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Proceed to Slide 2 for Poster Design.

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Presentation on theme: "Proceed to Slide 2 for Poster Design."— Presentation transcript:

1 Proceed to Slide 2 for Poster Design.
The Cooperative Agricultural Research Center Poster Template ensures that all university design guidelines and funding stakeholder policies are followed to meet compliance standards. The PRINT READY size dimensions for this poster template is 44”x34”. This template is acceptable for use in conferences such as the Pathways Symposium and Association of Research Directors (ARD). Read the following guidelines prior to using this template. These tips are best practices for effective Poster Presentation. Recommended fonts for Title: Arial Black, Franklin Gothic Medium, Tahoma, Trebuchet Recommended fonts for Body text: choose a serif type for better readability like Garamond, Book Antiqua or Bookman Old Style (size between points). Maintain a consistent font size throughout the entire poster. Use high resolution pictures at least 300 DPI Section headers should use the same font as your title and subtitle (size between points) DO NOT USE ALL CAPS in your poster presentation. Proceed to Slide 2 for Poster Design.

2 Title Goes Here Title Goes Here Title Goes Here Title Goes Here
Research Team: Student One, Student Two and Professor, Ph.D. Department, University, City, State, Zip Abstract Hypothesis Methods Future Studies Introduction Methods References Objective Methods Summary

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