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EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region

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1 EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region
European Commission DG Regional Policy, Territorial Cooperation

2 Agenda Two years into implementation phase.
Short update on how the process looks from our side, more specifically: Background for the Strategy Outline of the implementation process and the governance structure Alignment of funding Reporting issues

3 Why an EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region?
Requested by the European Council, inter alia help to address the urgent environmental challenges A need to speed up implementation of important priorities An integrated approach to identify needs, solutions and match them to available resources Three objectives: Save the Sea Connect the Region Increase Prosperity

4 Added value of an EU Strategy
It mobilises projects across borders and sectors It serves as a catalyst for strengthening cooperation mechanisms within Member States and among countries in a Region By involving all relevant policy areas and countries, it promotes balanced regional development It contributes to channel existing funding instruments so their potential can be fully utilised

5 The approach An integrated approach: A rolling Action Plan:
Environment, Economy, Accessibility, Safety A rolling Action Plan: 15 Priority Areas, 90+ Flagship Projects Alignment of funding Integrated Maritime Policy Simple implementation system: better use of existing institutions, funding, and legislation

6 Implementation Simple implementation system: making better use of existing institutions, funding and legislation – no new EU structures, EU laws, or EU money Policy development: European Council and high-level group Coordination, monitoring and follow-up: European Commission on the basis of a mandate from the Council in October 2009 and again in 2012 Implementation on the ground: Member State or equivalent coordinates Priority Area; Ministry, agency, or other body leads flagship projects

7 Examples of flagship projects
Remove phosphates in detergents – completed Improve waste handling on board and in ports – completed Fund innovation and research Promote environmental technologies Create marine protected areas Connect the Baltic States to the energy networks Improve transport infrastructures Establish joint curricula in universities Better cooperation in case of marine pollution

8 Alignment of funding Structural Funds and other funding sources
Lab Group Conference in Riga in March 2010 Bilateral meetings in Member States Issuance of Technical assistance grants courtesy of European Parliament funding Exploring the potential for a seed money facility Aim: to achieve better coordination and more focus on the priorities of the Strategy At the moment we are in the middle of a 7-year funding period. There are around 50 decentralised funding programmes within the Baltic Sea Region only with regard to the Structural funds, and numerous others within other policy fields. The priorities of the Structural Fund programmes in the region are largely speaking compatible with the Action Plan, but there are new challenges in articulating existing programmes with the new strategy AIM: (no new funding, but) to achieve better coordination and more focus on the priorities of the Strategy (there is funding…) Lab Group to help programmes and PACs. Conference in Riga – issues: labelling, access to finance and selection criteria, better coordination with infrastructure projects. We will follow up on these themes with reference papers soon. Bilateral meetings in Member States Trust fund possibility

9 Reviews and reporting Review of the Action Plan is ongoing, aiming for completion by end of 2012 Progress reports now issued bi-annually The first review of the Strategy in Council took place during the PL presidency in 2011 DK presidency has followed up on PL decisions Informal 30 June 2010 report – PAC + OP MA contributions 3rd Annual Forum 2012: June in Copenhagen New Action Plan to be available in end April Annual Forum: a good opportunity to take stock of events and get input from regional stakeholders. We want to organise a large, open and frank Forum to exchange views on progress, good practices and obstacles. We want to hear the views of those on the ground. In the development of the Strategy everyone should feel as part of a greater process. Everyone should feel encouraged to report ideas and/or possible obstacles

10 Present situation Priority Areas are working, some more efficiently than others. Importance of avoiding duplication. In PA11 the new steering committee has been found to be a better forum for discussion than existing fora. Back-to-back meetings, etc. Domestic re-organisation Results are continuing to show Other macro-regions looking to follow… Results: On clean shipping an application has been submitted to the International Maritime Organisation to designate the Baltic Sea as a control area for sewage discharges from passenger ships. On climate change, the work on developing a regional adaptation strategy is well under way. Regarding sustainable agriculture, the structures for Baltic-wide veterinary contingency planning have now been developed. These are some out of many examples of early progress

11 Conclusion Very demanding process which aims at improving coherence and coordination between a large number of: policies and priorities at the european, national, regional levels; instruments and programmes; Partners, including public, NGO, and private; countries and regions - sometimes heterogeneous. Macro-regional strategy requires combination of: strong political committment, preparedness for multilevel governance knowledge management experience

12 Conclusion Importance of intensity and maturity of cooperation;
Need for a clear common vision on a limited number of key issues and of focused priorities The development of new macro-regional strategies should be considered in the light of the first results from Baltic and Danube strategies

13 Review of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region

14 The review process Annual implementation report, June 2011
Polish EU Presidency, Council Conclusions, November 2011 Commission Communication, March 2012 Danish EU Presidency, Council Conclusions, June 2012 Update of the Action Plan, autumn 2012 => Strategy 2.0

15 Outcomes: An overview Clearer objectives, indicators and targets
Clearer roles and responsibilities Embedding the Strategy in financial instruments Structured cooperation with neighbours Better involvement of all stakeholder groups Better communication Sustained commitment

16 Objectives, indicators, targets
3 objectives for the Strategy Save the Sea Connect the Region Increase Prosperity …made concrete through indicators and targets For example: Objective: Save the Sea Indicator: Good environmental status Target: by 2021

17 Roles and responsibilities
Guidelines on what is expected from the main stakeholders are important to make the work transparent and effective Lists setting out these key tasks have been developed by a task-force To be endorsed by the Council and included in the updated Action Plan A handbook will be published with extensive descriptions, explanations and examples

18 The future programming period
Macro-regional strategies included in the draft regulations, especially: Common provisions, Art. 14(a)v: Partnership Contracts to take account, where appropriate, of macro-regional strategies Common provisions, Art. 87(c)vi: Relevant Operational Programmes to set out their planned interventions to support the Strategy ETC regulation, Art. 6(b) allowing transnational programmes to support implementation (TA) Seed money facility to ensure the development of good, relevant projects

19 Involving neighbouring countries
To build on existing structures, such as the Northern Dimension, CBSS, NCM and HELCOM On-going dialogue with the Russian Federation, agreement on projects of joint interest – expert groups to be established Regional cooperation with Russian coastal regions: Turku-process involving St. Petersburg and Leningrad Oblast; CBSS SEBA involving Kaliningrad

20 Better Communication Cooperation with Interact on new website, newsletter, visual identity. Needs analysis in progress Better involvement of stakeholders Through multi-level governance, clearer roles… Political commitment and policy alignment Continuous visibility and relevance to ensure commitment at all levels Strategy included in relevant Council agendas

21 Updating the Action Plan
Merging, adding or cutting Priority Areas? Time to clean up! Making Strategy objectives operational Indicators and targets at Priority Area level to streamline and focus the work PAC/HAL/NCP input by May Annual Forum discussion in June Draft Action Plan over the summer Stakeholders consultations in early autumn Updated Action Plan by the end of 2012

22 Thank you for your attention!
EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region: an integrated framework to address the challenges and opportunities of the Baltic Sea Region

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