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Econ. Essentials #4 Answer this question: What is economics?

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Presentation on theme: "Econ. Essentials #4 Answer this question: What is economics?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Econ. Essentials #4 Answer this question: What is economics?
Factors of Production Answer this question: What is economics?

2 Resources Anything used to make something ppl want or need

3 What will you do for dinner?
In your house you have….. Eggs Flour Cheese Bread Sugar Tomatoes Banana $15 What will you do for dinner?

4 Factors of Production or Productive Resources – anything used to make a product
Natural Resources Product that comes from nature / earth EX: flour, rain, corn, gold, wood

5 What natural resources does California have?

6 Types of Natural Resources
Renewable Resource: can be used indefinitely (if used appropriately) Lumber, water Exhaustible Resource: limited amounts Oil, coal

7 Is a gas a want or a need?

8 2. Human Resources: Human effort that goes into making a product
Labor: physical and mental effort Earn a wage for their effort Requires time

9 Entrepreneur: person who wants to earn a profit by taking a risk on a new business
Could suffer a loss

10 Why would someone choose to become an entrepreneur?

11 3. Capital Resources Any human creation used to make a product
EX: truck, tool, building, machines, technology

12 Econ. Ess. #5: Resources @ Work
For each of these, list all of the factors of production required to make the product. A. Natural Resources – B. Human Resources – C. Capital Resources - Dress Pizza Desk Book Math homework

13 Part B: Answer the following:
6. What resources is the U.S. rich in? 7. What resources do China and Saudi Arabia have? 7. If a country today is rich in natural resources such as cotton, but can’t produce food, what can this country do?

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