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IOP’s (indirect object pronouns)

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1 IOP’s (indirect object pronouns)
Español 2: Capítulo 4A

2 Indirect Object Pronouns:
* Indicate to whom or for whom an action is performed. To determine, ask… to/for whom? *Sometimes you can use (a+Ud/el/ella or a noun) to clarify to whom when using “le” or “les”. Ejemplos: Carlos compra la pizza a Maricela. (Carlos buys the pizza for Maricela) Carlos le compra la pizza (a ella). (Carlos buys the pizza for her) Victoria da el papel a Jaime. (Victoria gives the paper to Jaime) Victoria le da el papel (a el). (Victoria gives the paper to him) me - to/for me nos -to/for us te - to/for you XXXXXX to/for him le to/for her to/for it to/for you les to/for them to/for you guys

3 Pronoun Placement: IOP’s
#1: Before a conjugated verb Carlos le compra la pizza - Carlos buy the pizza for her (a ella). #2: With INF phrases A: Before the entire INF phrase Carlos le quiere comprar la pizza. Carlos wants to B: Attached to the INF ending buy the pizza for her. Carlos quiere comprarle la pizza.

4 Pronoun Placement: Reflexivos, DOP’s, & IOP’s
#3: With Estar + ING tense (ando, iendo, yendo) A: Before ESTAR Carlos la está comprando. Carlos is buying it. B: Attached to the ING ending Carlos está comprándola. *when attaching you must add an accent over the correct syllable to maintain proper pronunciation of the original word* *ING Attach 1, 2, 3 acento aquí (count backwards 3 syllables & add accent)*

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