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Open House Mr. del Cristo

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Presentation on theme: "Open House Mr. del Cristo"— Presentation transcript:

1 Open House 2018-2019 Mr. del Cristo
Welcome to 2nd Grade Open House Mr. del Cristo

2 Open House Agenda Introductions/Sign up Sheets Volunteer Hours
Pick-up Procedures Meet the Teacher Parent Conferences Morning Procedures School Supplies/Rolling Book Bags Class Schedule Attendance Policies/Honor Roll Second Grade Changes Gradebook/School Website & Features Home Learning Policy/Student Binders Accelerated Reader/SAT- 10 Classroom Procedures and Rules Parent Communication Uniform Policy

3 Meet the Teacher FIU graduate (Class of 2010) 6th year at DAC
Have taught 2nd and 5th grade Experience teaching ESE students Sports fanatic (Miami teams only) Favorite food = Donuts

4 Pictured: A good boy Henry the dog

5 Morning Procedures Door opens at 8:10am
Students may SIT in the hallway as early as 8:00am Before Care – enroll in front office with Maria What To Do: Students enter classroom quietly and head to their desk Turn in HW in the tray Place lunchbox in shelf Copy HW and begin morning assignment

6 Our Daily Schedule

7 Attendance Policies Doral Academy and JAM awards Perfect Attendance to: Students with 0 absences and 0 tardies Please note that the DAC/JAM policy is different from the standard MDCPS policy for awarding perfect attendance. To ensure students make their best effort to be present at school every day, referrals will be issued for the following: 10 tardies = 1 referral 5 unexcused absences = 1 referral 10 early releases = 1 referral

8 Honor Roll 1st, 2nd, and 3rd quarter Honor Roll will be held inside classrooms with students only. This allows: Immediate feedback to students for a job well done Inclusive classroom environment for peers to congratulate and encourage each other More time for classroom instruction 4th Quarter and Year Round Honor Roll will be held in the cafeteria followed by the Book Fair and an outdoor celebration. Parents will be invited to partake in these activities.

9 Home Learning Policy Students will be assigned home learning on a daily basis. It is to be completed and returned the day after it is assigned, unless specified by Mr. del Cristo. Messy assignments and/or assignments missing a name will not be accepted. It is the STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY to copy their home learning assignments in their Doral Academy agenda every morning. Home learning assignments will also be posted on school website (however, could be subject to change.) Parents, please check your child's Doral Academy agenda to ensure that your child is keeping up to date with his/her assignments.

10 Home Learning Policy The student binder must be checked EVERYDAY along with the agenda. All homework should be placed inside the DAC folder which will be inside the student binder. Important papers and communication from the school are sent home in the DAC folder. DAC Folders & Agendas are on sale at the online school store for $12.50.

11 Parent Homework & Seat Sacks
(All homework must be completed by Monday, Aug. 21st) Please send Mr. del Cristo an with: your name your child’s name Purchase the home learning folder at the Online Store. Return ALL open house paperwork. Send Students with $10 in an envelope with their name on it for their seat sack.

12 Classroom Rules Rules will be posted on the wall.
Rules will be discussed as a whole group with students’ input. Examples of good and unacceptable behavior will be discussed during the first week of school in order to make sure that students understand them. Students are required to follow rules, if they do not it will affect their conduct grade.

13 Behavior Plan There will be a behavior chart posted on the wall. We will recite and discuss the classroom rules in the first week of school. Rules that are broken will, result in students moving their “clip” down from Ready for Adventure to Wrong Path and then down to Lost in the Jungle. Students will lose privileges related to recess, lunch, field trips, treasure box, etc.

14 Uniform Policy (DAC policy NOT Mr. del Cristo’s policy)
All uniforms must be purchased at “All Uniform Wear”. Tops must be tucked into the pants or skorts (skirt shorts) BLACK belt must be worn at all times. Please make sure your child has a WHITE uniform shirt as this is what is needed for the yearbook picture. A RED shirt is also required for class picture day. Only long jeans are allowed on Jean Day Friday for $1.00 (please no jean shorts, jean skirts, or capri pants) MUST be paid through our online store.

