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Published byHelmut Hafner Modified over 5 years ago
Study of Electroweak and Higgs physics with four-lepton final state
Bing Li Supervisor: Zhengguo Zhao, Suen Hou University of Sci. and Tech. of China Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica Ph.D thesis defense Oct. 20, 2015
Outline Introduction Physics analyses and results
single Z4l cross section and branching fraction measurement inclusive four lepton measurement off-shell Higgs coupling measurement and constraint on Higgs natural width Summary April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Introduction April 26, 2019 Bing Li
The Standard Model of Particle Physics
A theoretical framework to describe elementary particles and their interactions. The theory is based on Gauge invariance Higgs mechanism (the cornerstone of EW symmetry breaking) The last missing particle before the LHC was Higgs boson, which was discovered in 2012! April 26, 2019 Bing Li
The ATLAS Detector at the LHC
The largest precision particle detector ever built by 3000 physicists & engineers to -- find the mystery of EWSB -- find the origin of dark matter -- search for new physics BSM ATLAS Run 1 LHC April 26, 2019 Bing Li
The ATLAS Detector 4/26/2019 Bing Li
Particle Detection at the ATLAS Detector
April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Physics with Four-lepton Final State
Rich physics with four-lepton final state Very clean channel for measurement Fully reconstructable signature ATLAS-CONF single Z on-shell Higgs off-shell Higgs qqZZ ggZZ interference between gg Higgs and gg continuum April 26, 2019 Bing Li
I served as the leading editor for Analysis Note
Measurements of Z4l production cross section and branching fraction -- Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, (2014) I served as the leading editor for Analysis Note April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Physics Motivation Plot shown on the July 4th, 2012
Z 4l resonant is clearly observed in 4l mass spectrum alone with H4l (for discovery). It serves as a standard candle for lepton detections in Higgs discovery. The first measurement in ATLAS on The production cross-section of Z4l The branching fraction of Z4l Experimental challenge: cover the phase space with low pT and mass: m2l > 5 GeV, and 80 < m4l < 100 GeV Plot shown on the July 4th, 2012 Phys.Lett. B716 (2012) 1-29 Dominant process for Z4l other small contribution form t-channel (~4%) negligible contribution from gg (10-3) April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Z4l Analysis Overview Results based on 4.5 fb-1 at 7 TeV and 20.3 fb-1 at 8 TeV Low background (< 1%), statistic limited, need to deal with low energy leptons Signal modeling: Powheg MC (interfaced to Pythia) SM cross-section calculations: MCFM and Powheg Background estimation: Z+jets and : estimated with data-driven method WZ, ggZZ and τ decays from Z: MC estimation April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Methodology Measure the cross section in a fiducial volume close to 4l event selection Extrapolate the s to an inclusive phase space CZ4l is an efficiency correction factor for detector effects AZ4l is an acceptance from phase space to the detection fiducial volume April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Z4l Event Selection Require single or di-lepton trigger fired
4 isolated leptons with pT>20, 15, 10(8), 7(4) GeV e(m), e(m) |he| < 2.47 and |hm| < 2.7 Leading lepton pair with m12 > 20 GeV, sub-leading lepton pair with m34 > 5 GeV DR(l, l’) > 0.1 (0.2) for all same (different) flavor lepton pairs Remove event if any same-flavor opposite-sign (SFOS) lepton pair with mll < 5 GeV 80 < m4l < 100 GeV April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Fiducial and Extended Phase Space
Fiducial volume: close to event selections at reconstruction level Lepton pT > 20, 15, 10(8), 7(4) GeV for e(m) |η| < 2.5(2.7) for e(m) DR(l, l’) > 0.1 (0.2) for all same (different) flavor lepton pairs mll > 20 GeV for at least one SFOS lepton pair, mll > 5 GeV for all SFOS lepton pair 80 < m4l < 100 GeV Final phase space: mll > 5 GeV and 80 < m4l < 100 GeV April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Signal Acceptance Factors
