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The Family History Guide for Temple & Family History Consultants

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1 The Family History Guide for Temple & Family History Consultants
2. Run the slides in “browsed by an individual” mode (see “Set Up Slide Show”) and switch between the slide show and browser. Both programs should cover almost all of your available monitor space. 3. Remove unneeded tabs from browser before showing it. * These materials are produced by the Family history guide association, who is entirely responsible for their content. No endorsement by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is implied.

2 Terms of Use * When you have read and agree to these terms, you may hide this slide or move it after the final slide. You may not use these materials for commercial purposes. You may not modify or remove any existing slides in the materials, except for adding or changing the speaker notes if needed. If you add a slide (or more), clearly mark on each slide who added the slide and the date. Include the copyright notice, and do not change the format or design. You may present the original or properly modified materials. You may not repost the materials. You may not distribute the materials electronically to others, except for a modified version for a presenter. Copies must be downloaded from the website. You may print copies of the slides as needed. © The Family History Guide Association – All Rights Reserved 2/2/2019

3 Agenda Introduction Home Page Demo Four Roles for Consultants
Things to Teach Tracking Progress Online Reporting Certified Trainers Program Review and Resources The picture has an interesting family history connection: we travel the long family history road in this life, doing a great work for our kindred dead. We must remember we have help available from above as we continue our journey. © The Family History Guide Association – All Rights Reserved 02/02/2019

4 Introduction About Us Keeping Current
The Family History Guide website is part of The Family History Guide Association, a charitable non-profit organization. The website is approved by FamilySearch as an official training resource. The website is inter-denominational. Site visitors are from over 150 countries, and the site is on the front page of the FamilySearch portal in all 5,000 family history centers worldwide. Keeping Current The website is continually updated with new features and links to helpful online resources. Turnaround time for most fixes is 24 hours or less. The website was made available on the FamilySearch portal in 2016; it was approved by FamilySearch in early 2017; and The Family History Guide Association was established in May 2017. © The Family History Guide Association – All Rights Reserved 02/02/2019

5 Showing the Basics Helping someone who is new to The Family History Guide: Suggested items to show on the website … 1) Home Page; 2) Hover over top menu items to explain navigation; 3) Google Translate bar; 4) Search link; 5) Video section; 6) Explain Quick Tour but don’t show; 7) Click Get Started and explain its page; 8) Click the logo and explain that it returns to the Home page; 9) Click the 15 Minutes link and explain the More Things to Do, along with the “15-Minute” links on the page. © The Family History Guide Association – All Rights Reserved 02/02/2019

6 Four Roles for T&FH Consultants
Librarian Mentor Trainer Recruiter 1 2 3 4 These items are covered in detail in the upcoming slides. © The Family History Guide Association – All Rights Reserved 02/02/2019

7 The Librarian I can answer questions with The Family History Guide.
I know the website menus. I use Features Help, Topics and Site Map. I’m the librarian, but not the library. I dedicate time to personal learning. The Family History Guide is an ideal resource for short learning sessions. Demonstrate the Features Help, Topics, and Site Map features of the website and explain how they can help learners or consultants find answers quickly. © The Family History Guide Association – All Rights Reserved 02/02/2019

8 The Mentor I use the Consultant Planner on FamilySearch to invite, set goals, and provide assistance. How does The Family History Guide fit with the Consultant Planner? In the Setting Goals step of the Consultant Planner, the Projects, Goals, and Choices of The Family History Guide can be very helpful. I create a balance between learner tasks and mentor guidance. Show the Consultant Planner link in Trainers > Consultants. Explain that The Family History Guide does not replace or compete with the Consultant Planner or other or FamilySearch Tools; it can be used to enhance the efforts of consultants and learners. Tips for using The Family History Guide and the Consultant Planner © The Family History Guide Association – All Rights Reserved 02/02/2019

9 The Consultant Planner & The Family History Guide
The Family History Guide provides built-in tasks, using Projects, Goals, Choices, and Steps. Consultants & learners can use these to map out a plan, and they may be inserted into the Consultant Planner. Show the Consultant Planner link in Trainers > Consultants. Explain that The Family History Guide does not replace or compete with the Consultant Planner or other or FamilySearch Tools; it can be used to enhance the efforts of consultants and learners. © The Family History Guide Association – All Rights Reserved 02/02/2019

