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TGmb – Closing Report Date: Authors: November 2007

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Presentation on theme: "TGmb – Closing Report Date: Authors: November 2007"— Presentation transcript:

1 TGmb – Closing Report Date: 2007-11-15 Authors: November 2007
doc.: IEEE /2920r0 November 2007 TGmb – Closing Report Date: Authors: Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE Patent Policy and Procedures: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE 802 Patent Policy and Procedures <>, including the statement "IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard." Early disclosure to the Working Group of patent information that might be relevant to the standard is essential to reduce the possibility for delays in the development process and increase the likelihood that the draft publication will be approved for publication. Please notify the Chair as early as possible, in written or electronic form, if patented technology (or technology under patent application) might be incorporated into a draft standard being developed within the IEEE Working Group. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates

2 TGmb Tuesday November 13, 2007 10:30PM – 12:30PM November 2007
doc.: IEEE /2920r0 November 2007 TGmb Tuesday November 13, 2007 10:30PM – 12:30PM Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates

3 Announcements Meeting documents: Meeting attendance sign-in
November 2007 doc.: IEEE /2920r0 November 2007 Announcements Meeting attendance sign-in Meeting documents: Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates

4 Proposed Agenda Approve July 2007 Meeting minutes
November 2007 doc.: IEEE /2920r0 November 2007 Proposed Agenda Approve July 2007 Meeting minutes Document: 07/2251r0 Review IEEE Patent Policy Review and process new interpretation requests TCLAS Element interpretation request from e-2005 By CSR Interpretation document – doc:07/2248r0 TPC (transmit power control) interpretation EIRP P clause: TGMb Timeline updates Plans for January 2008 New business Adjourn Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates

5 Motion Move to approve Agenda Moved by: Kyle Williams
November 2007 doc.: IEEE /2920r0 November 2007 Motion Move to approve Agenda Moved by: Kyle Williams 2ND Dave Stephenson Results: Approved by Unanimous Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates

6 Agenda Approve July 2007 Meeting minutes Review IEEE Patent Policy
November 2007 doc.: IEEE /2920r0 November 2007 Agenda Approve July 2007 Meeting minutes Document: 07/2251r0 Review IEEE Patent Policy Review and process new interpretation requests TCLAS Element interpretation request from e-2005 By CSR Interpretation document – doc:07/2248r0 TPC (transmit power control) interpretation EIRP P clause: TGMb Timeline updates Plans for January 2008 New business Adjourn Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates

7 Move to approve July 2007 Minutes doc: 07/2251r0
November 2007 doc.: IEEE /2920r0 November 2007 Motion Move to approve July Minutes doc: 07/2251r0 Moved by: Dave Stephenson 2nd Mark Hamilton Results: Approved by Unanimous Consent Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates

8 Proposed Agenda Approve July 2007 Meeting minutes
November 2007 doc.: IEEE /2920r0 November 2007 Proposed Agenda Approve July 2007 Meeting minutes Document: 07/2251r0 Review IEEE Patent Policy Review and process new interpretation requests TCLAS Element interpretation request from e-2005 By CSR Interpretation document – doc:07/2248r0 TPC (transmit power control) interpretation EIRP P clause: TGMb Timeline updates Plans for January 2008 New business Adjourn Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates

9 Operating Policies and Procedures
November 2007 doc.: IEEE /2920r0 November 2007 Operating Policies and Procedures Operating Policies and Procedures in order of priority IEEE Project 802 LMSC Policies and Procedures LMSC_P&P_November_2005_R doc Revised January 4, 2006 IEEE Working Group Policies and Procedures Document IEEE r4 for Robert’s Rules of Order Latest Edition Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates 11 Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates

10 November 2007 doc.: IEEE /2920r0 November 2007 Member Affiliation It is defined in the IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws, as: “An individual is deemed “affiliated” with any individual or entity that has been, or will be, financially or materially supporting that individual’s participation in a particular IEEE standards activity. This includes, but is not limited to, his or her employer and any individual or entity that has or will have, either directly or indirectly, requested, paid for, or otherwise sponsored his or her participation. Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates

11 Declaration of Affiliation
November 2007 doc.: IEEE /2920r0 November 2007 Declaration of Affiliation Revision: May 2007 Standards Board Bylaw Openness Openness is defined as the quality of being not restricted to a particular type or category of participants. All meetings involving standards development an all IEEE Sponsor ballots shall be open toa all interested parties. Each individual participant in IEEE Standards activities shall disclose his or her affiliations when requested. A person who knows or reasonably should know, that a participant’s disclosure is materially incomplete or incorrect should report that fact to the Secretary of the IEEE-SA Standards Board and the appropriate Sponsors. Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates

12 November 2007 doc.: IEEE /2920r0 Affiliation Policy November 2007 Requirement to declare affiliation at all standards development meetings and recorded in the minutes Affiliation not necessarily same as employer Declaration requirement may be familiar to some 802 WGs, though WG declaration process may evolve 11. What if I refuse to disclose my affiliation? As outlined in IEEE-SA governance documents, you will lose certain rights. In a working group where voting rights are gained through attendance, no attendance credit will be granted if affiliation isn’t declared. Similarly, voting rights are to be removed if affiliation isn’t declared. Affiliation declaration will be added to Sponsor ballot Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates

13 November 2007
doc.: IEEE /2920r0 November 2007 Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates

14 November 2007
doc.: IEEE /2920r0 November 2007 Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates

15 November 2007
doc.: IEEE /2920r0 November 2007 Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates

16 November 2007
doc.: IEEE /2920r0 November 2007 Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates

17 November 2007
doc.: IEEE /2920r0 November 2007 Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates

18 November 2007 November 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/2920r0
Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates

19 Question to the members
November 2007 doc.: IEEE /2920r0 November 2007 Question to the members Chair: Are there any essential patents or patent applications of which the members are aware, for which the Working group chair needs to be notified? Response:__NO______ Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates

20 Agenda Approve July 2007 Meeting minutes Review IEEE Patent Policy
November 2007 doc.: IEEE /2920r0 November 2007 Agenda Approve July 2007 Meeting minutes Document: 07/2251r0 Review IEEE Patent Policy Review and process new interpretation requests TCLAS Element interpretation request from e-2005 By CSR Interpretation document – doc:07/2248r0 TPC (transmit power control) interpretation EIRP P clause: TGMb Timeline updates Plans for January 2008 New business Adjourn Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates

21 November 2007 doc.: IEEE /2920r0 November 2007 WG Motion -TGMb Move to approve doc: 11-07/2248r1 as the interpretation response to interpretation request on TCLAS elements as specified in section Moved by: Dave Stephenson 2nd Kyle Williams Results; Approved by Unanimous Consent Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates

22 Agenda Approve July 2007 Meeting minutes Review IEEE Patent Policy
November 2007 doc.: IEEE /2920r0 November 2007 Agenda Approve July 2007 Meeting minutes Document: 07/2251r0 Review IEEE Patent Policy Review and process new interpretation requests TCLAS Element interpretation request from e-2005 By CSR Interpretation document – doc:07/2248r0 TPC (transmit power control) interpretation EIRP P clause: TGMb Timeline updates Plans for January 2008 New business Adjourn Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates

23 Interpretation Request
November 2007 doc.: IEEE /2920r0 November 2007 Interpretation Request TPC (transmit power control) interpretation EIRP P clause: The TPC report element refers in many places to "transmit power" yet the transmit power value must be +-5 dB of an EIRP. Further, there is no single value for a STA's EIRP since EIRP varies by azimuth and elevation. Therefore it seems that where says EIRP or transmit power, it really means maximum EIRP. Brian Hart - Cisco Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates

24 Timeline TGmb November 2007 November 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/2920r0
Title TGma – Actual TGmb- Proposed PAR Approved/Expires March 20, 2003 3/22/2007 – 12/31/2011 WG letter ballot March 29, 2005 March 2009 WG Recirculation D2.0 – 7/7/2005 D3.0 – 8/8/2005 D4.0 – 9/9/2005 July 2009 Form Sponsor Ballot Poll Aug 21, 2005 Aug 2009 Sponsor Ballot D5.0 Oct 21, 2005 Oct 2009 Sponsor Recirculation D6.0 April 10, 2006 D7.0 June 21, 2006 D8.0 Aug 25, 2006 D9.0 Nov 7, 2006 April 2010 Final WG Approval Nov 8, 2006 Nov 2010 Final EC Approval RevCom Approval March 8, 2007 March 2011 Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates

25 Agenda Approve July 2007 Meeting minutes Review IEEE Patent Policy
November 2007 doc.: IEEE /2920r0 November 2007 Agenda Approve July 2007 Meeting minutes Document: 07/2251r0 Review IEEE Patent Policy Review and process new interpretation requests TCLAS Element interpretation request from e-2005 By CSR Interpretation document – doc:07/2248r0 TPC (transmit power control) interpretation EIRP P clause: TGMb Timeline updates Plans for January 2008 New business Adjourn Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates

26 Closing Report Summary
November 2007 doc.: IEEE /2920r0 November 2007 Closing Report Summary Reviewed and processed Interpretation Request TCLAS Element interpretation request from e-2005 By CSR Interpretation document – doc:07/2248r0 Completed and Approved interpretation request doc: 07/2248r1 Reviewed TGMb Timeline updates Plans for January 2008 Adjourn Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates

27 November 2007 doc.: IEEE /2920r0 November 2007 WG Motion -TGMb Move to approve doc: 11-07/2248r1 as the interpretation response to interpretation request on TCLAS elements as specified in section Moved by: Dave Stephenson 2nd Kyle Williams Results; Approved by Unanimous Consent Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates

28 Interpretation Request and Responses 2005-2007
November 2007 doc.: IEEE /2920r0 November 2007 Interpretation Request and Responses Request# Interpretation Date WG Status Relevant Sub-Clauses Topic 19 TBD 30-Jun-07 Pending TPC element 18 1/9/2007 12-Jun-07 TCLAS elements introduced by IEEE802.11e-2005 17 2/9/2006 18-Sep-06 Approved 28/0/0 , , C.3 ambiguity of usage of short and long retry counters after RTS/CTS failure 16 1/9/2006 Approved 28/0/9 7.3.2 requirements for operation of an implementation when encountering unknown values in an information element 15 3/7/2006 1-Jul-06 Approved 54/1/1 , , , , 9.2.8, 9.7 the use of RTS/CTS with fragmentation 14 2/5/2006 18-May-06 Approved 61/0/1 , 6.1.4, 8.5.4 the use of the 802.1X uncontrolled port by i. 13 1/5/2006 Approved 60/0/5 (figure 153B), correct value for the short SYNC field in g Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates

29 Goal for January 2008 Process any incoming interpretation requests
November 2007 doc.: IEEE /2920r0 November 2007 Goal for January 2008 Process any incoming interpretation requests TPC (transmit power control) interpretation EIRP P clause: Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates

30 Interpretation Responses
November 2007 doc.: IEEE /2920r0 November 2007 Interpretation Responses Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick & Associates

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