7 TeV eeee eeμμ μμee μμμμ A4l 7.5% 15.8% 8.8% 18.3% C4l 21.5% 49.0% 36.3% 59.2% 8 TeV 7.3% 14.8% 7.9% 17.8% 36.1% 55.5% 46.2% 71.1% Theoretical uncertainties on A4l: 1.3 – 1.7 %, from QCD scales and PDFs Experimental uncertainties on C4l: 2.7% (2.7%), 3.7% (4.9%), 6.2% (9.8%), and 9.4% (14.9%) for μμμμ, eeμμ, μμee and eeee for 8 TeV (7 TeV). Mainly from lepton reconstruction and identification efficiencies. Larger C4l in 8 TeV case due to lepton reconstruction and ID improvements, and additional muon detector coverage (EE: 1 <|h| <1.34) Select total 172 Z4l candidate events (21 at 7 TeV and 151 at 8 TeV) with estimated background <1% -- will show next April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Background Estimation
dominant by Z+jet and , where the additional jets fakes into leptons Z+jets and (estimated from data) build control regions with 2 leptons (ll) and 2 lepton-like jets (je, jm) which fail isolation or impact parameter criteria obtain fake factors (f) from Z(tag) + lepton and (tag) + 2 leptons data control samples extrapolate the background from control region to signal region f: flavor and pT dependent k: sum over events in CR April 26, 2019 Bing Li
m4l Distribution in ll + jljl Control Samples
two electron-like jets one electron-like jet one muon-like jet two muon-like jets ll + jljl control regions. ll are two good leptons selected with full selection criteria; jljl are two lepton-like jets, selected with inverted lepton ID, isolation or impact parameter cuts electron fake dominated by Z+jets; muon fake dominated by April 26, 2019 Bing Li
pT of Fake Lepton and Lepton-like Jet
from Z+jet control sample from ttbar control sample fake muon fake electron je jμ April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Fake Factors Selected from jet-enriched control samples:
The signal contamination in jet enriched samples is subtracted Fake factor f = N(fake lepton) / N(lepton-like jet) April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Summary of Background Estimation
Very low background contribution, overall less than 1% Electron fake rate is significantly reduced by likelihood e-ID in 8 TeV case. Loose++ for 7 TeV, Likelihood:Loose for 8 TeV April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Cross Section Measurements
Uncertainties are statistical, systematic and luminosity Statistical uncertainty dominant Systematic uncertainties mainly from lepton identification and reconstruction efficiencies: ~10% for 4 electron case theoretical uncertainties (QCD scale and PDF): ~1.5% luminosity: 1.8% for 7 TeV, 2.8% for 8 TeV Agree with SM prediction (NLO): /- 2.1 fb for 7 TeV; /- 2.5 fb for 8 TeV April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Z4l Branching Fraction
t-channel and gg contribution, 3 - 4%, depending on channels Branching fraction Analysis on Zμμ events selections (at 7 and 8 TeV) to obtain A2μ, C2μ, Nobs2μ and Nbkg2μ ( / )% from PDG Obs Bkg (C*A)2μ 7 TeV 3398 42.2 % 8 TeV 19946 43.0 % April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Z4l Mass Fitting In a process to understand the mass scale for mH4l measurement… ATLAS-CONF mZ2 > 1 GeV to increase statistic for fitting BW(x, MZ, GZ)*Gauss(x, m4l, s4l) μμμμ and eeμμ channel left: Data right: simulation Data Simulation Data is consistent with MC predictions April 26, 2019 Bing Li Simulation Data
My Major Contribution Contributes to all aspects of this analysis: physics analysis, paper/note edit, interaction with journal referees … Approval, open presentations: April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Inclusive four-lepton line-shape measurement
-- ATLAS-CONF Paper was submitted to PLB on Sept. 25, 2015 April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Physics Motivation Study inclusive 4l productions from Z/H/ZZ at the LHC Measure the inclusive 4l cross section from [80, 1000] GeV Unfolding for the 4l mass/pT spectrum Extract the gg contribution SM 4l production mechanisms: qq ZZ 4l gg H ZZ 4l gg ZZ 4l MCFM interference Non-resonant gg production is theoretically less known (only LO calculation is available), constraint its contribution from data is -- important for Higgs width measurement -- important for ZZ aTGC probing -- important for BSM high mass resonance searches SM 4l line shape