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Culture of Life KCLS 2018 From Conception to Natural Death !

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Presentation on theme: "Culture of Life KCLS 2018 From Conception to Natural Death !"— Presentation transcript:

1 Culture of Life KCLS 2018 From Conception to Natural Death !
Chris Davis: State Life Director Peter and Ednamae Sahuc: Culture of Life Couple

2 Why are YOU pro-life? My story… “Life should be respected, loved,
and cherished from Conception to natural death!”

3 A Culture of Life Culture is the way in which men and women in a community mold or shape a particular way of relating to nature, to each other and to God, thus establishing a typical style of human coexistence. One of the primary values of the Culture of Life is respect for human life from its beginning at conception until its natural end. When a culture is capable of protecting and encouraging this vision of mankind through its political, social, economic and legal structures, it can be called a culture of life. Building such a culture not only requires collaboration of society’s leaders, but it is also a duty and a right of all Christians. As Catholics, in every circumstance, we must do all we can to build a culture of life.

4 What is the Culture of Death?
Abortion >900,000 womb Suicide ,000 self Murder ,000 others Euthanasia/ Terminally ill assisted suicide 5) Capital prisoners punishment What is the Culture of Death?

5 There Is More Than One Moral Threat to Human Life
What moral issues are covered under the Culture of Life? Abortion Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research Human Cloning Contraception In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Surrogacy Redefinition of Marriage Euthanasia

6 Secondary Life Issues What moral issues are covered under the Culture of Life? Abortion Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research Human Cloning Contraception In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Surrogacy Redefinition of Marriage Euthanasia

7 Secondary Life Issues What moral issues are covered under the Culture of Life? Abortion Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research Human Cloning Contraception In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Surrogacy Redefinition of Marriage Euthanasia Pre- or extra-marital sex Transgenderization

8 How are these culture of life issues related?
Pope Francis in the Holy Land said: “Every child needs to be accepted and protected…children need to be welcomed and defended, from the moment of their conception.” Attack on the dignity of the human person and the family Abortion Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research Human Cloning Contraception Surrogacy Redefinition of Marriage Euthanasia “As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the whole world in which we live.” Pope Saint John Paul II

9 What are the risks associated with using artificial birth control?
“The Pill” breast cancer hypertension (high blood pressure) blood clots stroke heart attack depression weight gain migraines Infertility

10 Q.What are the risks associated with using artificial birth control?

11 What are the risks associated with using artificial birth control?
Methods [of birth control] including use of spemacides, the IUD (Intrauterine Device) and even the so-called “permanent” sterilization methods of Tubal Ligation & Vasectomy all have associated health risks. In all cases pregnancy can occur! This includes cases when both Tubal Ligation & Vasectomy are used. 100% expectations from something that is at best 98% effective in achieving the desired outcome of preventing pregnancy creates the desire for this BIG SAFETY NET WE CALL ABORTION.

12 “O God, you knit me together in my mother’s womb
“O God, you knit me together in my mother’s womb. Wonderful are your works.” (Psalm ???) “Human life is sacred and inviolable at every moment of existence, …. God who searches them and knows them, … forms them and knits them together with his own hands” (St. John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae, 61).

13 “Conception is the beginning of human life
“Conception is the beginning of human life. From the time that an ovum is fertilized a new life begins that is neither that of the father nor of the mother. It is rather the life of a new human being with his own growth. It would never become human if it were not human already.” Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Declaration on Procured Abortion, 1974

14 Educate Yourself: Pro-Life 101
Conception: A new human life is formed; embryo has separate DNA, this life will never be repeated in history. 3 weeks: The heart begins to beat 6 weeks: Brain waves are detected 8 weeks: All organs & extremities are present, sucking its thumb, just need to be developed 12 weeks: Baby sleeps & exercises its muscles, all organs functioning 16 weeks: Baby occupies all room in mother’s uterus Third Trimester: Baby is just gaining weight!

15 Fetal Development By weeks nine & ten the baby turns & somersaults, squints his eyes in reaction to light, frowns, swallows & moves his tongue.

16 Fetal Development 3rd trimester

17 Educate Yourself: Abortion Procedure
Morning-After Pill (Plan B)/Week-After Pill (Ella): may abort a newly-conceived life First-Trimester: Surgical: Vacuum aspiration and/or D&C Medical/Chemical: 2 medications, Mifeprex (blocks progesterone) and Misoprostol (empties uterus) Second-Trimester (2-day process): Laminaria (we can remove) + D&E or saline Third-Trimester (2-3 day process): Laminaria (we can remove) + injection (Dioxin) + prostaglandin or partial-birth



20 Partial Birth Abortion

21 State Grading Form

22 Supreme mandatory program for Columbian award
Novena for Life Supreme mandatory program for Columbian award

23 Purpose: to lead the community in the spiritual battle for life
Novena for Life Purpose: to lead the community in the spiritual battle for life

24 Novena for Life Nine day Novena for Life/ 40 Days for Life! Prayer for Life cards (#4665) Home On the sidewalk 9 days for one hour as a whole council 9 hours in a row for the whole council

25 Major Pro-life Activity
March for Life 40 Days for Life Ultrasound Initiative Pro-life Wrestling?!?

26 Supreme Featured program
Marches for Life Supreme Featured program

27 Marches for Life Louisiana Life March March for Life in DC

28 Marches for Life Show public support for life at Local, state, or national march 50 or more people for full credit Resources: Choos life sign (#9341)

