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Published byNadja Diefenbach Modified over 5 years ago
Basics of Embedded Systems IAX0230 Time Interfacing
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kalle Tammemäe Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Hollstein Dr. Uljana Reinsalu
Outline Clocking Interrupts Timers / Cyclic interrupts Watchdogs
Cyclic Output: PWM
Cortex M4 Clocking Precision internal oscillator (PIOSC):
16 MHz Main Oscillator (MOSC): Operates with external chrystal Low-Frequency Internal Oscillator (LFIOSC): Used in deep-sleep power saving modes Hybernation Module clock source 32.768kHz, accurate source for deep sleep and hibernation modes
[Tiva™ TM4C123GH6PM Microcontroller Data Sheet]
Cortex M4 Clocking Clock Interrupt Concepts Timer Timed Cycles [Tiva™ TM4C123GH6PM Microcontroller Data Sheet]
[Tiva™ TM4C123GH6PM Microcontroller Data Sheet]
Cortex M4 Clocking How the internal system clock is derived from the clock sources: configured in registers OSCSRC and OSCSRC2: [Tiva™ TM4C123GH6PM Microcontroller Data Sheet]
Phase-Lock-Loop Example SYSDIV (n) values: n=4 gives 400/(4+1) = 80 MHz n=7 gives 400/(7+1) = 50MHz n=9 gives 400/(9+1) = 40MHz n=15 gives 400/(15+1) = 25MHz Internal oscillator requires minimal power but is imprecise External crystal provides stable bus clock TM4C123 is equipped with 16 MHz crystal and bus clock can be set to a maximum of 80 MHz [J.Valvano Lec]
Exceptions Exceptions include
Resets Software interrupts Hardware interrupts Each exception: associated 32-bit vector that points to the location, where the service routine handling this exception is located Interrupts and their handling based on priorities are controlled by the NVIC (Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller)
Interrupts An interrupt is the automatic transfer of software execution control to a specific service routine after occurance of a hardware event (trigger) that is asynchronous with the current software execution. Interrupt triggers: external I/O device (like a keyboard or printer) or an internal event (like an op code fault, or a periodic timer.) [J.Valvano Lec]
Interrupts IRQ HW Events Main Program μP Firmware
Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) IRQ Context storage T I M E Context restore
ARM Cortex-M Interrupts
Each potential interrupt source has a separate arm bit Set for those devices from which it wishes to accept interrupts, Deactivate in those devices from which interrupts are not allowed Each potential interrupt source has a separate flag bit hardware sets the flag when it wishes to request an interrupt software clears the flag in ISR to signify it is processing the request Interrupt enable conditions in processor Global interrupt enable bit, I, in PRIMASK register Priority level, BASEPRI, of allowed interrupts (0 = all): The BASEPRI register defines the minimum priority for exception processing. When BASEPRI is set to a nonzero value, it prevents (masks) the activation of all exceptions with the same or higher priority level as the BASEPRI value (example: BASEPRI=2: IRs with levels 2..7 are prevented) [J.Valvano Lec]
Interrupt Conditions Four conditions must be true simultaneously for an interrupt to occur: Arm: control bit for each possible source is set Enable: interrupts globally enabled (I=0 in PRIMASK) Level: interrupt level must be lower than BASEPRI Trigger: hardware action sets source-specific flag Interrupt remains pending if trigger is set but any other condition is not true Interrupt serviced once all conditions become true Need to acknowledge interrupt Clear the trigger flag or you will get endless interrupts! [J.Valvano Lec]
