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Where I’m From Hannah Reichenbach.

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1 Where I’m From Hannah Reichenbach

2 The United States of America
-The U.S.A. became a country when it separated from Great Britain on July 4, and the Declaration of Independence was signed -The capital is Washington D.C.

3 Size -France is 246,201 square miles, while Texas is 268,581 square miles

4 Milwaukee, Wisconsin -I was born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
-Wisconsin is called the “dairy state” because of our mass production of dairy products, specifically cheese -Milwaukee is home to the Harley-Davidson Motorcycles

5 Where I live -The weather is extreme in Milwaukee, going from very hot in the summer to to very cold in the winter -Wisconsin is home to 15,000 lakes that many people spend time on during the summer

6 Halloween -Celebrated October 31st, Halloween began as a ceremony to believed to bring the dead back -In the United States, children dress up in costumes and walk from house to house to “trick or treat”, collecting candy

7 Halloween Vocabulary A Bat- Une Chauve-Souris A Ghost- Un fantôme
A Pumpkin- Une citrouille A Spider- Une Araignée A Witch- Une Sorcière

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