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APAH EXAM REVIEW This is not a guaranteed reflection of the information asked on the actual Exam. It is a way for you to reconnect to important themes.

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Presentation on theme: "APAH EXAM REVIEW This is not a guaranteed reflection of the information asked on the actual Exam. It is a way for you to reconnect to important themes."— Presentation transcript:

1 APAH EXAM REVIEW This is not a guaranteed reflection of the information asked on the actual Exam. It is a way for you to reconnect to important themes that we have covered throughout the class and tips about writing for the Essay portion of the Exam.

2 Purpose/FUNCTION Question: How…..(the artwork)…..used…. FUNCTION
What is the purpose of it? What is it used for? (to hold ashes, to teach through images) Purpose can be tricky - purpose may change the more you delve into the meaning of a work of art. The sculpture’s purpose could be to hold water, but the painting on the vessel may be used to record a historic event.

3 Artwork / Architecture Purposes
Some Examples of Artwork / Architecture Purposes Architecture: give shelter enclose space site for ritual commemorate assert power/establish authority cultural icon or symbol Sculpture: monument icon / image historical record decorative element finding aesthetic ideal formal exploration –experiment with material attempt to measure/ record time/space/nature Painting: icon / image metaphor for idea/ concept/ belief document event tell a story allegorical to teach /inspire autobiographical propaganda aesthetic object (visual pleasure) to record the process

4 Aesthetic Ideal : Canon
What’s it’s purpose? Or function? Religious Icon Religious Icon & ritual & Metaphor for Astronomy Concept Aesthetic Ideal : Canon Decorative Place of Worship

5 Portraits & commemorates Religious rites
What’s its purpose? Or function? Funerary Object (grave marker) Place of Worship Decorative & Assert Power Place of Worship Portraits & commemorates Religious rites Portrait

6 Portrait Monument Portrait Shelter Exploration Formal Qualities
What’s it’s purpose? Or function? Monument Portrait Exploration Of Formal Qualities Shelter Portrait

7 Question: Why….used…. CONTEXT
Context in Art History : Refers to the set of circumstances or facts that surround a particular work of art. Question: Why….used… CONTEXT What was going on, how does it relate to that? Why was it important to the people who made it? (cultural, governmental, religious, social..) Relating context to the work can provide insight into understanding the value or creation of the artwork / architecture.

8 Context can include a LOT of topics-
ANYTHING that has occurred or is an issue can apply to art as CONTEXT SOCIOPOLITICAL- social or political themes that are implied or refer to in any given artwork. this includes persuasive or critical perspectives. GENDER- the context of gender refers to either a. the perspective of the artist as a male or female. b. the issue of how the artist depicts male or females in their artwork. HISTORICAL- contemporary (to their time) political and artistic developments to which the artists are reacting or are influenced by PATRONAGE- this refers to who the artist was working for, who commissioned the work or who would it appeal to FUNCTION & SETTING- the purpose of the artwork and it's connection to it's original setting CONTEXT OF ARCHITECTURE- the relationship of the structure to its function in the region at that time, as well as it’s physical surroundings

9 There are TWO 30 min. essays.
ESSAY QUESTIONS There are TWO 30 min. essays. * One will ask you to select two specific works to discuss based on their theme. (You must include one NON-Western work to discuss) There are seven min. short essays based on color images and/or text.

10 Look For CLUE WORDS Understand the Question!! How….used…. FUNCTION
What is the purpose of it? What is it used for? (to hold ashes, to teach through images) Why….used… CONTEXT What was going on, how does it relate to that? Why was it important to the people who made it? (cultural, governmental, religious, social..)

11 Understand What they are Asking You.
Read , Read and READ the question – Misreading would be awful! Label it. Underline it. Identify the image as fully (as possible). How does the artist communicate the theme? What does the image reveal?

12 Brainstorm Map it Out Spend a couple minutes getting your ideas together. Write out the important stuff. Things you don’t want to forget. Check the list after you’re done- make sure you included it!

13 Watch for key words like “specific works.”
>Then you MUST identify a specific piece of art.< Include : Artist Name Region/ Movement Title & Date If you don’t remember the exact title – DON’T PANIC -*do the best you can with a title and then describe it (Sometimes they accept the descriptive title) What matters most is that your AP reader knows what piece you are talking about.


15 REREAD YOUR ESSAY!! Imagine that you are the AP grader.
Could you read the handwriting? If not, fix it! Are there words missing? Do you have an appropriate tone? NO JOKING! (AP graders have no sense of humor.) Discuss the work objectively. Make no value judgments, either positive or negative.

16 Plus …If you get stuck Don’t Panic!!
Use what you know to answer what you don’t know. Break it down  look for clues. p.s. I know you can do it 

17 You’ll do Grrreat!!

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