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Man and Woman – the Makers Plan Genesis 2:18-25. Where did I come from? What was I made for? How am I to relate to other people?

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Presentation on theme: "Man and Woman – the Makers Plan Genesis 2:18-25. Where did I come from? What was I made for? How am I to relate to other people?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Man and Woman – the Makers Plan Genesis 2:18-25

2 Where did I come from? What was I made for? How am I to relate to other people?


4 1. Marriage is a good gift from God It is not good for the man to be alone… I will make a helper suitable for him But for Adam No Suitable helper was found

5 This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh She shall be called woman for she was taken out of man

6 2. Marriage is designed for service Equal in value, but different roles….

7 3. Marriage is to follow the Makers pattern This why a man leaves his father and his mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh. LEAVING CLEAVING ONE FLESH God

8 4. Marriage is a picture of an even deeper marriage

9 And so….

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