April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Analysis Overview The measurement is based on data with integrated luminosity of 20.3 fb-1 at 8 TeV Signal modeling: Powheg (NLO)+ Pythia8 for qqZZ4l, and on-shell gg/VBF HiggsZZ4l; MCFM(LO) + Pythia8 for gg(H*)ZZ; Madgraph(LO) + Pythia6 for VBF ZZ, off-shell VBF Higgs and interference Pythia8 for on-shell VH and ttH Higher order corrections for qq (NNLO QCD and NLO EW) and ggH (NNLO k-factors) are available for on-shell ZZ region Low background (~5%), estimated from data and from MC simulations Extract gg ZZ 4l contribution with qq normalized to NNLO QCD and NLO EW corrections April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Event Selection Require single OR di-lepton trigger fired
4 isolated leptons with pT>20, 15, 10(8), 7(6) GeV e(m), e(m) |he| < 2.47 and |hm| < 2.7 Leading lepton pair with 50 < m12 < 120 GeV, sub-leading lepton pair with 12 < m34 < 120 GeV DR(l, l’) > 0.1 (0.2) for all same (different) flavor lepton pairs Remove event if any same-flavor opposite-sign (SFOS) lepton pair with mll < 5 GeV 80 < m4l < 1000 GeV, pT(Z) > 2 GeV in red the difference with Z4l selections April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Fiducial and Final Phase Space
Fiducial Volume: close to event selections at reconstruction level Lepton pT > 20, 15, 10 (8), 7 (6) GeV for e (m) |η| < 2.5 (2.7) for e (m) DR(l, l’) > 0.1 (0.2) for all same (different) flavor lepton pairs Leading lepton pair with 50 < m12 < 120 GeV, sub-leading lepton pair with 12 < m34 < 120 GeV, mll > 5 GeV for all SFOS Phase space: m4l > 80 GeV, mll > 4 GeV, pT(Z) > 2 GeV, 4 leptons with pT > 5 GeV and |η| < 2.8 April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Differential Acceptance Factors
qq process m4l pT4l gg processes m4l pT4l April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Background Estimation
Overall ~5% contribution in signal region The WZ, Zγ and tZ and other irreducible backgrounds are estimated from MC simulations Estimation of Z+jets and using simultaneous likelihood fit in dedicated control regions to obtain the transfer factors Control regions for signal and background build around several discriminating variables isolation, impact parameter (d0) significance, lepton identifications Reweight the fitted background components using the transfer factors to signal region Transfer factor: probability of satisfying the isolation or impact parameter significance requirements April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Control Regions, m12 Distribution
Z+jets from Sherpa Z+jets from AlpgenPythia ll + μμ ll + ee ttbar 1.17 +/ (fit) +/-0.24 (TF) 1.19 +/ (fit) +/ (TF) Z+light jets 0.97 +/ (fit) +/-0.20 (TF) 0.68 +/ (fit) +/ (TF) Z+bbbar 2.01 +/ (fit) +/-0.40 (TF) --- TF: systematic due to the difference of transfer factors calculated from data and MC April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Observed and Predicted Events
April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Cross Section Results The measurement cross sections are slightly higher than the SM predictions, where the non-resonant ggZZ4l cross section is only calculated at the LO approximation April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Differential Cross-section Measurements
Unfolded distributions in the inclusive fiducial phase space In the Higgs mass bin, the m value is 1.48 consistent with ATLAS measurement of m = April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Extraction of the gg Signal Strength w.r.t. LO Cross Section
Extraction is done in the on-shell ZZ region (m4l > 180 GeV) Perform likelihood fit using m4l distribution Only one free parameter of the signal strength for gg processes Statistical uncertainty dominant mgg = 2.4 +/- 1.0 (stat.) +/- 0.5 (syst.) +/- 0.8 (theory) agree with the latest calculation of (Ref.) for off-shell Higgs and (Ref.) for interference term April 26, 2019 Bing Li
My Major Contribution Contributes to all aspects of this analysis: physics analysis, paper/note edit, interaction with ATLAS EB and institutional referees during the review process Closure talk: Public Conference Note in July, 2015 Paper submitted to PLB on Sept. 25, 2015 April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Off-shell Higgs Coupling Measurement
