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Mapping of the Landscape Meeting agenda

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Presentation on theme: "Mapping of the Landscape Meeting agenda"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mapping of the Landscape Meeting agenda
1. Introduction, review of history of group, and tour de la table; 2. Presentation on Activities to date including spread sheet; (EarthCube, RDA AoK, AoO) (Raphael Ritz, Steve Diggs) 3. Presentation on new mapping the landscape exercises; (Biosharing) (Peter McQuilton) 4. Presentations on Potential Map ‘Legends’ (Lesley Wyborn, Markus Stocker) 5. Discussions, including review of charter. 6. Next steps, including online meetings, goals and milestones

2 Mapping Of the Landscape (MoL) Interest Group
Objectives: Develop a web page with a catalogue of MOL activities related to identifying research data infrastructures; Develop a synthesis of existing MoL activities for research data infrastructure activities within and beyond RDA; Investigate mapping practices including methodologies, tools, workflows, etc. and identifying whether any key pieces are missing; and Discuss opportunities for collaborations on existing MoL exercises. This group was partially informed by the RDA Atlas of Knowledge and TAB LOG mapping exercises, though in contrast to this activity, the proposed MoL IG will focus on activities  eternally to RDA and at a higher organizational level.

3 Mapping Of the Landscape (MoL) IG session
Meeting Objectives: Progress the MoL Interest Group further Update on existing and potential new mapping projects Review potential products that could be used as a ‘legend’ for the Map of the MoLs Finalising the strategu that would underpin the case statement.

4 Activities to date Bright idea at Denver for a BoF at Plenary 8 Before the session started we had compiled the magnificent 8 Continued at Plenary 9 in Barcelona A Map of the Landscape Index table created Several effective methodologies for displaying and visualising MoL activities  were demonstrated and could be used for a variety of MoLs. Decided to capture the strategy and reasonbehind why the MoL was being undertaken. Agreed to cut the scope back to just preparing a “map” of the MoL activities being undertaken. But There was consent that like any geographical map, a ‘Map’ of the MoLs needed a legend of some sort. What was noted was: There was no agreed vocabulary or ontology to describe what each MoL is doing in a consistent way; That there was a diversity of infrastructures that each was trying to map (technology, data/information, computational systems, etc) No agreed ‘research discipline vocabulary

5 Tis an elephant problem – how do we break it down?

6 Mapping of the Landscape Meeting agenda
1. Introduction, review of history of group, and tour de la table; 2. Presentations on Activities to date including spread sheet; (EarthCube, RDA AoK, AoO) (Raphael Ritz, Steve Diggs) 3. Presentation on new mapping the landscape exercises; (Biosharing) (Peter McQuilton) 4. Presentations on Potential Map ‘Legends’ (Lesley Wyborn, Markus Stocker) 5. Discussions, including review of charter. 6. Next steps, including online meetings, goals and milestones

7 Update on Mapping Of the Landscape Known Activities
Belmont Forum CODATA Task Group on Coordinating Data Standards amongst Scientific Unions RISCAPE (European Research infrastructures in the international landscape) ESIP (Earth Science Information Partners) - EarthCube: Map of the Landscape - Portraying Connections Mapping the Arctic Data Ecosystem AuScope RDA TAB: Landscape Overview Group Edutopia Open Scholarship Initiative GEO RDA Europe: Atlas of Knowledge RDA Health Data Interest Group SeaDataNet: European Directory of Marine Organisations (EDMO) DataOne Magnificent 8 Plenary 8 Plenary 9

8 Meeting agenda 1. Introduction, review of history of group, and tour de la table; 2. Presentations on Activities to date including spread sheet; (EarthCube, RDA AoK, AoO) (Raphael Ritz, Steve Diggs) 3. Presentation on new mapping the landscape exercises; (Biosharing) (Peter McQuilton) 4. Presentations on Potential Map ‘Legends’ (Lesley Wyborn, Markus Stocker) 5. Discussions, including review of charter. 6. Next steps, including online meetings, goals and milestones

9 Meeting agenda 1. Introduction, review of history of group, and tour de la table; 2. Presentations on Activities to date including spread sheet; (EarthCube, RDA AoK, AoO) (Raphael Ritz, Steve Diggs) 3. Presentation on new mapping the landscape exercises; (Biosharing) (Peter McQuilton) 4. Presentations on Potential Map ‘Legends’ (Lesley Wyborn, Markus Stocker) 5. Discussions, including review of charter. 6. Next steps, including online meetings, goals and milestones

10 Meeting agenda 1. Introduction, review of history of group, and tour de la table; 2. Presentations on Activities to date including spread sheet; (EarthCube, RDA AoK, AoO) (Raphael Ritz, Steve Diggs) 3. Presentation on new mapping the landscape exercises; (Biosharing) (Peter McQuilton) 4. Presentations on Potential Map ‘Legends’ (Lesley Wyborn, Markus Stocker) 5. Discussions, including review of charter. 6. Next steps, including online meetings, goals and milestones

11 Meeting agenda 1. Introduction, review of history of group, and tour de la table; 2. Presentations on Activities to date including spread sheet; (EarthCube, RDA AoK, AoO) (Raphael Ritz, Steve Diggs) 3. Presentation on new mapping the landscape exercises; (Biosharing) (Peter McQuilton) 4. Presentations on Potential Map ‘Legends’ (Lesley Wyborn, Markus Stocker) 5. Discussions, including review of charter. 6. Next steps, including online meetings, goals and milestones

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