Interrupt Processing The execution of the main program is interrupted
the current instruction is finished, suspend execution and push 8 registers (R0-R3, R12, LR, PC, PSR) on the stack LR set to 0xFFFFFFF9 (indicates interrupt return) (see: M4 data sheet, Table 2-10, p. 111) IPSR set to interrupt number (normally, when in main program execution IPSR has the value 0) sets PC (program counter) to ISR address The interrupt service routine (ISR) is executed clears the flag that requested the interrupt performs necessary operations communicates using global variables The main program is resumed when ISR executes BX LR pulls the 8 registers from the stack [J.Valvano Lec]
IR: Handling Registers
R0-R3: parameters R4-R11: have to be saved PRIMASK: general IR enable bit BASEPRI: IR priority level masking
Priority Mask Register
Disable interrupts (I=1) CPSID I Enable interrupts (I=0) CPSIE I [J.Valvano Lec]
Program Status Register
Accessed separately or all at once Q = Saturation, T = Thumb bit [J.Valvano Lec]
Interrupt Program Status Register (ISPR)
(main program is executed) Run debugger: - stop in ISR and - look at IPSR [J.Valvano Lec]
Interrupt Context Switch
we are in the main programme Vector address for GPIO Port C Interrupt Number 18 corresponds to GPIO Port C [J.Valvano Lec]
77 vectors in total INTERRUPT VECTORS [J.Valvano Lec] Vector address
Number IRQ ISR name in Startup.s NVIC Priority bits 0x 14 -2 PendSV_Handler NVIC_SYS_PRI3_R 23 – 21 0x C 15 -1 SysTick_Handler 31 – 29 0x 16 GPIOPortA_Handler NVIC_PRI0_R 7 – 5 0x 17 1 GPIOPortB_Handler 15 – 13 0x 18 2 GPIOPortC_Handler 0x C 19 3 GPIOPortD_Handler 0x 20 4 GPIOPortE_Handler NVIC_PRI1_R 0x 21 5 UART0_Handler 0x 22 6 UART1_Handler 0x C 23 7 SSI0_Handler 0x 24 8 I2C0_Handler NVIC_PRI2_R 0x 25 9 PWMFault_Handler 0x 26 10 PWM0_Handler 0x C 27 11 PWM1_Handler 0x 28 12 PWM2_Handler NVIC_PRI3_R 0x 29 13 Quadrature0_Handler 0x 30 ADC0_Handler 0x C 31 ADC1_Handler 0x 32 ADC2_Handler NVIC_PRI4_R 0x 33 ADC3_Handler 0x 34 WDT_Handler 0x C 35 Timer0A_Handler 0x 36 Timer0B_Handler NVIC_PRI5_R 0x 37 Timer1A_Handler 0x 38 Timer1B_Handler 0x C 39 Timer2A_Handler 0x000000A0 40 Timer2B_Handler NVIC_PRI6_R 0x000000A4 41 Comp0_Handler 0x000000A8 42 Comp1_Handler 0x000000AC 43 Comp2_Handler 0x000000B0 44 SysCtl_Handler NVIC_PRI7_R 0x000000B4 45 FlashCtl_Handler 0x000000B8 46 GPIOPortF_Handler 0x000000BC 47 GPIOPortG_Handler 0x000000C0 48 GPIOPortH_Handler NVIC_PRI8_R 0x000000C4 49 UART2_Handler 0x000000C8 50 SSI1_Handler 0x000000CC 51 Timer3A_Handler 0x000000D0 52 Timer3B_Handler NVIC_PRI9_R 0x000000D4 53 I2C1_Handler 0x000000D8 54 Quadrature1_Handler 0x000000DC 55 CAN0_Handler 0x000000E0 56 CAN1_Handler NVIC_PRI10_R 0x000000E4 57 CAN2_Handler 0x000000E8 58 Ethernet_Handler 0x000000EC 59 Hibernate_Handler 0x000000F0 60 USB0_Handler NVIC_PRI11_R 0x000000F4 61 PWM3_Handler 0x000000F8 62 uDMA_Handler 0x000000FC 63 uDMA_Error INTERRUPT VECTORS 77 vectors in total [J.Valvano Lec]
Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC)
Hardware unit that coordinates among interrupts from multiple sources Define priority level of each interrupt source (NVIC_PRIx_R registers) Separate enable flag for each interrupt source (NVIC_EN0_R and NVIC_EN1_R) Higher priority interrupts can interrupt lower priority ones [J.Valvano Lec]
NVIC Registers: Priority