-- Eur. Phys. J. C75.7 (2015) 335 April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Physics Motivation SM prediction of Higgs width about 4.1 MeV at GeV mass point Direct measurement is limited by detector resolution (~ 2 GeV) Indirect measurement based on the off-shell Higgs coupling provides a unique way for best constraint Higgs width can be measured (or constraint) by combining the off-shell and on-shell coupling measurements with assumptions that the off-shell and on-shell couplings are the same JHEP08(2012)116 April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Analysis Overview The measurement is based on data with integrated luminosity of 20.3 fb-1 at 8 TeV Event selection and background estimation: following on-shell Higgs measurement (negligible reducible background) Matrix Element (ME)-based analysis; major challenge is theoretical modeling Off-shell Higgs couplings are first measured Combined with on-shell Higgs coupling measurement, the Higgs natural width is constrained using m4l > 220 GeV data (with ME requirement) April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Interference Between H* and ZZ Continuum
The interference between gg Higgs and ggZZ continuum have large contribution above the mass threshold when both Z’s on-shell negative interference April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Theoretical Treatment
For ggH*ZZ, the NNLO QCD calculation of k-factor as a function of m4l is available (link) The qq background is normalized to NNLO QCD + NLO EW correction (link) The ggZZ continuum background, there is no corrections beyond LO. The treatment in Higgs width analysis is below: Apply k-factor for ggHZZ to the ggZZ process Assigned 30% uncertainty on the interference to assess the validity of this assumption Results are presented as a function of the k-factor ratio: April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Variables in ME Analysis
ME based on 8 variables, m4l, m12, m34, cosθ1, cosθ2, cosθ*, ϕ and ϕ1 ,calculated in the centre-of-mass frame of 4l system PH: matrix element squared for ggH Pgg: matrix element squared for ggH, gg continuum and interference Pqq: matrix element squared for qq Calculated from MCFM c = 0.1 to balance the overall cross-sections of qq and gg April 26, 2019 Bing Li
ME Discriminant Distribution
events with -4.5 < ME < 0.5 are selected, with signal efficiency > 99% April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Result on Off-shell Higgs Coupling
The off-shell Higgs coupling strength moff-shell is derived from a binned maximum-likelihood fit to the ME discriminant: 6.1 – 10.0 depends on RBH April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Results on Higgs Width First, off-shell ZZ4l, ZZ2l2ν and WWeνμν are combined Then combined with on-shell Higgs measurement to obtain the scaled Higgs width w.r.t. the SM Higgs width: 4.5 – 7.5 depends on RBH (5.5 for RBH=1) CMS result: 5.4 (for RBH=1) Phys. Lett. B 736 (2014) 64–85 For RBH=1, GH < 5.5 GSMH = 22 MeV at 95% CL April 26, 2019 Bing Li
My Major Contribution Contributes to the four lepton channel
cross check of the theoretical uncertainties PDF reweighting for gg process fit of k-factors for qq process correlation of theoretical uncertainties from qq and gg processes April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Hardware Experience with ATLAS
Maintenance of ATLAS Monitor Drift Tubes (MDT) chamber from August 2012 to August 2013 Heavily involved in the MDT EE chamber pre-commissioning, test and installation from August 2011 to March 2012 MDT installation in the ATLAS pit nacelle training before going down to pit MDT commissioning at BB5/B191 April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Hardware Experience before Joining ATLAS
