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9/15 - 8th Grade Agenda Learning Objective: Learn about Mass Volume and Density Collect HW: Reading & Notetaking 22-23 Back to School Video Video: Cosmos.

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Presentation on theme: "9/15 - 8th Grade Agenda Learning Objective: Learn about Mass Volume and Density Collect HW: Reading & Notetaking 22-23 Back to School Video Video: Cosmos."— Presentation transcript:

1 9/ th Grade Agenda Learning Objective: Learn about Mass Volume and Density Collect HW: Reading & Notetaking 22-23 Back to School Video Video: Cosmos Late Poster of Science Presentations Textbook reading: p HW: Reading & Notetaking p

2 Daily Reflection Prompt: Why is the metric system better than using feet, pound and ounce.

3 Scientific Process Observe Pose a Question Develop a Hypothesis
Predict Experiment and collect data

4 Scientific Inquiry stigate anations
Scientific Inquiry refers to the diverse ways in which scientists inve_______ the natural world and pose expl__________ based on the evidence they gather. stigate anations

5 1st Step: Posing Questions
Scientific Inquiry often begins with a problem or question about an obse_________. rvation

6 2nd Step: Hypothesis anations
Hypothesis is a possible expl_______ for a set of observation or answer to a scientific question anations

7 3rd Step: Design an Experiment
An experiment in which only one var______ is manipulated at a time is called a controlled experiment Why is only one variable manipulated? iable

8 4th Step: Collecting and Interpreting Data
Data are the facts, figures, and other evi_______ gathered through observations. It is usually a data or a chart dence

9 5th Step: Drawing Conclusions
A conclusion is a summary of what you have lea_____ from an experiment. rned

10 6th Step: Communicating
Communicating is sharing of ideas and experimental findings with others through writing and sp______. eaking

11 What is the difference between Mass and Weight?
Weight is a measure of force of gravity on you. 90 pounds = 400 newtons Mass is a measure of the amount of matter an object contains

12 What is Volume? ace M ass V olume
Volume is the amount of sp______ an object takes up. Density = _________ ace M ass V olume

13 What is Density? lume ngth dth ight
Density is mass per unit vo__________ For Rectangular Solilds Volume = Le_______ X Wi______ X He______ lume ngth dth ight

14 Which object will float in water?
Wood = .8 g/cm3 Ice = .9 g/cm3 Water = 1.0 g/cm3 Aluminum = 2.7 g/cm3 Gold = 19.3 g/cm3

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