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Mexico Today.

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Presentation on theme: "Mexico Today."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mexico Today

2 Today Small number of latifundios – commercial farms that grow cash crops for export - corn, sugar, fruit Few ejidos and privately owned farms can compete 3-4 millions rural Mexicans are landless migrant workers 75% of Mexicans live in urban areas

3 Causes of Urbanization
Commercial farms 15% arable land in Mexico Large families

4 Results of Urbanization
Infrastructure is too small Not enough land, housing, clean water, roads Unemployment and crime increased Overcrowding Pollution Disease spreads quickly

5 Mexico City Social Classes
New to the city Often live in slums on the edge of town One room shacks No electricity or running water Unpaved streets covered in trash Little or no jobs

6 After they’ve been here a while…
Most have some kind of work Many have more than one job Maids, dishwashers, construction workers, street vendors Long hours for little pay ($6 for 12 hours) Travel long hours to work on public transportation

7 Working class Move closer to the center of the city
Neighborhoods have electricity, paved roads, some lack running water, They try to stay employed

8 The Haves ¼ of Mexico City’s residents are middle and upper class
Middle class lives in houses or apartments in center of city. They work in business, education or government jobs, phone, some luxuries Upper class is extremely small – live in castle like estates, hire the poor to work in their homes, have many luxuries, leaders in business and government

9 NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement 1993
2000 Maquiladoras in north Factories located near the border with the US Why are they built their?

10 Industries Oil Tourism Manufacturing

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