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VSH, an efficient and provable collision resistant hash function

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1 VSH, an efficient and provable collision resistant hash function
Scott Contini1, Arjen K. Lenstra2, Ron Steinfeld1 1 Macquarie University 2 Lucent Technologies Bell Laboratories, Technical Univ. Eindhoven

2 As usual in crypto, we cheat
Efficient means: much faster than previous provable hashes (preliminary result: 25  slower than SHA-1) Provable means: finding collisions provably reducible to NMSRVS: ‘non-trivial modular squareroot of very smooth number’ (factoring experience: NMSRVS looks very hard)

3 Previous factoring based hash
Hard to factor composite n Bit b: fx (b) = xb (1 if bit is off, x if bit is on) Bitstring B, bit b: H2(B||b) = (H2(B)2  f2(b) ) mod n  message m: H2(m) = 2m mod n Slow: a squaring modulo n per message-bit H2-collision reveals information about (n) Hx (x > 2) same security as H2 (and marginally slower)

4 Speeding it up? Goal: a modular squaring per k message-bits
for a blocklength k substantially larger than 1 Easy to achieve (with p(i) the ith prime): Use Hp(1) for first bit, (k+1)th bit, (2k+1)th bit, … Use Hp(2) for second bit, (k+2)nd bit, (2k+2)nd bit, … Use Hp(k) for kth bit, 2kth bit, 3kth bit, … Multiply results: VSH = H2  H3  …  Hp(k) Very Smooth Hash: product of k known hashes (this is not the way VSH was constructed)

5 Why Faster? As in multi-exponentiation: share the squarings
Let b be a k-bit string, b = b(1)||b(2)||…||b(k), then: f(b) = p(1)b(1)  p(2)b(2)  …  p(k)b(k) with k (130) such that 1ik p(i) < n (1024 bit) Bitstring B of length multiple of k: VSH(B||b) = (VSH(B)2  f(b) ) mod n Cost per k message-bits: computation of f(b), plus one modular squaring and multiplication  VSH about k/3 times faster than H2

6 Security? Need p(k+1) & length before first block
Collision does not reveal (n), but non-trivial modular sqrt of very smooth number (NMSRVS): x2  1ik+1 p(i)e(i) mod n (‘relation’ in factoring, with much larger k) k + t + 1 collisions lead to: t independent 50% chances to factor n Owner of factorization can create collisions (that reveal the factorization)

7 Conclusion VSH: Very Smooth Hash,
O(1) modular multiplies per logn message-bits Easy invertibility for short messages can be fixed k = O((logn)c), asymptotically: if collisions can be found faster than factoring, then collision finder can be turned into faster factoring algorithm 1024-bit RSA security: >1MB/sec on 1GHz PIII Spin-offs: prov sec random trapdoor hash, etc. See

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