksgiving
Scripture Reading: Ephesians 1:1-7, 2:3-9

2 Introduction Biblical truths interpreted by worldly concepts:
Amazing Grace Jn 8:32 “The truth shall make you free” “In all things give thanks” I Thess 5:18

3 Introduction Common understanding of giving thanks:
gratitude for physical and material blessings Un-Common understanding of giving thanks: gratitude IN and FOR all things

4 The Meaning and Basis of Giving Thanks
Definition = ‘good grace’ From men earned or unearned) From God OT = somewhat deserved; NT = always unearned, never deserved Grace = ‘favor’

5 The Meaning and Basis of Giving Thanks
The unfolding revelation of God’s grace Grace planned (Eph 1:4-6) Salvation provided by grace (Eph 2:8) Future display of God’s grace (Eph 2:7)

6 The Meaning and Basis of Giving Thanks
The unfolding revelation of God’s grace A lifestyle by grace (Eph 3:2) Jn 1:14; grace for initial, present, and future tense salvation, instead of grace only for initial salvation God’s grace is all-sufficient (II Cor 12:9)

7 The Purpose of Thanksgiving
To extol God’s grace IN and FOR everything (I Thess 5:18, Eph 5:20) Today, Christ controls all things in Heaven and upon Earth Matt 28:18 All things are subjected under his feet I Cor 15:27

8 The Purpose of Thanksgiving
To extol God’s grace IN and FOR everything (I Thess 5:18, Eph 5:20) All things to (the advantage of) the Church Eph 1:22 (cf. James 1:2-3,12; I Cor 10:13) Christ is either causing or allowingall things to happen or exist for the display of His Life through us, to His glory Rom 11:36

9 Conclusion I can, therefore, give God thanks IN and FOR all things (as I am rightly relating to the Holy Spirit), because: HE is in complete control of all things for my best and for HIS GLORY!

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