Work done during my undergraduate period and the first year of my PhD Design and test of a wide dynamic range readout system, consisting of a multi-dynode readout Photomultiplier tube (PMT) and a VA32 chip, for electromagnetic calorimeter using BGO. The calorimeter is the central detector of DArk Matter Particle Explorer (DAMPE) project in China A high dynamic range readout unit for a calorimeter, Chinese Physics C, Volume 36, Number 1 , doi: / /36/1/012. April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Publications Measurements of four-lepton production in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector, Constraints on the off-shell Higgs boson signal strength in the high-mass ZZ and WW final states with the ATLAS detector, Determination of the off-shell Higgs boson signal strength in the high-mass ZZ final state with the ATLAS detector, Measurements of Four-Lepton Production at the Z Resonance in pp Collisions at √s = 7 and 8 TeV with ATLAS, ATLAS measurements of the 7 and 8 TeV cross sections for Z 4l in pp collisions, April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Conference talks & poster
Measurements of the cross section and branching fraction of Z → 4l in 7 and 8 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector, Epiphany2014, Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, Cracow, Poland, January 8 – 10, ( Measurements of the ZZ → 4l lineshape and extract the gg → 4l signal strength at √s = 8 TeV pp collisions with ATLAS, APS2015, American Physics Society Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, US, April 11–14, ( poster: Measurements of the inclusive σ(pp → 4l) at the Z resonance with the ATLAS detector,LHCC2014, March 5, 2014, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland. ( April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Summary Physics results with four-lepton analysis with Run 1 data
Z 4l cross section and branch fraction measurements Inclusive 4l line-shape measurement off-shell Higgs coupling measurement and constraint on Higgs width MDT pre-commissioning, test, installation and maintenance 13 TeV ZZ2e2μ April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Thanks Thanks to Zhengguo Zhao, Suen Hou and Bing Zhou for their supervision Thanks to Tiesheng Dai, Jianbei Liu, Yanwen Liu, Zizong Xu, Xiaolian Wang, Haijun Yang, Haiping Peng, Yusheng Wu, Alan Wilson, Minghui Liu, Yunlong Zhang, Lulu Liu, Shu Li, Lailin Xu, Liang Guan, Xiaorong Zhou, Cong Geng, Jun Gao, Yuxiang Zhao, Claudio … Thanks to my parents, lots of my other friends, those not in the HEP community Thanks to many many more … April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Backup April 26, 2019 Bing Li
April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Physics achievement in Run 1
Precision test of the SM at TeV scale Higgs discovery and its property measurements April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Higgs production at the LHC
April 26, 2019 Bing Li
ATLAS Trigger System April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Analysis details April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Trigger and trigger efficiency
April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Z4l: event selection pairing: leading Z: mll closet to Z mass
second Z: mll greatest from remaining SFOS pairs April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Z4l: lljj control region definition
2 good leptons (l) + 2 bad leptons (j), no pT ordering Require inv. mass (lljj) within 80 to 100 GeV good leptons: pass full lepton selections bad leptons: invert & loose some of the lepton selection cuts: muon: fail track- and calo-isolation electron: pass hit && (fail e-ID || fail isolation) looser cuts: isolation < 10, d0 < 10mm, z0 < 10mm, IP < 10 April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Z4l: Z + jets Control Sample Selection
Z + light jet dominate to determine the electron fake factor from this sample 2 good leptons from Z combined muon, pT > 20 GeV tight electron, pT > 20 GeV others criteria are the same as the standard lepton selection MET < 25 GeV Mll within 15 GeV around the Zmass window The 3rd lepton in events includes both ‘good’ and ‘bad’ lepton selection criteria. The ‘bad’ lepton definition is the same as the lljj sample selection. fake factor = # of good leptons / # of bad leptons April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Z4l: em + jj Control Sample Selection
To determine muon fake factor Event tag: Two high pT (> 20 GeV), isolated lepton e±m∓ with DR(e,m) > 0.3; MET > 25 GeV At least 2 additional lepton-like jets (j) – j is b-jet dominant in this sample Further select good lepton (l) or bad lepton (j) Determine fake factor: f = N(l)/N(j) April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Z4l distributions April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Z4l mass fitting procedure