15 Uniform Policy (DAC policy NOT Mr. del Cristo’s policy)
Tops: Polo shirts must be RED, WHITE, or NAVY BLUE and embroidered with the school name and logo. All shirts must be tucked inside pants at all times. Bottoms: Pants/skorts may be NAVY BLUE or KHAKI. Belts must be worn at all times. They must be plain, black, and fastened securely at waist level. Shoes: BLACK (ALL BLACK) closed toe shoes or sneakers must be worn. No sandals, crocs, boots, heels or platform shoes are allowed. Sweaters: NAVY BLUE uniform sweatshirts and sweaters with embroidered school logo may be worn.

16 Volunteer Hours Step-by-step instructions on how to become a cleared School Volunteer can be found on our School Website: “How to Become a School Volunteer” School wide volunteer opportunities can be found on our School Website: “Volunteer Spot” For other volunteer opportunities, please communicate with me via or in-person during dismissal.

17 Pick-Up Procedures After dismissal parents are not allowed in the building without being accompanied by teacher or administration. If student is not picked up by 3:15 Parents will be charged $1 per-minute late. Students can only be sent to the after care program if they are pre-registered.



20 Parent Conferences Parent conferences must be scheduled.
Conferences will be scheduled as needed. Best way to get in touch with me is via . My Please me as soon as possible in order to add you to my parent contact list for updates and important information! Please include your child’s FULL name in the subject line. Or you can call school at and I will return your call within 48 hours.

21 School Supplies Students are ONLY required to take home:
Agenda & DAC Folder Student Binder Practice books (soft-cover books) Students are NOT required to take textbooks home. It will be at the parents discretion if they would like child to take home a textbook. Textbooks will be available online. Book bags should not be heavy at all and therefore there is no need for a rolling book bag. Rolling book bags cause many accidents in the hallways with students tripping and falling. If a rolling book bag is absolutely necessary due to health reasons, a doctors note must be submitted to the office. Previous doctors notes are not valid. If a student does not have a doctors note on file and brings in a rolling book bag it will be confiscated by administration and a parent must come in to pick it up.

22 Rolling Book Bags Hi! I’m Nurse Cathy! In order for students to be exempt from the “no rolling book bag” rule, a doctor must fill out the Physician Statement Form available at the nurse’s desk Students with a rolling book bag who do not have the required form on file will be asked to call home for a replacement book bag School nurse will keep a master list of all students requiring a rolling book bag We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring our students’ safety

23 2nd Grade CHANGES Second grade is a turning point in your child’s education. In this class your child will become responsible and learn that only they are accountable for their work and actions. For that reason: No more home learning packets. They are responsible for copying, packing for, and completing Home Learning everyday. Special Areas (Music, Art, P.E, and Spanish) Parents are allowed to participate in birthday celebrations as long as prior notice is given to teacher. Birthday parties are done during lunch between 10:35-11:05.

24 Gradebook Parents will be able to see students grades on the parent portal. To log in use child’s ID number and birth date. If you have any problems, you may contact the front desk for assistance.

25 Welcome to the 2018-2019 school year!
Art - Mrs. A Clancy Welcome to the school year! A Welcome Packet with specific art supplies by grade, classroom rules and expectations, art projects and home learning will be sent home the first week of school. Supply list for all students to be kept in the art room listed below: -1 Ziploc Big Bag *can reuse bags from previous years* -2 Black Sharpies -Pack of Sharpened pencils -Plastic Ruler -Sharpener All information related to Art will be posted and up to date on my DAC webpage. For any questions or concerns please feel free to me at:

26 * SUPPLIES A la clase de español 2018-2019
Please label the supplies: (SPANISH - Student name - Grade) ​​​​​​​2nd Grade (1) White Binder 1/2inch filled with line paper and 5 clear sheet protectors. (1) Ream of copy paper (1) Box pencils #2                            A la clase de español Duties of the students at home Home Learning: Students should study their vocabularies (meaning and spelling) at home. Vocabularies will be updated in Mrs. Caminos page in the school webpage. Tests/ Quizzes: All tests will be announced a minimum of a week in advance. I am Mrs. Caminos and I will be your child's Spanish teacher for the upcoming school year My academic goal is to create a dynamic environment that inspires and encourages the children to speak, read and write Spanish through fun and interesting techniques such as lectures, songs, movies, graphics, games, and activities. I know to achieve this goal it is essential that children read more books in Spanish and this can only be accomplished with your collaboration. I’m looking forward to a happy and productive school year. As always thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Mrs. Alicia Caminos Cell. # 305−


