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Warm-up Sectionalism- Conflict between Free States and Slave States… or conflict between North and South Question: What are some examples of Sectionalism.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-up Sectionalism- Conflict between Free States and Slave States… or conflict between North and South Question: What are some examples of Sectionalism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-up Sectionalism- Conflict between Free States and Slave States… or conflict between North and South Question: What are some examples of Sectionalism during Westward Expansion/Manifest Destiny?

2 Sectionalism Texas, Nation or State, in 1836 North says no, South wants Texas War with Mexico North not interested in new Slave states, South wants to expand California Admitted as a free state in 1850…


4 The California Gold Rush
California Before the Rush Mostly populated by Native Americans and Californios (settlers of Spanish or Mexican descent) In 1849, after the Mexican-American War, gold was found in California and thousands came to California in hopes of finding gold (the Gold Rush) 

5 Rush for Gold The 49ers (someone who went to California to find gold) rushed to California There were three routes to the gold… sail 18,000 miles around South America up the Pacific coast sail to Panama and cross overland and than catch a boat to California travel on trails over North America Most gold seekers were young men, very rarely were there old men or women.

6 Miners from Around the World
The Chinese were an immigrant group that made gold mining profitable. They were more patient than the American’s, and worked harder. American’s came to resent (Dislike) the Chinese Conflict Among Miners Greed and prejudice 1850 California becomes a state, and passes the Foreign Miners Tax which taxed miners from other countries Many Chinese ended up opening businesses such as shops, restaurants, and laundries.

7 Life in the Mining Camps
started with tents, then changed to wooden buildings. Very violent, with many bars, and high prices But, gold was hard to find and few grew rich.

8 Impact of the Gold Rush Californio’s and Native Americans suffered greatly California’s population increased rapidly and cities grew. California skipped being a territory (5000 free men=Territory, 60,000 = apply directly for statehood). California votes to become Free State. Becoming a Free state causes Sectional differences Sectionalism= conflicts between Free States/Slave States Power in Congress

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