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Submission Title: IEEE : MAC Committee Closing Report and Plan

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1 Submission Title: IEEE802.15.3: MAC Committee Closing Report and Plan
May 2001 doc.: IEEE <01/236r0 May 2001 Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: IEEE : MAC Committee Closing Report and Plan Date Submitted: May, 2001 Source: Allen Heberling Company: XtremeSpectrum Address: 8133 Leesburg Pike, Suite 700, Vienna, Virginia 22182 Voice: , FAX: , Re: [ ] Abstract: Orlando TG3 MAC report and plan Purpose: 1) To report to the IEEE regarding the activities of the IEEE MAC committee accomplished during the Orlando Interim meeting. 2) To inform the IEEE regarding the activities the TG3 MAC committee is planning for the time interval leading up to the Portland Plenary Meeting. Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that these viewgraphs become(s) the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P Allen D. Heberling, XtremeSpectrum Allen D. Heberling, XtremeSpectrum, Inc.

2 TG3 MAC Committee Closing Report and Plan at Orlando, May 2001
doc.: IEEE <01/236r0 May 2001 TG3 MAC Committee Closing Report and Plan at Orlando, May 2001 Allen D. Heberling, XtremeSpectrum Allen D. Heberling, XtremeSpectrum, Inc.

3 May 2001 Overview Report the TG3 MAC committee activities during the Orlando Interim meeting. TG3 MAC Activities planned for the time interval leading up to the Portland Plenary. Allen D. Heberling, XtremeSpectrum

4 TG3 MAC Committee Activities Accomplished during the Orlando Interim
May 2001 TG3 MAC Committee Activities Accomplished during the Orlando Interim Collected, categorized and prioritized comments in the Open Issues List (doc:01/114r3…) Reviewed 214 MAC Open Issues. Approved 70 amendments to create D0.5 Incorporated resolved issues into MAC amendments document 01/221r0… Tom Siep presentation regarding draft standard editorial processes Allen D. Heberling, XtremeSpectrum

5 May 2001 TG3 MAC Committee Activities Accomplished during the Orlando Interim continued… Submitted for approval the MAC amendments doc: 01/221r0… describing recommended modifications to D04 to create D05 Bill Arbaugh presentation regarding Security/Privacy in WPAN devices Completed a MAC committee Plan (doc: 01/237…) for the interval between the Orlando Interim meeting and the Portland Plenary meeting. Allen D. Heberling, XtremeSpectrum

6 May 2001 TG3 MAC Committee Activities Planned for the Interval Leading Up To the Portland Plenary: 5 Conference Calls Scheduled Dates: 5/29, 6/5, 6/12, 6/19, 6/26 Purpose: Identify a date and location (tentative DC area) for a MAC ad-hoc meeting 30 days from end of Orlando meeting. Monitor/report progress Continue resolving open issues Generation of Amendments for inclusion into D0.6, one week prior to Portland Plenary Allen D. Heberling, XtremeSpectrum

7 May 2001 TG3 MAC Committee Activities Planned for the Interval Leading Up To the Portland Plenary cont…: Prepare or Complete these clauses: 6.3.x.y MLME-Channel-Time.req/ind/rsp/confirm 6.3.x.y MLME-CoordHndOvr.req/ind/confirm 6.3.x.y MLME-StreamConnect.req/ind/confirm 6.3.x.y MLME-StreamDisconnect.req/ind/confirm Allen D. Heberling, XtremeSpectrum

8 May 2001 TG3 MAC Committee Activities Planned for the Interval Leading Up To the Portland Plenary cont…: 6.3.x.y MLME-Repeater.req/ind/confirm 6.3.x.y MLME-ChannelStatus.req/ind/confirm R. Roberts to author w/ inputs from staff. Allen D. Heberling, XtremeSpectrum

9 May 2001 TG3 MAC Committee Activities Planned for the Interval Leading Up To the Portland Plenary cont…: 7.3.7 Power Management Parms Clause J. Bain to author w/ inputs to MLME sub-clause 8.10 Power Management Clause J. Bain to author 8.12 Frame Xchng Clause W. Shvodian to author Allen D. Heberling, XtremeSpectrum

10 May 2001 TG3 MAC Committee Activities Planned for the Interval Leading Up To the Portland Plenary cont… 7.3.6 Security Parms Clause Gregg Rasor to author w/ input from B. Arbaugh and the Security committee. 9.0 Security/Privacy Clause Complete MSCs and a high level 15.3 SDL Model for the Portland Plenary. A. Heberling to author Allen D. Heberling, XtremeSpectrum

11 Still Unassigned: 8.5 Frag and De-Frag (SAR) Clause
May 2001 Still Unassigned: 8.5 Frag and De-Frag (SAR) Clause W. Shvodian to author this clause. 8.11 Tx Power Control Clause R. Roberts and J. Bain will review TGh and HiperLan2 solutions 7.3.8 Tx Power Control Parms Clause Allen D. Heberling, XtremeSpectrum

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