28 The Musical Year at a Glance
QUARTER 1 Music Theory, Rhythm Reading, Solfege, Composers & Musical Eras QUARTER 2 World Music/Holiday Music, Recorder, Rhythm Reading, Solfege, Composers and Musical Eras QUARTER 3 Music Theory Review, Recorder, Instrument Families, Rhythm Reading, Solfege, Composers and Musical Eras QUARTER 4 Musicals, Composers, Recorder, Rhythm Reading, Solfege, Composers and Musical Eras *The quarterly topics are subject to change throughout the year.*

29 Music Supplies for 2nd & 3rd Grade
For Students To Bring/Have For Music Class: -Pack of No.2 Pencils (Sharpened) -1 Black Two Pocket Folder (clearly marked with child’s name) -Line Paper in Folder (placed inside folder) -Pencil Sharpener -Index Cards

30 GUITAR WITH MR. ALVAREZ Mr. Alvarez will be offering guitar afterschool this year. For more information, please feel free to Mr. Alvarez

31 REMINDERS Please bring all materials during the first week of school.
Students will receive their first home learning assignment of the year during the first week of school – due the second week of school. More detailed information about the Music Department including home learning assignments, projects, and more can be found in the Music Welcome Packet and on the Music Department Webpages on the DAC/JAM Website. If parents have any questions or concerns about the Music Department, please feel free to Ms. Losada and Mr. Alvarez This is the best way to reach us.

Physical Education Mr. ESCOLÀ Ms. FERNANDEZ Mr. Montero Mr. BARBOSA

33 Physical Education Program
In this program students will learn the benefits of a healthy lifestyle by implementing physical activity in their daily routine and mindful dietary choices. The promotion of better health habits is our number one priority. Very Important! Our Welcome Packet with specific information about Physical Education supplies and other necessary forms (ex. Physical Education Excuse Letter, and/or Contact Information form) are included with your Home Room Teacher’s Welcome Packet. Parent Contact Information Form MUST be entirely completed and turned in by Friday August 25th.

34 Physical Education Apparel and Grading Policy
One Grade per week Grades (100 Point Scale) Skill Test Participation Team Work / Cooperation Written Assignment Written Test Behavior in Class Proper Uniform Mandatory Athletic Shoes Red PE Folder Highly Recommended Water Bottle/Jug Sunscreen Hat Sunglasses

35 Join A Team and/or Club Boys Basketball Team.
Coach Barbosa. Boys and Girls Basketball Club. Coach Barbosa and Coach Del Cristo. Cheerleading Coach Clancy and Coach Vanessa Abreu Seasonal Sports Club (This club will take place in the morning before school). TBD Join A Team and/or Club Student Athletes must purchase School Insurance. You can find purchase information on our school online store. under the feature Store- Student Accident Insurance Program. $20.00 one time fee for the school year.

36 Thank you For your Support and cooperation.
Any Questions, coaches will be in their classrooms during open house hours.

37 DAC Website Features Ability to post weekly homework, announcements, school calendar, and events! Important documents are also available to download. Home Learning is subject to change online. Go by what your child wrote on their agenda. Links to: School grade book Parent Portal School Volunteer Sign Up Textbooks Online Store Special Area Classes

38 A.R. (Accelerated Reader)
A reading program based on your child’s individual reading level. At the beginning of each quarter the STAR test is administered, from that assessment I gather your child’s individual “Reading Range” Students will be receiving an index card with their individual reading levels. It will also contain the students quarterly goal. Every week we check points. For every 10 scores of 90% or 100%, your child will be able to choose an item from the class treasure box. At home they must read at least minutes everyday to help reach their weekly point goal. Every 9 weeks a grade is given based on student goal performance in A.R.

39 Constants AR Goals and AR Tests Spelling Choice Menu
Quarterly goals Weekly tests Child’s responsibility Spelling Choice Menu Daily home-learning Studying for Vocabulary Developing RESPONSIBILITY! Daily growth Let your child grow! Let them make mistakes and LEARN from them!

40 SAT-10 The Stanford Achievement Test, Tenth Edition is a multiple choice assessment that measures student progress toward high academic standards in reading and math. SAT-10 will be administered in April 2018 More information will be provided in January

41 Questions

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