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Research Administrators Forum

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Presentation on theme: "Research Administrators Forum"— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Administrators Forum
October 14, 2009 WPIC Auditorium

2 HR Updates Open Enrollment – Nov 2nd through 13th
Protected Health Information (PHI) for Research Purposes Pursuant to the HIPAA Privacy Rules FLSA Training Bloodborne Pathogens Training

3 OGC Staff Updates Aniko Nalevanko has assumed the role as the new Team Leader of the Personnel Team Departing Staff Sharon Clancey: Please send personnel correspondence (MOU, CSA) to Aniko Nalevanko Linda Broniecki: Please send grant related correspondence to Mariana Rieke until new Grant Specialist has been hired

4 Postdoctoral Appointments
Notify Aniko Nalevanko of any postdoctoral appointment or reappointments. Aniko will assist in providing salary information and OACD offer letter templates. the offer letter to Tammy Dennis in OACD for approval and copy Aniko on the Once the offer letter is approved have the PI and Postdoc sign the letter and send it to Aniko Aniko will provide a final review of the letter, initial and send to the Chairman’s office for signature

5 UPMC Electronic Processing of Disbursements and Expense: eVoucher & My Expense Module
Due to staffing shortages, UPMC Accounts Payable will no longer accept hard copy request for Disbursement Request or Travel & Business Expense Reports from Research departments

6 UPMC Accounts Payable All UPMC employees Travel & Business Expenses reimbursements need to be processed using the My Expense Module All UPMC Disbursement Request need to be processed using eVoucher

7 Delegating Approval Authorities
The OGC will need to approve and encumber all expenditures on grants after the PI or designated approver approves the transaction You will need to change the approver delegation of the requester in My Hub to your Grants Specialist before you can submit request electronically Write your Grant Specialist’s address next to the employees that will submit expense (do not cut and paste address)

8 My Expense Module UPMC Employees – travel & business expenditures need to be processed using the My Expense module in My Hub Tutorial Link: OGC had some advance warning and started pilot testing electronic processing before Labor Day. Results are encouraging: Payments were processed faster Electronic process provides better tracking Instructions are on the OGC website in the Fiscal section

9 My Expense Module Two Options for entering expenses into My Hub
Each UPMC employee can complete their own expense reimbursement request through My Hub The project can select one central person to complete all their expense reimbursement requests

10 My Expense Module Multiple locations or mileage per month
Use the Destination Location code of Other, and a mileage log must be submitted Select Accounting Defaults in order to charge the correct grant account number Check For Errors button will display visual indicators next to any line item that have missing or invalid information

11 Process a My Expense Request
After the user has saved their report the system assigns the Report ID Print the front page which shows the Report ID Print the “Printable View”, attach the associated back-up, and have the PI approve the reimbursement Send the Printable View and backup in the Travel & Business Expense envelope to your Grants Specialist Employees will receive an notification informing them that the report is approved

12 Process a My Expense Request
If the online request is incorrect, your Grants Specialist will send back the request for modification and resubmission Use the Submit Confirmation page to review a summary of the expense report and to confirm the submission of the approval or denial After the report has been approved, the employee is reimbursed via direct deposit within 3-5 business days

13 eVoucher eVoucher is used for submitting UPMC disbursement request paid by UPMC Tutorial Link: Instructions are on the OGC website in the Fiscal section

14 eVoucher After submitting an eVoucher click the Cover Sheet button to print Attach the back up documentation to the Cover Sheet and request PI approval Once the PI has signed it send the Cover Sheet and back up documentation to your Grants Specialist Scan documents via to your Grants Specialist (preferred method) or fax / mail

15 eVoucher Process Your Grants Specialist (GS) will verify the online eVoucher request, and if it is correct approve the request on the eVoucher system If the eVoucher is incorrect your GS will “deny” your request and add instructions on the comment section Revise the eVoucher and resubmit it for approval

16 eVoucher Features Manage eVouchers – allows users to edit an eVoucher and to correct an eVoucher that was denied by an Approver Inquire eVoucher – check the status of an eVoucher or payment information

17 eVoucher Users eVoucher will transition out of My Hub (ePro) by the end of the calendar year Oct 6th was based on eVoucher activity from 3/1/08 – 7/1/08 Send a list of your eVoucher users for your area (by PI) to your Grants Specialist by Oct 23, 2009 We will use your list to confirm that users are not deleted in the eVoucher system when UPMC makes this transition

18 University/Pitt Payment Process
All University of Pittsburgh Faculty & Staff (Postdoc’s, Graduate Students) need to be reimbursed using a University of Pittsburgh Travel and Business Expense Report processed through the University Continue the regular procedures for Pitt Disbursements (i.e. CSA payments, Subcontract payments, postage) Send all hard copies to your GS for approval Pitt forms are on the OGC website; fiscal section

19 New & Improved Financial Reports
Cover Memo: Provides all relevant information Account Budget Report: Shows expenses and encumbrances by the budget subcodes which match the University levels Personnel Detail: Shows all salary information in order to compare proposed and actual effort Monthly Expenses: Current budget history of actual expenses by expense category (NEW) Burn Rate Graph: Compares the optimal and actual burn rate of Direct Expenditures (NEW)

20 Demographic Information

21 Direct Cost Balance

22 Sub-Accounts and Subcontracts
Subcontracts are encumbered from the moment the paperwork is initiated. The projected direct cost balance assumes that the total budget amounts of sub-accounts and subcontracts will be completely expensed by the end of the current budget period.



25 Optimal Burn Rate Calculation
The total DC is calculated as follows: Direct costs from activation sheet of current budget period plus carryover Carryover is determined as follows: Using monthly level report from final month of prior period Total budget available less Indirect Cost budget available


27 Electronic Levels After the delivery of the December 2009 Level reports, the University community will no longer receive paper Level reports From January 2010 the University will no longer distribute levels to individual programs due to permission problems. The OGC is insufficiently staffed to provide levels for individual programs.

28 IRB, UPMC Fiscal Review An account number cannot be issued until your IRB and/or IACUC is approved OGC is now sending out s to PI’s & Administrators notifying them if a grant has a high probability of being funded, they need to request IRB/IACCUC approval Fiscal Review – if your award requires UPMC fiscal review this can now be done simultaneously with the IRB process

29 Stimulus Grant Reporting
Mandatory Quarterly reporting for all Awards funded by the ARRA In collaboration between the Health Sciences Office of Research, Office of Research, and Research Cost Accounting, a database has been developed to facilitate accurate and timely reporting To facilitate vendor reporting all Stimulus grants will need to use PantherBuy for all purchases Use of P-Cards is not allowable on Stimulus grants (075XX).

30 Grant Application Internal Due Dates
Office of Research has reduced their internal submission deadline for all submissions from 10 to 5 business days Accordingly, the internal deadline to have your submission completed and submitted to the OGC has been reduced to: 8 business days prior to agency deadline

31 Rejection of Error Free Grant Applications
The Office of Research will not reject any application that was originally submitted without errors because of omissions by the PI – July 8, from Allen DiPalma

32 RAF’s 2009/2010 Announcements will be posted on the website on a regular basis – please start checking the website for new postings! Additional RAFs this academic year: January 13, 2010 May 12, 2010

33 OGC Website
The website should be considered a “live” document that will continue to evolve – we want it to be optimally helpful to you and your program, let us know what you would like to see posted!

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