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Overview of Revisions to the Standards and Competencies

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1 Overview of Revisions to the Standards and Competencies
Public Draft #2 April 2019

2 Key Drivers for Revisions
Power to the Profession NAEYC’s cyclical review of Position Statements Current research, policy and practice National Association for the Education of Young Children

3 Power to the Profession
In developing unified competencies: Do not start with a blank slate Start with the 2010 NAEYC Standards for Initial and Advanced Early Childhood Professional Preparation Programs Leverage standards from other national organizations Make some important revisions to address gaps identified in IOM report Rebrand and elevate

4 Leadership and Engagement in the Revisions
Who Summary of Role Governing Board Final approval Governing Board - Early Learning Systems Committee Develops drafts for Governing Board and public review Position Statement Workgroup (includes P2P task force reps) Informs drafts The Field National Association for the Education of Young Children

5 Where are We Now in the Revisions Process?
September-November 2018 – Public comment period for Public Draft #1 of the Professional Standards and Competencies for Early Childhood Educators November 2018-April 2019 – The working group reviewed feedback and made further revisions April-June 2019 – Public comment period for Public Draft #2 National Association for the Education of Young Children

6 Themes from Feedback on Public Draft #1
The vast majority of the field supported revisions in the standards and competencies.   The majority of concerns cited related to Standards One (Child Development and Learning in Context) and Two (Family Partnerships).  These concerns addressed educators’ responsibilities and competencies particularly related to social justice, diversity, and equity. Be inclusive and accessible Avoid jargon and use language that is more accessible to readers at all levels; Use language that will reach and be used by more conservative teachers, programs, and states; Include more age-band examples throughout the document so that early childhood educators working across the birth-eight continuum see themselves in the standards and competencies. National Association for the Education of Young Children

7 Themes from Feedback on Public Draft #1 (cont.)
Make sure competencies are specific and pragmatic Differentiate what should be expected at all levels and what reflects advanced or graduate levels of understanding and practice In addition, many respondents supported the standards but had questions about how the profession will support individuals in attaining the competencies and whether individuals will be compensated for their expertise. National Association for the Education of Young Children

8 What Changed Between Public Draft 1 and Public Draft 2?
Streamlined content that was either overlapping in key competencies or was strongly connected between key competencies (The Side-by-Side Comparison of Public Draft #1 and Public Draft #2 indicates where these changes were made.) Revisions to the social justice, diversity and equity content in the standards focused on ensuring language stayed pragmatic and appropriate for purposes of competencies and could be adopted/adapted/used across all states and professional preparation programs Throughout the standards, age-band examples were added as well as more specificity in the competencies language Includes the first draft of the Leveling of Professional Standards and Competencies to the ECE I, II and III designations in the Power to the Profession recommendations

9 National Association for the Education of Young Children
About the Leveling The leveling is based on the scopes of practice for ECE I, II and III outlined in Decision Cycles 3,4,5 and 6 of Power to the Profession (p and p ) Serves as a guide to help the early childhood ecosystem (practitioners, professional preparation programs, accreditors, licensing bodies, etc.) understand the necessary breadth and depth of the standards and competencies they need to master or align to in their professional roles. National Association for the Education of Young Children

10 National Association for the Education of Young Children
Next Steps Your feedback is needed! Via SurveyMonkey On the content of the standards and competencies On the leveling Via Office Hours Public Comment Period ends June 14, 2019 National Association for the Education of Young Children

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