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Tablesat iid Kavin Kang, Matthew Coronis,

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Presentation on theme: "Tablesat iid Kavin Kang, Matthew Coronis,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tablesat iid Kavin Kang, Matthew Coronis,
Matthew Mann, Andrew LaPointe, Brendyn Miller

2 Background of tablesat
The TableSAT IID Project is a research project based on the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission (MMS) developed by NASA, schedule to launch in 2014. The MMS satellites will use the Earth’s magnetosphere to study magnetic reconnection. Magnetic reconnection is a process that taps into energy stored in the magnetic sphere and convert it to something usable.

3 Design objectives of tablesat
It will consist of 4 prototypes that will act as small scale versions of the MMS satellites. The 4 prototypes will move in a tetrahedral formation (one elevated above the three, and three moving on the ground) On each of the prototypes, they will contain an accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer, sonar, and a Bluetooth device to relay information back to the computer.

4 Tablesat IIC TableSAT IID is a continuation of the accomplishments of TableSAT IIC. The TableSAT IIC group has implemented the source code to run the Arduino board on the prototype. They were able to get the prototype to rotate around, but did not have enough time to implement translation (move in 2D) and nutation (pitch). The TableSAT IIC prototype has been dismantled, in favor of a new design.

5 Rip tablesat iic ( )

6 Reasons for redesign From the video clip just shown, the prototype had a very messy wiring design. It was hard to know where the wires were supplying the power to just by looking at it. The prototype’s translation and nutation movements were not implemented. Particularly with the translation, there were some leaks in the propulsion system, which did not deliver the CO2 Fuel to the correct locations. And at some instances, it produced snow due to the temperature drop from the pressure release.

7 Team responsibilities
Kavin Kang [Electrical Engineering] Responsible for the Printed Circuit Board design to connect the components to the correct pin outs on the Arduino board. Responsible for ensuring that the components on the TableSAT prototypes have sufficient power to move in the three degrees of freedom Matthew Coronis [Computer Science] Responsible for programming the Arduino to interface with the components on the TableSAT prototypes. Responsible for the Bluetooth communications between the prototypes so that they can move autonomously in a tetrahedral formation. Treasurer of the Project: Keeps record of purchases and reimbursements.

8 Team responsibilties Matthew Mann [Mechanical Engineering]
Team Captain: Responsible for informing Professor Thein about the current progress made on the project. Responsible for designing the prototype's mechanical designs, which includes the overall structure and the propulsion system. Andrew LaPointe [Mechanical Engineering] Brendyn Miller [Mechanical Engineering]

9 Electrical engineering focus
To resolve the wiring problems, a Printed Circuit Board can be used. It will allow two benefits: No need to wire the actual prototype, it will be on printed on the board. Soldering will be required. Using pin headers instead of soldering the component directly allows us to easily replace a component if it is defective.

10 Printed circuit board

11 Computer science focus
Read from sensory devices and analyze readings Accelerometer Gyro Magnetometer Sonar Handle communication between devices & user Bluetooth communication to user for displaying sensory data Bluetooth communication between devices to coordinate movement Handle device controls Fire solenoid valves (translation) Fire fans (rotation, nutation)

Translation CO2 Propulsion System 2 16g CO2 canisters connected to SAT solenoid valves to generate thrust on the satellite base. The solenoid valves will be separately powered by 11v batteries. Rotation 2 5 volt computer fans The fans will create torque on the satellite base, which will provide rotation. The fans will be powered and controlled directly from the Arduino board. Nutation Swivel Joint The Swivel joint allows the nutation to occur. Fans will provide thrust needed to “wobble”.

13 Expected timeline

14 Budget estimates Ideal budget (given requested funding):
$6,000 – more reliable thruster mechanism, powerful fans, high-precision GPS-receiver, radio communication between devices (longer range). Practical Budget (expected reasonable funding): $2,000 – to build 3 additional units and equip them with accelerometer, gyro, magnetometer, Bluetooth, Arduino boards, fans, CO2 thrusters, wiring, GPS receivers for each. Bare Bones Funding (absolute minimum required to complete basic goals on time): $800 – to build 3 additional units and equip them with accelerometer, gyro, magnetometer, Bluetooth, Arduino boards, fans, CO2 thrusters, wiring, and with only one unit having a GPS receiver. (This one seems unrealistically because we have already spent $400 dollars on one prototype.)

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