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Your own solution. The solution for others.

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Presentation on theme: "Your own solution. The solution for others."— Presentation transcript:

1 Three Steps to Building MeYouQ© and Creating a Foundation for Mental Wellness

2 Your own solution. The solution for others.


A work environment where coworkers and supervisors are supportive of employees’ psychological and mental health concerns, and respond appropriately as needed.

A work environment characterized by trust, honesty and fairness.

A work environment where there is effective leadership and support that helps employees know what they need to do, how their work contributes to the organization, and whether there are impending changes.

7 PF4: CIVILITY & RESPECT A work environment where employees are respectful and considerate in their interactions with one another, as well as with customers, clients and the public.


9 What issues do you see? Which changes would you recommend?

10 Training in Retaining and Engaging Employees

11 YOU Q ME Reserve Judgment and Show Empathy to Others
Know and Manage Yourself YOU Reserve Judgment and Show Empathy to Others Q Relate to Others and Build Relationships



14 Step 1: Know and Manage Yourself
Recognize Understand Manage

15 Chapter 1: Your Personality
Recognize the natural aspects of your personality. Understand how your personality is affecting your behaviour and thinking. Manage your personality; operate outside of your comfort zone if the situation calls for it.

16 Self-Awareness – Internal and External
Self-Appreciation – You are who you are!


18 Step 2: Reserve Judgment and Show Empathy
Avoid judgment See others as unique Value and respect others


20 She has an interesting laugh.
She’s so annoying Avoid judgment See others as unique She has an interesting laugh. Value and respect others How wonderful that she can maintain a positive attitude throughout the day!

21 I don’t like loud people.
I guess that’s just one of his many traits. People must listen when he talks.

22 She might be nervous because she wants to do a good job.
She should get rid of that nervous laugh if she is going to be in sales. I will coach her on sales calls, so her customers will see how wonderful she is. She might be nervous because she wants to do a good job.


24 Step 3: Relate to Others and Build Relationships
Build rapport Negotiate the relationship

25 Quality Rapport!

26 Quality Relationships!


28 What if they don’t want to
What if they don’t want to? What if they don’t think anything is wrong with their behaviour?

29 Apply MeYouQ© to the Psychosocial Factors:
Psychological Support Organizational Culture Clear Leadership & Expectations Civility & Respect Psychological Competencies & Requirements Growth & Development Recognition & Reward Involvement & Influence Workload Management Engagement Balance Psychological Protection Protection of Physical Safety Any other chronic stressor that may be identified by workers

30 Are you looking for a more peaceful, purposeful life?
Book and Book Club

31 Treena Chabot (204) / / LinkedIn Supervisor Training and PH&S Advising

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