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The Declaration of Independence

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1 The Declaration of Independence
Four Sections

2 The Four Sections Introduction Preamble or Declaration of Rights Body
List of Grievances Conclusion: Statement of Purpose or Declaration Pledge

3 Introduction States the purpose of the document
“When in the course of human events… should declare the causes which impel them to separation.” (p. 170)

4 Preamble Sometimes called the “Declaration of Rights”
Lays out the rights that the men of the Continental Congress felt that ALL of mankind is entitled to enjoy “ We hold these truths to be self-evident: … To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.” (pp )

5 Body List of Grievances:
A grievance is a complaint, so the List of Grievances is a list of specific complaints against the King. It lays out the 18 specific ways in which the King has violated the rights that are laid out in the Preamble. “He has refused his assent …” (p. 171) through “He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us…” (p. 172)

6 Conclusion Statement of Purpose Pledge
Declares the actions that the writers have chosen. “We therefore, the representatives of the United States of America…” (p. 173) Pledge A written statement pledging loyalty and determination to fulfill the objectives laid out in the Statement of Purpose “And for the support of this declaration…” (p. 173)

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