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Strongly correlated many-body systems: from electronic materials to ultracold atoms to photons
Introduction. Systems of ultracold atoms. Bogoliubov theory. Spinor condensates. Cold atoms in optical lattices. Band structure and semiclasical dynamics. Bose Hubbard model and its extensions Bose mixtures in optical lattices Quantum magnetism of ultracold atoms. Current experiments: observation of superexchange Detection of many-body phases using noise correlations Fermions in optical lattices Magnetism and pairing in systems with repulsive interactions. Current experiments: Mott state Experiments with low dimensional systems Interference experiments. Analysis of high order correlations Non-equilibrium dynamics
Atoms in optical lattices. Bose Hubbard model
Bose Hubbard model U t tunneling of atoms between neighboring wells repulsion of atoms sitting in the same well In the presence of confining potential we also need to include Typically
Bose Hubbard model. Phase diagram
2 1 Mott n=1 n=2 n=3 Superfluid M.P.A. Fisher et al., PRB (1989) Weak lattice Superfluid phase Strong lattice Mott insulator phase
Bose Hubbard model Set . Hamiltonian eigenstates are Fock states
1 Away from level crossings Mott states have a gap. Hence they should be stable to small tunneling.
Mott insulator phase Particle-hole excitation Tips of the Mott lobes
Bose Hubbard Model. Phase diagram 2 1 Mott n=1 n=2 n=3 Superfluid Mott insulator phase Particle-hole excitation Tips of the Mott lobes
Gutzwiller variational wavefunction
Normalization Kinetic energy z – number of nearest neighbors Interaction energy favors a fixed number of atoms per well. Kinetic energy favors a superposition of the number states.
Gutzwiller variational wavefunction
Example: stability of the Mott state with n atoms per site Expand to order Take the middle of the Mott plateau Transition takes place when coefficient before becomes negative. For large n this corresponds to
Note that the Mott state only exists for integer filling factors.
Bose Hubbard Model. Phase diagram 2 1 Mott n=1 n=2 n=3 Superfluid Note that the Mott state only exists for integer filling factors. For even when atoms are localized, make a superfluid state.
Bose Hubbard model Experiments with atoms in optical lattices
Theory: Jaksch et al. PRL (1998) Experiment: Kasevich et al., Science (2001); Greiner et al., Nature (2001); Phillips et al., J. Physics B (2002) Esslinger et al., PRL (2004); many more …
Nature 415:39 (2002)
Shell structure in optical lattice
Optical lattice and parabolic potential
Parabolic potential acts as a “cut” through the phase diagram. Hence in a parabolic potential we find a “wedding cake” structure. 2 1 Mott n=1 n=2 n=3 Superfluid Jaksch et al., PRL 81:3108 (1998)
Shell structure in optical lattice
S. Foelling et al., PRL 97: (2006) Observation of spatial distribution of lattice sites using spatially selective microwave transitions and spin changing collisions n=1 n=2 Related work Campbell, Ketterle, et al. Science 313:649 (2006) superfluid regime Mott regime
Extended Hubbard model Charge Density Wave and Supersolid phases
Extended Hubbard Model
- nearest neighbor repulsion - on site repulsion Checkerboard phase: Crystal phase of bosons. Breaks translational symmetry
Supersolid – superfluid phase with broken translational symmetry
van Otterlo et al., PRB 52:16176 (1995) Variational approach Extension of the Gutzwiller wavefunction Supersolid – superfluid phase with broken translational symmetry
Quantum Monte-Carlo analysis
Difficulty of identifying supersolid phases
in systems with parabolic potential
Bose Hubbard model away from equilibrium.
