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Nonrecursive Predictive Parsing

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Presentation on theme: "Nonrecursive Predictive Parsing"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nonrecursive Predictive Parsing
It is possible to build a nonrecursive predictive parser This is done by maintaining an explicit stack

2 Nonrecursive Predictive Parsing
It is possible to build a nonrecursive predictive parser This is done by maintaining an explicit stack

3 Table-driven Parsers The nonrecursive LL(1) parser looks up the production to apply by looking up a parsing table

4 Table-driven Parsers LL(1) table:
One dimension for current non-terminal to expand One dimension for next token Table entry contains one production

5 Table-driven Parsers LL(1) table:
One dimension for current non-terminal to expand One dimension for next token Table entry contains one production

6 Table-driven Parsers LL(1) table:
One dimension for current non-terminal to expand One dimension for next token Table entry contains one production

7 * F T' Consider the expression grammar 1 E → T E' 2 E' + T E' 3 | e 4
5 T' * F T' 6 7 F ( E ) 8 id

8 Predictive Parsing Table
id + * ( ) $ E E →TE' E' E' → +TE' E' →e T T →FT' T' T' → e T →*FT' T' →e F F → id F →(E ) Columns for next token Rows for current non-terminal to expand

9 Predictive Parsing Table
id + * ( ) $ E E →TE' E' E' → +TE' E' →e T T →FT' T' T' → e T →*FT' T' →e F F → id F →(E ) Blank entries are errors Table entries are productions

10 Predictive Parsers The predictive parser uses an explicit stack to keep track of pending non-terminals It can thus be implemented without recursion.

11 Predictive Parsers The predictive parser uses an explicit stack to keep track of pending non-terminals It can thus be implemented without recursion.

12 Predictive Parsers a input + b $ stack X Predictive parser output Y Z
Parsing table M

13 LL(1) Parsing Algorithm
The input buffer contains the string to be parsed; $ is the end-of-input marker The stack contains a sequence of grammar symbols

14 LL(1) Parsing Algorithm
Initially, the stack contains the start symbol of the grammar on the top of $.

15 LL(1) Parsing Algorithm
The parser is controlled by a program that behaves as follows:

16 LL(1) Parsing Algorithm
The program considers X, the symbol on top of the stack, and a, the current input symbol.

17 LL(1) Parsing Algorithm
These two symbols, X and a determine the action of the parser. There are three possibilities.

18 LL(1) Parsing Algorithm
These two symbols, X and a determine the action of the parser. There are three possibilities.

19 LL(1) Parsing Algorithm
1. X  a  $, the parser halts and annouces successful completion.

20 LL(1) Parsing Algorithm
2. X  a  $ the parser pops X off the stack and advances input pointer to next input symbol

21 LL(1) Parsing Algorithm
3. If X is a nonterminal, the program consults entry M[X,a] of parsing table M.

22 LL(1) Parsing Algorithm
If the entry is a production M[X,a] = {X → UVW } the parser replaces X on top of the stack by WVU (with U on top).

23 LL(1) Parsing Algorithm
As output, the parser just prints the production used: X → UVW However, any other code could be executed here.

24 LL(1) Parsing Algorithm
If M[X,a] =error, the parser calls an error recovery routine

25 LL(1) Parsing Algorithm
Example: Let’s parse the input string id+idid using the nonrecursive LL(1) parser

26 id + id id $ E $ Parsing Table M stack

27 Predictive Parsing Table
id + * ( ) $ E E →TE' E' E' → +TE' E' →e T T →FT' T' T' → e T →*FT' T' →e F F → id F →(E )

28 Compiler Construction
Sohail Aslam Lecture 17 compiler: intro

29 id + id id $ E $ E T E' Parsing Table M stack

30 id + id  id $ T E' $ T → F T' Parsing Table M stack end of lec 16
compiler: intro

31 id + id id $ F T' E' $ F id Parsing Table M stack

32 id + id id $ id T' E' $ Parsing Table M stack

33 + id id id $ T' E' $ T' Parsing Table M stack

34 + id id id $ E' $ E' + T E' Parsing Table M stack

35 + id id id $ + T E' $ Parsing Table M stack

36 Stack Input Ouput $E id+idid$ $E' T E →TE' $E' T' F T →FT' $E'T' id F → id $E' T' +idid$ $E' T' →e $E' T + E' → +TE'

37 Stack Input Ouput $E' T idid$ $E' T' F T →FT' $E' T' id F → id $E' T' id$ $E' T' F  T → FT' id$ $E'T' id

38 Stack Input Ouput $E' T' $ $E' T' →e E' →e

39 LL(1) Parsing Algorithm
Note that productions output are tracing out a lefmost derivation The grammar symbols on the stack make up left-sentential forms

40 LL(1) Parsing Algorithm
Note that productions output are tracing out a lefmost derivation The grammar symbols on the stack make up left-sentential forms

41 LL(1) Table Construction
Top-down parsing expands a parse tree from the start symbol to the leaves Always expand the leftmost non-terminal

42 LL(1) Table Construction
Top-down parsing expands a parse tree from the start symbol to the leaves Always expand the leftmost non-terminal

43 id+idid E T E' F T' + T E' id e and so on ....

44 The leaves at any point form a string b A g
id T' e + The leaves at any point form a string b A g

45 b only contains terminals
F id T' e + b only contains terminals

46 id + id  id input string is bbd The prefix b matches Next token is b

47 LL(1) Table Construction
Consider the state S → bAg with b the next token and we are trying to match bbg There are two possibilities

48 LL(1) Table Construction
Consider the state S → bAg with b the next token and we are trying to match bbg There are two possibilities

49 LL(1) Table Construction
b belongs to an expansion of A Any A → a can be used if b can start a string derived from a

50 LL(1) Table Construction
b belongs to an expansion of A Any A → a can be used if b can start a string derived from a

51 LL(1) Table Construction
In this case we say that b  FIRST(a)

52 LL(1) Table Construction
b does not belong to an expansion of A Expansion of A is empty, i.e., A → e and b belongs an expansion of g, e.g., bw

53 LL(1) Table Construction
b does not belong to an expansion of A Expansion of A is empty, i.e., A → e and b belongs an expansion of g, e.g., bw

54 LL(1) Table Construction
which means that b can appear after A in a derivation of the form S → bAbw

55 LL(1) Table Construction
We say that b  FOLLOW(A)

56 LL(1) Table Construction
Any A → a can be used if a expands to e We say that e  FIRST(A) in this case

57 Computing FIRST Sets Definition
FIRST(X) = { b | X → ba }  { e | X → e }

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