29 Pilot program in Louisiana! Goal: to reach people who previous pro-life efforts may not reach


31 Special Olympics

32 Special Olympics State Chairman: Tim Helbling Form 4584
State requirements are significantly different than the Supreme requirements for Columbian award Polar plunge, 5K, drive as fundraiser

33 Christian Refugee Relief
New program from Supreme

34 Christian Refugee Relief

35 Christian Refugee Relief
Purpose: save persecuted Christians facing genocide all over the world (Mainly Middle East, but also other places like Nigeria)

36 Christian Refugee Relief
Solidarity Crosses Submit all funds to the designated fund at Supreme Resources: Order kit online Order solidarity crosses online

37 Christian Refugee Relief

38 Same program, but New Category under Life Director
Silver Rose Same program, but New Category under Life Director

39 Silver Rose Purpose: share the message of Our Lady of Guadalupe and promote respect for life Resources: Vicen Alvarez

40 Silver Rose talk to your pastor Promote it with other councils
Rosary Mass Reception Promote it with other councils Order Silver Rose Prayer Service Booklet #4841

41 Mass for People with Special Needs
New program from Supreme

42 Mass for People with Special Needs
Purpose: welcome people who might not usually feel welcomed Physical, mental, Emotional, Cognitive difficulties

43 Pregnancy Center Support

44 What is a Pregnancy Resource Center?
Frequently Asked Questions About This Important Link in the Pro-Life Ministry

45 What is a pregnancy resource center?
Pregnancy resource centers (crisis pregnancy centers) are non-profit agencies that assist women who are pregnant and do not have the means to support their child. Most visitors to these centers are actively seeking an abortion because they feel they have no other choice. In many cases they have been tricked, coerced, or even threatened into having an abortion by a parent, boyfriend, or husband.

46 Why are these facilities so important?
They are unique and uncommon - There is usually only one or two in most cities or areas. The centers assist those who feel that they have no other choice but to have an abortion. They provide them with an option they thought they did not have – life for their growing child. These centers prevent abortions one by one.

47 What services do pregnancy resource centers provide?
Usually the first service provided is a pregnancy test After confirming that the woman is indeed pregnant: Ultrasound one-on-one counseling additional services as necessary

48 What services do pregnancy resource centers provide? (continued)
If the client is not pregnant: counseling covering such topics as sexually transmitted diseases & chastity

49 What can we do as Knights of Columbus to assist these centers?
 The best thing a KC Council can do is to provide direct funding to the center. The most effective fundraiser is the Knights of Columbus Pro-Life Baby Bottle Campaign.

50 What is required to sponsor a Pro-Life Baby Bottle Campaign in my Church Parish?
Make sure announcements are put in the church bulletin Provide a speaker for a church talk or quick announcement from the pulpit Hand out baby bottles on a weekend chosen by your group and approved by your Pastor Collect the baby bottles with donations the following weekend & return them to the center

51 The Center should provide:
What is required to sponsor a Pro-Life Baby Bottle Campaign? (continued) The Center should provide: Baby bottles Inserts with information about the center Sample bulletin announcements Sample church talk or announcement

52 What else can we do for the center?
Collection drives: diapers, baby & childrens clothing, baby towels, receiving blankets, cloth diapers, wipes for sensitive skin, baby monitors, health kits, baby wash, & small toys, teethers, & pacifiers (in sealed packages) larger items such as car seats, strollers, baby & toddler beds, high chairs, bassinets, bouncees & walkers, and playpens

53 What else can we do for the center? (continued)
The Center may need volunteers: assist with general office work provide simple repairs & maintenance to their facilities Call the Director to find out what the center needs

54 Who should we contact if we want to sponsor a Pro-Life Baby Bottle Campaign?
Call the center directly and speak to the Director or person in charge of fundraising If you have any general questions you may contact the State Pro-Life Chair

55 Mental Disability Fund

56 Culture of Life Activity

57 Culture of Life Activity
Baby bottle campaign Educational event Banquets Letter writing/ campaign Brainstorm!

58 State Service Program Form STSP

59 Ultrasound Initiative
Mary’ House Northwest Louisiana PRC ImagineLife! New center in New Iberia

60 We are called to Evangelize!
We must prepare ourselves to witness to the faith. We must grow in knowledge and understanding. We must share the Good News! “Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope…” (1 Peter 3:15) We must be joyous Christians. We must show others the good, the true, and the beautiful.

61 Plans Promote a broad Culture of Life by showing respect, love, and cherishment of our lives and the lives of others from conception to natural death Focus on ending abortion by continuing to promote life-affirming grassroots activities Set an example in our state for the entire country to follow Ora et labora: Through prayer and work we can make this country Queen in a Sisterhood of countries that respect, love, and cherish life from conception to natural death VIVAT JESUS!

62 References and Resources
Books: United States Catholic Catechism for Adults by the USCCB Three Approaches to Abortion by Peter Kreeft Theology of the Body for Beginners by Christopher West

63 References and Resources
Encyclicals: Humanae Vitae by Pope Paul VI Evangelium Vitae by Pope John Paul II Booklets from the Bishops: Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship by USCCB Catholics in the Public Square by Bishop Thomas. J. Olmsted Booklets from lay Catholics: “Straight Talk About Abortion” by Catholic Answers White paper: “When Does Human Life Begin?” by Maureen L. Condic

64 References and Resources
Culture of Life Organizations: Louisiana Right to Life ( Americans United for Life ( Catholics United for Life ( The Human Life Foundation ( Cardinal Newman Society ( News Sources: Catholic News Agency ( National Catholic Register ( Life Site News (

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