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Engineering Physics Report,

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1 Engineering Physics Report, 9-25-07
Historically, a small program in Engineering, accredited for ~50 years! Administered “collaboratively” by Engineering & Physics. Until recently (< 10 yrs) , enrollment ~ 45 – 60, graduates ~5 – 10/year. Coordinator: Assoc. Dean, Engineering. Currently, Richard Gale. Directors: Charley Myles, Physics; Tim Dallas, EE Communication with Engineering about EnPhys has been difficult for past ~5 years. Apparently, they’ve had little interest in EnPhys. Enrollment has decreased over the past ~ 10 years. Specialty options: EE, CE (Structures), CE (Environmental), ChE, ME. ABET On-Site Review, October, 2005 Resulted in finding many “deficiencies” & “weaknesses”. Some were with the Physics part, MOST were with the Engineering part. Engineering decided that expense to maintain accreditation is prohibitive, due to low enrollment. Didn’t communicate this to Physics until recently.

2 Recent Data on Engineering Physics
Students graduating from the Engineering Physics program since 2000 by option area. Year EE CE (St) CE (En) ChE ME TOTAL 1 2 4 5 3 8 15 Students currently enrolled in the Engineering Physics program by option area. Anticipated Grad. EE CE (St) CE (En) ChE ME TOTAL 1 2 3 5

3 ABET On-Site Review, October, 2007!
Engineering Plans for the Program Termination Plan submitted, Jan., (Never communicated to us until recently). Objective: Ensure current students receive accredited degrees. ABET: Denied the request to terminate program. On-site visit, Fall, 2007! TTU: Intends to ensure accreditation for those currently in program but to discontinue accreditation for those enrolling Fall, 2007 or later. Engineering Meeting with us (Myles, Akchurin, Lichti, Lamp, Thacker) last week. Discussed possible continuation of program. “Engineering Science” Program? … Applied Physics BS Program? …… Physics needs a plan on how to proceed with EnPhys. ABET On-Site Review, October, 2007! ABET Team arrives late Sat., Oct. 27. Departs Tues., Oct. 30. Visit to Physics on Mon., Oct. 29. Will likely need some documents & data from some of you, similar to 2005 review. Please be cooperative. If interacting with the team, PLEASE be informed about the program & be positive about it!

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