Dynamical Instability of strongly interacting bosons in optical lattices
Moving condensate in an optical lattice. Dynamical instability
Theory: Niu et al. PRA (01), Smerzi et al. PRL (02) Experiment: Fallani et al. PRL (04) v
Dynamical instability
Classical limit of the Hubbard model. Discreet Gross-Pitaevskii equation Current carrying states Linear stability analysis: States with p>p/2 are unstable Amplification of density fluctuations unstable unstable r
Dynamical instability. Gutzwiller approximation
Wavefunction Time evolution We look for stability against small fluctuations Phase diagram. Integer filling Altman et al., PRL 95:20402 (2005)
Optical lattice and parabolic trap. Gutzwiller approximation
The first instability develops near the edges, where N=1 U=0.01 t J=1/4 Gutzwiller ansatz simulations (2D)
PRL (2007)
Beyond semiclassical equations. Current decay by tunneling
phase j phase j phase j Current carrying states are metastable. They can decay by thermal or quantum tunneling Thermal activation Quantum tunneling
Current decay by thermal phase slips
Theory: Polkovnikov et al., PRA (2005) Experiments: De Marco et al., Nature (2008)
Current decay by quantum phase slips
Theory: Polkovnikov et al., Phys. Rev. A (2005) Experiment: Ketterle et al., PRL (2007) Dramatic enhancement of quantum fluctuations in interacting 1d systems d=1 dynamical instability. GP regime d=1 dynamical instability. Strongly interacting regime
Engineering magnetic systems using cold atoms in an optical lattice
Two component Bose mixture in optical lattice
Example: Mandel et al., Nature (2003) t We consider two component Bose mixture in the n=1 Mott state with equal number of and atoms. We need to find spin arrangement in the ground state. Two component Bose Hubbard model
Two component Bose Hubbard model
In the regime of deep optical lattice we can treat tunneling as perturbation. We consider processes of the second order in t We can combine these processes into anisotropic Heisenberg model
Two component Bose Hubbard model
Quantum magnetism of bosons in optical lattices
Duan et al., PRL (2003) Ferromagnetic Antiferromagnetic
Two component Bose mixture in optical lattice
Two component Bose mixture in optical lattice. Mean field theory + Quantum fluctuations Altman et al., NJP (2003) Hysteresis 1st order 2nd order line
Two component Bose Hubbard model
+ infinitely large Uaa and Ubb New feature: coexistence of checkerboard phase and superfluidity
Exchange Interactions in Solids
antibonding bonding Kinetic energy dominates: antiferromagnetic state Coulomb energy dominates: ferromagnetic state
using cold atoms in an optical lattice
Realization of spin liquid using cold atoms in an optical lattice Theory: Duan, Demler, Lukin PRL (03) Kitaev model Annals of Physics (2006) H = - Jx S six sjx - Jy S siy sjy - Jz S siz sjz Questions: Detection of topological order Creation and manipulation of spin liquid states Detection of fractionalization, Abelian and non-Abelian anyons Melting spin liquids. Nature of the superfluid state
Superexchange interaction in experiments with double wells
Theory: A.M. Rey et al., PRL 2008 Experiments: S. Trotzky et al., Science 2008
Observation of superexchange in a double well potential
Theory: A.M. Rey et al., PRL 2008 J J Use magnetic field gradient to prepare a state Observe oscillations between and states Experiments: S. Trotzky et al. Science 2008
Preparation and detection of Mott states
of atoms in a double well potential Reversing the sign of exchange interaction
Comparison to the Hubbard model
Beyond the basic Hubbard model
Basic Hubbard model includes only local interaction Extended Hubbard model takes into account non-local interaction
Beyond the basic Hubbard model
From two spins to a spin chain
Spin oscillations ? Data courtesy of S. Trotzky (group of I. Bloch)
1D: XXZ dynamics starting from the classical Neel state
P. Barmettler et al, PRL 2009 Y(t=0) = Ising-Order Quasi-LRO Equilibrium phase diagram: D 1 Time, Jt DMRG Bethe ansatz XZ model: exact solution
XXZ dynamics starting from the classical Neel state
D<1, XY easy plane anisotropy Oscillations of staggered moment, Exponential decay of envelope Except at solvable xx point where: D>1, Z axis anisotropy Exponential decay of staggered moment
Behavior of the relaxation time with anisotropy
See also: Sengupta, Powell & Sachdev (2004) Moment always decays to zero. Even for high easy axis anisotropy Minimum of relaxation time at the QCP. Opposite of classical critical slowing.
Magnetism in optical lattices
Higher spins and higher symmetries
F=1 spinor condensates Spin symmetric interaction of F=1 atoms
Ferromagnetic Interactions for Antiferromagnetic Interactions for
Antiferromagnetic spin F=1 atoms in optical lattices
Hubbard Hamiltonian Demler, Zhou, PRL (2003) Symmetry constraints Nematic Mott Insulator Spin Singlet Mott Insulator
Nematic insulating phase for N=1
Effective S=1 spin model Imambekov et al., PRA (2003) When the ground state is nematic in d=2,3. One dimensional systems are dimerized: Rizzi et al., PRL (2005)
Nematic insulating phase for N=1. Two site problem
2 -2 4 Singlet state is favored when One can not have singlets on neighboring bonds. Nematic state is a compromise. It corresponds to a superposition of and on each bond
SU(N) Magnetism with Ultracold Alkaline-Earth Atoms
A. Gorshkov et al., Nature Physics (2010) Example: 87Sr (I = 9/2) nuclear spin decoupled from electrons SU(N=2I+1) symmetry SU(N) spin models Example: Mott state with nA atoms in sublattice A and nB atoms in sublattice B Phase diagram for nA + nB = N There are also extensions to models with additional orbital degeneracy
Learning about order from noise Quantum noise studies of ultracold atoms
Quantum noise Classical measurement:
collapse of the wavefunction into eigenstates of x Quantum noise – the process of making a measurement introduces a noise. Individual measurements do not give us the average value of x. Quantum noise contains information about the quantum mechanical wavefunction Histogram of measurements of x
Probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics
Bohr-Einstein debate on spooky action at a distance Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen experiment Measuring spin of a particle in the left detector instantaneously determines its value in the right detector
Aspect’s experiments: tests of Bell’s inequalities
+ - 1 2 q1 q2 S S Correlation function Classical theories with hidden variable require Cascade two photon transition in Ca-40. J=0->J=1->J=0 s- source of two polarized photons 1,2 – polarization analyzers set at angles theta 1,2 +/- horizontal/vertical channels Quantum mechanics predicts B=2.7 for the appropriate choice of q‘s and the state Experimentally measured value B= Phys. Rev. Let. 49:92 (1982)
Hanburry-Brown-Twiss experiments
Classical theory of the second order coherence Hanbury Brown and Twiss, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London), A, 242, pp Measurements of the angular diameter of Sirius Proc. Roy. Soc. (London), A, 248, pp
Quantum theory of HBT experiments
Glauber, Quantum Optics and Electronics (1965) HBT experiments with matter Experiments with neutrons Ianuzzi et al., Phys Rev Lett (2006) For bosons Experiments with electrons Kiesel et al., Nature (2002) Experiments with 4He, 3He Westbrook et al., Nature (2007) For fermions Experiments with ultracold atoms Bloch et al., Nature (2005,2006)
Shot noise in electron transport
Proposed by Schottky to measure the electron charge in 1918 e- Spectral density of the current noise Related to variance of transmitted charge When shot noise dominates over thermal noise Poisson process of independent transmission of electrons
Shot noise in electron transport
Current noise for tunneling across a Hall bar on the 1/3 plateau of FQE Etien et al. PRL 79:2526 (1997) see also Heiblum et al. Nature (1997) points with error bars – experiment open circles include a correction for finite tunneling
Quantum noise analysis of time-of-flight
experiments with atoms in optical lattices: Hanburry-Brown-Twiss experiments and beyond Theory: Altman et al., PRA (2004) Experiment: Folling et al., Nature (2005); Spielman et al., PRL (2007); Tom et al. Nature (2006)
Time of flight experiments
Cloud after expansion Cloud before expansion Quantum noise interferometry of atoms in an optical lattice Second order coherence
Quantum noise analysis of time-of-flight
experiments with atoms in optical lattices Experiment: Folling et al., Nature (2005)
Quantum noise analysis of time-of-flight
experiments with atoms in optical lattices Cloud after expansion Cloud before expansion Second order correlation function Here and are taken after the expansion time t. Two signs correspond to bosons and fermions.
Quantum noise analysis of time-of-flight
experiments with atoms in optical lattices Relate operators after the expansion to operators before the expansion. For long expansion times use steepest descent method of integration TOF experiments map momentum distributions to real space images Second order real-space correlations after TOF expansion can be related to second order momentum correlations inside the trapped system
Quantum noise analysis of time-of-flight
experiments with atoms in optical lattices Example: Mott state of spinless bosons Only local correlations present in the Mott state G - reciprocal vectors of the optical lattice
Quantum noise in TOF experiments in optical lattices
We get bunching when corresponds to one of the reciprocal vectors of the original lattice. Boson bunching arises from the Bose enhancement factors. A single particle state with quasimomentum q is a supersposition of states with physical momentum q+nG. When we detect a boson at momentum q we increase the probability to find another boson at momentum q+nG.
Quantum noise in TOF experiments in optical lattices
Another way of understanding noise correlations comes from considering interference of two independent condensates After free expansion When condensates 1 and 2 are not correlated We do not see interference in Oscillations in the second order correlation function
Quantum noise in TOF experiments in optical lattices
Mott state of spinless bosons
Interference of an array of independent condensates
Hadzibabic et al., PRL 93: (2004) Smooth structure is a result of finite experimental resolution (filtering)
Second order correlations. Experimental issues.
Autocorrelation function Complications we need to consider: finite resolution of detectors projection from 3D to 2D plane s – detector resolution - period of the optical lattice In Mainz experiments and The signal in is
Second order coherence in the insulating state of bosons.
Experiment: Folling et al., Nature (2005)
Quantum noise analysis of time-of-flight
experiments with atoms in optical lattices Example: Band insulating state of spinless fermions Only local correlations present in the band insulator state
Quantum noise analysis of time-of-flight
experiments with atoms in optical lattices Example: Band insulating state of spinless fermions We get fermionic antibunching. This can be understood as Pauli principle. A single particle state with quasimomentum q is a supersposition of states with physical momentum q+nG. When we detect a fermion at momentum q we decrease the probability to find another fermion at momentum q+nG.
Second order coherence in the insulating state of fermions.
Experiment: Tom et al. Nature (2006)
Second order correlations as Hanburry-Brown-Twiss effect
Quantum noise analysis of time-of-flight
experiments with atoms in optical lattices Bosons with spin. Antiferromagnetic order Second order correlation function New local correlations Additional contribution to second order correlation function - antiferromagnetic wavevector We expect to get new peaks in the correlation function when
Probing spin order in optical lattices
Correlation function measurements after TOF expansion. Extra Bragg peaks appear in the second order correlation function in the AF phase. This reflects doubling of the unit cell by magnetic order.
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