10 The Trainer I teach family history classes.
The Trainers menu has valuable resources I can develop classes with the Course Catalog. Flexible scope: Full-length or mini-classes Empowerment: Consultants can teach a wider variety of classes, using the website. Flexible location: Classes in homes, at church, at family history libraries, in public settings, etc. We recommend using the live website whenever possible for training presentations, instead of creating extra slides and handouts that duplicate the screens of the website. © The Family History Guide Association – All Rights Reserved 02/02/2019

11 The Recruiter Get more people involved in family history.
Use the 15-Minute Approach (Home page). Show flexibility of Goals & Choices on the site. Show Activities for Families, Individuals, Youth, and Kids on the site. Prepare the next generation for family history! Briefly demo the Activities pages for Families, Individuals, and Youth, and the Kids Corner. © The Family History Guide Association – All Rights Reserved 02/02/2019

12 Four Things You Can Teach …
Navigation in FamilySearch (or Ancestry / MyHeritage / Findmypast) Memories – finding and sharing photos, documents, and stories Research – general principles and specific tips Temple Names – Discover, Gather, Connect 1 2 3 4 © The Family History Guide Association – All Rights Reserved 02/02/2019

13 Project 1: Family Search Navigation
In Project 1 of The Family History Guide, cover the Goals and Choices step by step – don’t go too fast. Also use Header links Summaries Exercises Show Me video Project 1: Family Tree Give a brief demo of FamilySearch Project 1 – Family Tree. Explain and show the header links, Summaries, and Exercises. Run the Show Me video for about 30 seconds to give an idea of how it works. © The Family History Guide Association – All Rights Reserved 02/02/2019

14 Project 2: Memories In Project 2: Memories, emphasize
Gathering photos, documents, stories (Goals 1, 2, 4) Uploading memories (Goals 5 – 11) Interviewing (Goal 3) Summaries and Exercises Project 2: Memories Briefly demo Project 2: Memories in FamilySearch. Show the header links for each of the categories described above. © The Family History Guide Association – All Rights Reserved 02/02/2019

15 Project 4: Research In Project 4: Discover, emphasize
Goal 1: Get Organized, Goal 2: Identify a Line, Goal 3: Strategy Goal 4: FamilySearch Tools For more challenging research, use Goals 5 – 7. Briefly demo the Goals mentioned above in Project 4. Project 4: Discover © The Family History Guide Association – All Rights Reserved 02/02/2019

16 Research: Countries and States
Walk through the Countries page and show how it’s organized. Open a Country or U.S. state page to show its resources. Briefly walk through QUIKLinks, for resources and for records. To find record QUIKLinks, rely on the lightning bolt icons in the header links. Also show QUIKLinks for resources (near the top of the page), such as Kindred Trails. In a U.S. state page, show the Counties link (near the top) and click an example to explain it. Project 9: United States © The Family History Guide Association – All Rights Reserved 02/02/2019

17 Family History Activities for Everyone
Families Individuals Youth Kids Corner To find record QUIKLinks, rely on the lightning bolt icons in the header links. Also show QUIKLinks for resources (near the top of the page), such as Kindred Trails. In a U.S. state page, show the Counties link (near the top) and click an example to explain it. © The Family History Guide Association – All Rights Reserved 02/02/2019

18 The Study Center It’s an organized study approach for learning The Family History Guide, one topic at a time. Four paths: FamilySearch, Ancestry, MyHeritage, and Findmypast There are links to individual Goals on the website for each learning step. To find record QUIKLinks, rely on the lightning bolt icons in the header links. Also show QUIKLinks for resources (near the top of the page), such as Kindred Trails. In a U.S. state page, show the Counties link (near the top) and click an example to explain it. Study Center © The Family History Guide Association – All Rights Reserved 02/02/2019

