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Reading hours with animals

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1 Reading hours with animals
MAY 2016 READ Programme: Reading hours with animals 1st Special Nursery School of Patras, Greece

2 Reading hours with animals
MAY 2016 READ Programme: Reading hours with animals NIAOU: A cat and a girl (teaching daily routines with animal’s help)

3 Reading hours with animals
MAY 2016 READ Programme: Reading hours with animals NIAOU: A cat and a girl (teaching daily routines with animal’s help)

4 Reading hours with animals
MAY 2016 READ Programme: Reading hours with animals NIAOU: A cat and a girl (teaching daily routines with animal’s help)

5 Reading hours with animals
MAY 2016 READ Programme: Reading hours with animals NIAOU: A cat and a girl (teaching daily routines with animal’s help)

6 Reading hours with animals
MAY 2016 READ Programme: Reading hours with animals NIAOU: A cat and a girl (teaching daily routines with animal’s help)

7 Reading hours with animals
MAY 2016 READ Programme: Reading hours with animals NIAOU: A cat and a girl (teaching daily routines with animal’s help)

8 Reading hours with animals
MAY 2016 READ Programme: Reading hours with animals NIAOU: A cat and a girl (teaching daily routines with animal’s help)

9 Reading hours with animals
MAY 2016 READ Programme: Reading hours with animals Other tales with animals – Aesop’s Tales

10 Reading hours with animals
MAY 2016 READ Programme: Reading hours with animals Other tales with animals – Aesop’s Tales

11 Reading hours with animals
MAY 2016 READ Programme: Reading hours with animals Other tales with animals – Aesop’s Tales

12 Reading hours with animals
MAY 2016 READ Programme: Reading hours with animals Other tales with animals – Puss in boots

13 Reading hours with animals
MAY 2016 READ Programme: Reading hours with animals Other tales with animals – Peter and Wolf

14 READ Programme: Reading hours with animals
MAY 2016 READ Programme: Reading hours with animals

15 READ Programme: Reading hours with animals
MAY 2016 READ Programme: Reading hours with animals

16 READ Programme: Reading hours with animals
MAY 2016 READ Programme: Reading hours with animals

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