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NMR characterization of the ADPr-binding C(M/P)Y and CYR motifs.

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1 NMR characterization of the ADPr-binding C(M/P)Y and CYR motifs.
NMR characterization of the ADPr-binding C(M/P)Y and CYR motifs. (A) Titration of TZF with ADPr monitored by 1H-15N heteronuclear single quantum coherence (HSQC) spectra. (B) Chemical shift perturbation profiles of TZF by ADPr, ADP, NAD+, adenine, and D-ribose-5-phosphate. (C) A representative HADDOCK model of ADPr at the binding site of ZF1. (D) Conservation and (E) electrostatic potential surface representation of ZF1 with the ADPr-binding site as indicated. Guang-Yao Li et al. PNAS 2010;107:20: ©2010 by National Academy of Sciences

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