19 Finding and Preparing Temple Names
In the Faiths menu > Church of Jesus Christ Goal 1 for Ordinance Policies Goals 2, 3, and 4 for Opportunities Goal 5 for Printing Names Goal 6 for Reservations Goal 7 for Inspiration Goal 8 for Discover / Gather / Connect Briefly show the Goals for the Church of Jesus Christ page. Briefly show any of the Catholic, Protestant, or Jewish pages as well. © The Family History Guide Association – All Rights Reserved 02/02/2019

20 “Come Follow Me” Companion for Family History
Blog article A week-by-week companion for family history activities From The Family History Guide Assn. Links to the Study Center and Activities Faiths menu, under “Church of Jesus Christ” Briefly show the Goals for the Church of Jesus Christ page. Briefly show any of the Catholic, Protestant, or Jewish pages as well. Come Follow Me Family History Companion © The Family History Guide Association – All Rights Reserved 02/02/2019

21 Tracking Progress For the Consultant Planner or other use:
The Online Tracker, or Word Trackers Trackers enable learners to keep track of the Goals and Choices they have finished, as well as to take notes. Trackers can also be used as a pre-assessment checklist by T&FH consultants to see what the learner already knows or has done. © The Family History Guide Association – All Rights Reserved 02/02/2019

22 Word Trackers One Microsoft Word Tracker per Project; they can be printed or edited. Each Tracker has linked Goals, Choices, Note areas, and Status areas. Show the Word Tracker page on the website. Click a Tracker link and show the download process then open it. © The Family History Guide Association – All Rights Reserved 02/02/2019

23 Online Tracker It’s a secure online database for tracking similar items to the Word Tracker. It requires an account and login to use. No personal information is stored in the database – just the username / password and progress info. Skill levels can be achieved by using Exercises in the Projects. Briefly demo the Online Tracker. 1) Make sure your own username and password are ready in the login screen; 2) Explain that first-time users will need to create an account; 3) Open Project 1 and move a slider bar. Tip – it looks better if you have already added notes and moved a few slider bars before you demo; 4) After moving a slider bar, click another Project in the top bar and then return to Project 1 to demonstrate the “date of last update” field. © The Family History Guide Association – All Rights Reserved 02/02/2019

24 Online Reporting The Online Reporting System gathers information from groups of people in the Online Tracker and pulls it into progress reports. Users share addresses with a group admin, who sets up a reporting group. Users can opt out or in at any time. Groups can include wards, stakes, organizations, families, friends, etc. Group admins can run reports from the Online Tracker to show progress by the group in any of the Tracker items. Individuals can also run reports to show their own progress. Online Reports will be available after Mar. 1, 2019. © The Family History Guide Association – All Rights Reserved 02/02/2019

25 Weekly Group Summary: Choices
Reports can also be run for Goals. The exact scope of reports will be determined later. Weekly Group Summary: Choices © The Family History Guide Association – All Rights Reserved 02/02/2019

26 Weekly Individual Summary: Choices
© The Family History Guide Association – All Rights Reserved 02/02/2019

27 Certified Trainers Program
Certified Trainers present topics on The Family History Guide and may individually train and mentor others. To qualify, pass an overview test and spend several hours presenting or mentoring with The Family History Guide. Certified Trainers are supported by The Family History Guide Association, not the Church or FamilySearch. It’s recommended, but not required, that presenters of TFHG be Certified Trainers. Briefly show the Certified Trainers pages if there is interest in the group. © The Family History Guide Association – All Rights Reserved 02/02/2019

28 Review The Family History Guide: your go-to resource, approved by FamilySearch Four Roles: Librarian, Mentor, Trainer, Recruiter Four Things You Teach: Navigation, Memories, Research, Temple Names Track Your Progress: Word Trackers or the Online Tracker © The Family History Guide Association – All Rights Reserved 02/02/2019

29 Social Media In the Blog/Social menu: Blog Facebook page
YouTube channel Twitter page Pinterest page Brochures and flyers © The Family History Guide Association – All Rights Reserved 02/02/2019

30 Best Wishes for Your Success … we’re here to help!
© The Family History Guide Association – All Rights Reserved 02/02/2019

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