High order three bits of each byte define priority Address 31 – 29 23 – 21 15 – 13 7 – 5 Name 0xE000E400 GPIO Port D GPIO Port C GPIO Port B GPIO Port A NVIC_PRI0_R 0xE000E404 SSI0, Rx Tx UART1, Rx Tx UART0, Rx Tx GPIO Port E NVIC_PRI1_R 0xE000E408 PWM Gen 1 PWM Gen 0 PWM Fault I2C0 NVIC_PRI2_R 0xE000E40C ADC Seq 1 ADC Seq 0 Quad Encoder PWM Gen 2 NVIC_PRI3_R 0xE000E410 Timer 0A Watchdog ADC Seq 3 ADC Seq 2 NVIC_PRI4_R 0xE000E414 Timer 2A Timer 1B Timer 1A Timer 0B NVIC_PRI5_R 0xE000E418 Comp 2 Comp 1 Comp 0 Timer 2B NVIC_PRI6_R 0xE000E41C GPIO Port G GPIO Port F Flash Control System Control NVIC_PRI7_R 0xE000E420 Timer 3A SSI1, Rx Tx UART2, Rx Tx GPIO Port H NVIC_PRI8_R 0xE000E424 CAN0 Quad Encoder 1 I2C1 Timer 3B NVIC_PRI9_R 0xE000E428 Hibernate Ethernet CAN2 CAN1 NVIC_PRI10_R 0xE000E42C uDMA Error uDMA Soft Tfr PWM Gen 3 USB0 NVIC_PRI11_R 0xE000ED20 SysTick PendSV -- Debug NVIC_SYS_PRI3_R [J.Valvano Lec]
NVIC Interrupt Enable Registers
Global interrupt configuration with PRIMASK and BASEPRI Local interrupt configuration: Specific Priority (as shown before and two enable registers – NVIC_EN0_R and NVIC_EN1_R Each 32-bit register has a single enable bit for a particular device NVIC_EN0_R control the IRQ numbers 0 to 31 (interrupt numbers 16 – 47) NVIC_EN1_R control the IRQ numbers 32 to 47 (interrupt numbers 48 – 63) [J.Valvano Lec]
Interrupt Configuration Procedure
Configuration Procedure for interrupts: Initialize data structures (counters, pointers) Arm (specify a flag may interrupt) Configure NVIC Enable interrupt (NVIC_EN0_R) Set priority (e.g., NVIC_PRI1_R) Enable Interrupts Assembly code CPSIE I C code EnableInterrupts(); [J.Valvano Lec]
Interrupt Service Routine (ISR)
Things you must do in every interrupt service routine Acknowledge clear flag that requested the interrupt SysTick is exception; automatic acknowledge Maintain contents of R4-R11 (AAPCS) Communicate via shared global variables [J.Valvano Lec]
Interrupt Events Respond to infrequent but important events
Alarm conditions like low battery power Error conditions I/O synchronization Trigger interrupt when signal on a port changes Periodic interrupts Generated by the timer at a regular rate Systick timer can generate interrupt when it hits zero Reload value + frequency determine interrupt rate [J.Valvano Lec]
Synchronization Synchronisation between Main Program and ISR (Interrupt Service Routine): Semaphore One thread sets the flag The other thread waits for, and clears Here: flag/variable set in main program controls if ISR will do something or not just set a Flag in ISR and give control back to main Use global variable to communicate [J.Valvano Lec]
Periodic Interrupts Data acquisition samples ADC
Lab 8 (Valvano) will sample at a fixed rate Signal generation output to DAC Audio player (we use the Systick interrupt to write samples out periodically in Lab 6 (Valvano)) Communications Digital controller FSM Linear control system Demo PeriodicSystickInts starter C code (in Valvano’s Course) [J.Valvano Lec]
Microcontrollers: Timers
Control System: actuating variable control variable Set value Control Algorithm - A/D Sensors D/A Actuators Physical Environment/ Process Sample Time Ts control variable t sample point Output of Actuating variable Computation time ≤ 0.1 Ts
[Tiva™ TM4C123GH6PM Microcontroller Data Sheet]
SysTick Timer SysTick: A SysTick exception is an exception that the system timer generates when it reaches zero when it is enabled to generate an interrupt. Software can also generate a SysTick exception using the Interrupt Control and State (INTCTRL) register. In an OS environment, the processor can use this exception as system tick. The timer consists of three registers: SysTick Control and Status (STCTRL): A control and status register to configure its clock, enable the counter, enable the SysTick interrupt, and determine counter status. SysTick Reload Value (STRELOAD): The reload value for the counter, used to provide the counter's wrap value. SysTick Current Value (STCURRENT): The current value of the counter. [Tiva™ TM4C123GH6PM Microcontroller Data Sheet]
