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Merry Christmas Forfeits.

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Presentation on theme: "Merry Christmas Forfeits."— Presentation transcript:

1 Merry Christmas Forfeits

2 Swap an item of clothes with the person on your right.

3 Recite “A Night before Christmas”
whilst gargling

4 Say the alphabet backwards

5 Sing “Jingle Bells” as a Chicken

6 Find the boiled egg in a bowl of raw eggs by cracking them in your hand.

7 Put your forehead on a broom & walk round it 5x, Then walk to the table.

8 Sing “All I want for Christmas is You” as a Turkey

9 Grab three clementine's and attempt to juggle them

10 Pick up 5 potatos with your knees and drop it into a bucket

11 Play "This little piggy went to market" on the toes of the person on the left

12 Pretend that you are making a snow angel for 1 minute

13 Whistle “Deck The Halls” with 2 Marshmallow in your mouth

14 Act like a model on a catwalk for 30 seconds

15 Sing the “Birdie Song” with all the actions

16 Eat a teaspoon of either mustard, soy sauce or hot sauce.

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