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Higgs effective potential in the warped Gauge-Higgs Unification

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1 Higgs effective potential in the warped Gauge-Higgs Unification
Toshifumi Yamashita  (SISSA Osaka Univ.) 2007/12/13 @KEK Theory Meeting in preparation with N.Haba (Osaka Univ.) S.Matsumoto (Tohoku Univ.) N.Okada (KEK)

2 Plan Introduction Warped GHU Interval v.s. orbifold Summary

3 Introduction Gauge-Higgs Unification 5D theory gauge field 4D theory
D.B. Fairlie  (1979) N.S. Manton (1979) Gauge-Higgs Unification 5D theory gauge field compactification 4D theory gauge field scalar field with KK modes Higgs 5D gauge invariance protects the Higgs mass!! H.Hatanaka, T.Inami and C.S.Lim (1998)

4 Introduction Orbifold ex) Fields may not be invariant ! ex)
Symm. transformation

5 Introduction Orbifold breaking ex) Doublet Higgs!
Y.Kawamura (2000) ex) Doublet Higgs! It is important to calculate effective potential. flat directions

6 Introduction 1-loop effective potential finite!! too small !!
M.Kubo, C.S.Lim and H.Yamashita (2002) N.Haba and T.Y. (2004) 1-loop effective potential finite!! too small !! When , we get We need tuning

7 Introduction Higgs mass Top Yukawa
The quartic coupling is zero at the tree level. The Higgs mass tends to be too small. Top Yukawa Top Yukawa is larger than the gauge coupling. In the flat GHU scenario, typically too small KK scale, Higgs mass & top mass.

8 Introduction warped GHU
The problems are solved (almost) automatically. A lot of studies have been made. R. Contino, Y. Nomura and A. Pomarol (2003) K. Oda and A. Weiler (2005) K. Agashe, R. Contino and A. Pomarol (2005) Y. Hosotani and M. Mabe (2005) Y. Hosotani, S. Noda, Y. Sakamura and S. Shimasaki (2006) Y. Sakamura and Y. Hosotani (2007) The eff. potential is studied less exhaustively. We investigate it.

9 Plan Introduction Warped GHU Interval v.s. orbifold Summary

10 Warped Gauge-Higgs Unification
Randall-Sundrum Randall & Sundrum (1999) natural scale : TeV

11 Warped Gauge-Higgs Unification
Weak scale vs. KK & top mass A parameter of fermions flat case In the warped GHU scenario, the gauge coupling is rather suppressed. gauge N.Haba, S.Matsumoto, N.Okada and T.Y. in preparation

12 Warped Gauge-Higgs Unification
+ : periodic - : anti-periodic Effective Potential N.Haba, S.Matsumoto, N.Okada and T.Y. in preparation

13 Warped Gauge-Higgs Unification
N.Haba, S.Matsumoto, N.Okada and T.Y. in preparation Effective Potential w/ 2 anti-periodic fundamental fermions 1 periodic adjoint fermion N. Haba and T.Y. (2004)

14 Warped Gauge-Higgs Unification
N.Haba, S.Matsumoto, N.Okada and T.Y. in preparation Effective Potential w/ 2 anti-periodic fundamental fermions 1 periodic adjoint fermion A large Higgs mass

15 Plan Introduction Warped GHU Interval v.s. orbifold Summary

16 Interval v.s. orbifold Orbifold ex) = interval (?)
Fields may not be invariant! ex) Gauge transformation

17 Interval v.s. orbifold Preliminary Orbifold - : Dirichlet ex)
N.Haba, S.Matsumoto, N.Okada and T.Y. in preparation Orbifold + : Neumann - : Dirichlet ex) = interval (?) wider class of BCs C. Csaki et al (2004) N. Sakai and N. Uekusa (2007) In the orbifold picture Periodic Anti-Periodic In the interval picture Preliminary All vanishing !!

18 Summary warped Gauge-Higgs unification
large KK scale large top mass large Higgs mass N.Haba, S.Matsumoto, N.Okada and T.Y. in preparation Effective potential is calculated Non-orbifold like fermions Vanishing contributions The low energy effective theory is also analyzed in the coming paper

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