SysTick Timer Timer/Counter operation
24-bit counter decrements at bus clock frequency With 80 MHz bus clock, decrements every 12.5 ns Counting is from n 0 Setting n appropriately will make the counter a modulo n+1 counter. That is: next_value = (current_value-1) mod (n+1) Sequence: n,n-1,n-2,n-3… 2,1,0,n,n-1… Modulo (mod or %) operation gives the remainder: (a mod n) is the remainder when a is divided by n. When a < n, (a mod n) is simply a. When current_value reaches 0, then the next value is [(0-1)mod (n+1)] = -1 mod (n+1) = n That is the counter gets reset to max value n after it reaches 0. [J.Valvano Lec]
SysTick Timer Initialization (4 steps)
Flag: 0 = The SysTick timer has not counted to 0 since the last time this bit was read. 1=The SysTick timer has counted to 0 since the last time this bit was read. Initialization (4 steps) Step1: Clear ENABLE to stop counter Step2: Specify the RELOAD value Step3: Clear the counter via NVIC_ST_CURRENT_R Step4: Set NVIC_ST_CTRL_R CLK_SRC = 1 (bus clock is the only option) INTEN = 0 for no interrupts ENABLE = 0 to enable RELOAD value is the value to load into the counter (reset) every time it hits zero, i.e. the n value from the previous slide [J.Valvano Lec]
SysTick Timer 24-bit Countdown Timer SysTick_Init
; disable SysTick during setup LDR R1, =NVIC_ST_CTRL_R MOV R0, # ; Clear Enable STR R0, [R1] ; set reload to maximum reload value LDR R1, =NVIC_ST_RELOAD_R LDR R0, =0x00FFFFFF; ; Specify RELOAD value STR R0, [R1] ; reload at maximum ; writing any value to CURRENT clears it LDR R1, =NVIC_ST_CURRENT_R MOV R0, #0 STR R0, [R1] ; clear counter ; enable SysTick with core clock MOV R0, #0x ; Enable but no interrupts (later) STR R0, [R1] ; ENABLE and CLK_SRC bits set BX LR 24-bit Countdown Timer You could make the Timer be a 16-bit timer by changing the RELOAD value to be 0x0000FFFF. We will see however there is no good reason to this. … according to register structure being presented on previous slide SysTick Counter starts to count now since bit 0 is set to 1 [J.Valvano Lec]
SysTick Timer ;------------SysTick_Wait------------
; Time delay using busy wait. ; Input: R0 delay parameter in units of the core clock ; MHz(12.5 nsec each tick) ; Output: none ; Modifies: R1 SysTick_Wait SUB R0, R0, #1 ; delay-1 LDR R1, =NVIC_ST_RELOAD_R STR R0, [R1] ; time to wait LDR R1, =NVIC_ST_CURRENT_R STR R0, [R1] ; any value written to CURRENT clears LDR R1, =NVIC_ST_CTRL_R SysTick_Wait_loop LDR R0, [R1] ; read status ANDS R0, R0, #0x ; bit 16 is COUNT flag BEQ SysTick_Wait_loop ; repeat until flag set BX LR delay-1 as initialisation value, because it counts down to 0) S: sets flags BEQ: branch, if zero flag is set flags [J.Valvano Lec]
volatile is being used for variables which values may change unexpectedly (no normal compiler variable lifetime analysis possible) SysTick Timer in C #define NVIC_ST_CTRL_R(*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E010)) #define NVIC_ST_RELOAD_R(*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E014)) #define NVIC_ST_CURRENT_R(*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E018)) void SysTick_Init(void){ NVIC_ST_CTRL_R = 0; // 1) disable SysTick during setup NVIC_ST_RELOAD_R = 0x00FFFFFF; // 2) maximum reload value NVIC_ST_CURRENT_R = 0; // 3) any write to CURRENT clears it NVIC_ST_CTRL_R = 0x ; // 4) enable SysTick with core clock } // The delay parameter is in units of the 80 MHz core clock(12.5 ns) void SysTick_Wait(uint32_t delay){ NVIC_ST_RELOAD_R = delay-1; // number of counts NVIC_ST_CURRENT_R = 0; // any value written to CURRENT clears while((NVIC_ST_CTRL_R&0x )==0){ // wait for flag // Call this routine to wait for delay*10ms void SysTick_Wait10ms(uint32_t delay){ unsigned long i; for(i=0; i<delay; i++){ SysTick_Wait(800000); // wait 10ms dereference operator Type-cast to pointer on volatile 32-bit unsigned integer delay-1 because it counts down to 0) Bard, Gerstlauer, Valvano, Yerraballi [J.Valvano Lec]