First fit MC Single Z signal: simple Gaussian fit [85-95] GeV to obtain the reconstructed central mass value, with fixed width (PDG Z width, 2.49 GeV) 2nd, fit Data and MC: Fitting function-BreitWigner convoluted with Gaussian: BW(x, MZ, GZ)*Gauss(x, m4l, s4l) Mz: fixed, using the fitted mass from MC signal Gz: fixed, PDG Z width, 2.49 GeV m4l: 4 lepton invariant mass from fitting Resolution s4l: 4 lepton mass resolution from fitting April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Z mass fitting April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Z 2m event selection Lepton selection: same as in the Z4l analysis, but only combined muons, pT > 20 GeV exactly 2 muons 80 < mmm < 100 GeV April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Z 2m Background Estimation
Using the same fake factor method for dijet, others from MC Dijet background control region bad muons (l) – same definition as in the Z4l analysis 2 bad combined muons, pT > 20 GeV Require inv. mass (Mjj) within [80, 100] GeV Transfer to signal region using same fake factor from Z4l analysis April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Inclusive 4l: Higher-order corrections for qqZZ
The NLO EW and NNLO QCD corrections are available as a function of m4l for on-shell ZZ region Applied event-by-event to Powheg samples JHEP 12(2013)071 Phys. Lett. B 735 (2014) 311–313 April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Inclusive 4l: Higher-order corrections for ggH*ZZ
The NNLO k-factor for off-shell gg H* ZZ is available as a function of m4l shown below Default in this analysis: k-factor is applied for gg processes only for systematic uncertainty estimation Eur. Phys. J. C (2014) 74:2866, Curve shown right is the k-factor reweighted to the ATLAS MC PDF setting ~ factor 3 effect in high mass region April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Inclusive 4l: Combined signal acceptance factors
Acceptances from different signal processes (qqZZ, on-shell HZZ, gg(H*)ZZ, VBF(H*)ZZ) are combined as i, k refers to the ith, kth process the gg k-factor is applied in σi for uncertainty study same is done to obtain A4l April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Inclusive 4l: control regions
April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Inclusive 4l: Summary of background estimation
In total /- 3.6 background events April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Inclusive 4l: treatment of τ-lepton decays
Contribution from τ-lepton decays is removed by a correction term following April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Inclusive 4l: unfolding
Adopt “EWUnfold” package: - A framework based on RooUnfold Class Default unfolding method: Iterative Bayesian (4 itr.) use 3 iterations as systematics prior knowledge from MC April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Inclusive 4l: response matrix
April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Off-shell Higgs: more on soft-collinear approximation
arXiv: April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Off-shell Higgs: corr(qq, gg)
April 26, 2019 Bing Li
off-shell Higgs: event yields
April 26, 2019 Bing Li
off-shell Higgs: sample reweighting
April 26, 2019 Bing Li
off-shell Higgs: ME input, m4l
April 26, 2019 Bing Li
off-shell Higgs: ME input, cosθ*
April 26, 2019 Bing Li
off-shell Higgs: ME input, cosθ1
April 26, 2019 Bing Li
off-shell Higgs: ME input, cosθ2
April 26, 2019 Bing Li
off-shell Higgs: ME discriminator
April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Limit April 26, 2019 Bing Li
cross section at 8 TeV (pb) cross section at 13 TeV (pb)
Cross sections at 13 TeV cross section at 8 TeV (pb) cross section at 13 TeV (pb) 13 TeV / 8 TeV qqZZ (NLO) 6.8 13.5 1.98 ggZZ (LO) 0.43 1.18 2.74 The cross sections are calculated with MCFM using QCD Scales= m4l/2 and CT10 PDF; dilepton mass range 66 < mll < 116 GeV More than a factor of two increase from 8 TeV to 13 TeV. ggZZ increases faster than qqZZ April 26, 2019 Bing Li
Cross sections at 13 TeV April 26, 2019 Bing Li
LHC schedule at a glance
3000 fb-1 300 fb-1 30 fb-1 figure from EPS 2015 4/26/2019 Bing Li
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