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By: Trevor Baise.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Trevor Baise."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Trevor Baise

2 What is the main subject of this photograph?

3 What is the main subject of this photograph?
The subject of this photograph would be the technology in the 21st century. In the 21st century technology is a big deal. People depend on the use of technology every day.

4 What is the point of view?

5 What is the point of view?
The point of view of this image is to show the younger people of our generation that technology isn’t everything. Just because new technology comes out doesn’t mean that we have to have it in our possession.

6 Who is the audience?

7 Who is the audience? All of the younger generation that has to have the best technology that comes out. Also the adults that spend too much time with technology and not with other things that should mean more to them.

8 Does the light seem to be natural or artificial?

9 Does the light seem to be natural or artificial?
The light in the image is completely artificial. The artificial light puts the attention directly on the face of the baby. The light pinpoints the eyes of the baby.

10 What parts of the image are clearly in focus?

11 What parts of the image are clearly in focus?
The only thing in clear focus in the image would be the face of the baby. If you went to the extreme the eye of the baby is clearly represented.

12 What colors do you see in the image?

13 What colors do you see in the image?
All of the colors in the image are neutral colors. The only color in the image that isn’t neutral is the color of the eye. The blue tent of the eye allows the eye to stand.

14 Do you see visual textures in the image?

15 Do you see visual textures in the image?
The skin of the child is soft and smooth. The soft skin of the baby represents the innocence of the young child.

16 Ethos

17 Ethos This picture is credible because it came from an Ad Busters magazine.

18 Logos

19 Logos Logically we hear people say to other parents, “Your daughter has your eyes,” so we can relate to this saying. Also, we do inherit our genes from our parents so this ad and the statement makes sense.

20 Pathos

21 Pathos At first this picture was very freaky because the eye of the baby is very emphasized, it also made me realize that technology is way too involved in the lives of people.

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