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Reactive Android Development

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Presentation on theme: "Reactive Android Development"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reactive Android Development
CS T & CS T Summer 2016 ListView

2 ListView Easily added to your activity's layout with <ListView
android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content"/>

3 ListView But how do we add and remove items from the list?

4 ListView But how do we add and remove items from the list?
With difficulty!

5 ListView But how do we add and remove items from the list?
With difficulty! Well, sometimes…

6 ListView:Adapters Something has to bridge the gap between a data structure and the view

7 ListView:Adapters ArrayAdapter is a pretty good starting point

8 ListView:Adapters ArrayAdapter is a pretty good starting point
By default, it works with strings Or objects that implement toString()

9 ListView:Adapters If you want to customize the view
Override the getView method Which we will discuss next time!

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