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Integrated Task Flow/Schedule Chart

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Presentation on theme: "Integrated Task Flow/Schedule Chart"— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrated Task Flow/Schedule Chart
Chen Jen 04/21/2010

2 Agenda Current Task Flow Chart Problems A Different Task Flow Chart
Benefits Hurdles Q&A

3 What we have currently Individual task flow What it does not tell:
Which day I should start doing these tasks and who I need to obtain the necessary information from How my tasks impact/interact with other people’s tasks.

4 Problems No visibility on how my work would help/impact others/whole project No visibility on who I should work with to complete a task Prompt individual work, not team work Challenging to manage project Inefficient team communication Could cause schedule delay

5 What is Integrated Task Flow/Schedule Chart
Vertical axis - a list of roles represented by Circles Horizontal axis- schedule in form of ICM Phases Squares-Tasks Arrowheads-feeding relationship between tasks

6 Close-Up Look(Example)

7 What does it tell Who should be doing what on which day precisely
Who I need to work with to collect all the data and information I need to complete the task Who needs to finish their tasks first to enable other tasks to start

8 benefits to the class/students
Prompts true team work Improves team communication Everyone knows who they should work with Visibility on who should be doing what on any given day(easy for PM to monitor the project progress ) Everyone would understand how critical their tasks and how they are tied to other people’s tasks and progress of the project Reduces risk of project delay

9 Hurdles Very labor intensive to integrate all the tasks in all the ICM phases for all the roles initially No one fits all solution-each team might have to tailor the chart to fit their specific projects

10 Questions

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