Control Loops with SysTick Timer
Implementation of a Control System (e.g. in a closed loop control in a mechatronic system): Calculate the amount of clock cyles from sample point to sample point Initialize SysTick timer Enable Interrupt for systick timer Control algorithm will be completely executed within ISR (should have highest priority) Main program handles user interface and communication
Microcontrollers: Watchdog
Source: Special Timer, generating in interrupt when expiring (timeout) detection of SW faults Watchdog can be refreshed in the main loop of the program and if this refresh is not reached (program hangs), a defined reset is generated
Microcontrollers: Watchdog
TM4C123GH6PM two Watchdog Timer Modules: Watchdog Timer 0: clocked by system clock Watchdog Timer 1: clocked by PIOSC The two modules are identical except that WDT1 is in a different clock domain, and therefore requires synchronizers. As a result, WDT1 has a bit defined in the Watchdog Timer Control (WDTCTL) register to indicate when a write to a WDT1 register is complete. Software can use this bit to ensure that the previous access has completed before starting the next access. [Tiva™ TM4C123GH6PM Microcontroller Data Sheet]
Microcontrollers: Watchdog
The two Watchdog Timer modules of the TM4C123GH6PM controller have the following features: 32-bit down counter with a programmable load register Separate watchdog clock with an enable Programmable interrupt generation logic with interrupt masking and optional NMI function Lock register protection from runaway software Reset generation logic with an enable/disable User-enabled stalling when the microcontroller asserts the CPU Halt flag during debug [Tiva™ TM4C123GH6PM Microcontroller Data Sheet]
Microcontrollers: Watchdog
Watchdog architecture: block diagram [Tiva™ TM4C123GH6PM Microcontroller Data Sheet]
Microcontrollers: Watchdog
To use the WDT, its peripheral clock must be enabled by setting the Rn bit in the Watchdog Timer Run Mode Clock Gating Control (RCGCWD) register, see datasheet page 337. The Watchdog Timer is configured using the following sequence: Load the WDTLOAD register with the desired timer load value. If WDT1, wait for the WRC bit in the WDTCTL register to be set (synchronisation, since in other clock domain). If the Watchdog is configured to trigger system resets, set the RESEN bit in the WDTCTL register. If WDT1, wait for the WRC bit in the WDTCTL register to be set. Set the INTEN bit in the WDTCTL register to enable the Watchdog, enable interrupts, and lock the control register.
Cyclic Output: PWM Cyclic output, with defined signal-on and signal-off phases: Duty cyle: lenght of on phase related to length of cycle (time, clock cycles) cycle length on phase off phase
Cyclic Output: PWM PWM + Low Pass Filter = Digital2Analog Converter: duty cycle is proportional to generated analog voltage Example: 3.3 V PWM output waveform Duty cycle 100%: analog voltage = 3.3V Duty cycle 50%: analog voltage = 1.65V Duty cycle 10%: analog voltage = 0.33V Low Pass Filter: simple RC element can be used; in many cases the connected actuator itself has a lowpass characteristics (e.g. a motor), then no specific low-pass filter is needed
Conclusion Cyclic Timing Referenc: Clock
Time is generated by passing a certain amount of clock cycles counters Multithreading by interrupts Watchdogs: mechanism to detect „hanging states“ in SW and reset the device
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