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America’s Political Philosophy

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2 America’s Political Philosophy
Directions: Research the advantages and disadvantages of a federal system of government and write the corresponding characteristic into the appropriate column. Advantages Disadvantages Prevents tyranny of the majority Leads to duplication of services and payment for said services. Increased localized control Limits the power of the central government More power for the individual Leads to conflicts between central and regional governmental bodies Leads to inefficiency Provides states the freedom to experiment in policymaking.



5 James Madison George Washington Thomas Jefferson
Declaration of Independence Federalist Papers Articles of Confederation Constitution Electoral College James Madison George Washington Thomas Jefferson

6 3.

7 Bill of Rights Directions: Apply the corresponding amendment (numbered and definition) with each appropriate circumstance. Katie is traveling from Des Moines to Cedar Rapids. She has a permit to carry in the state of Iowa and a licensed and registered 9mm on her person. What amendment is she using? A policeman finds illegal drugs and weapons in the hallway of an apartment building. To find out who has drugs and weapons in the building, the police chief orders a search of all apartments. Which amendment prevents this type of search? Suppose the KKK is planning a rally in Des Moines. You, like nearly everyone else, find their message offensive. You ask the mayor to prevent the rally, but he says that the KKK has the right to hold the rally. Which amendment protects this right? Cody got caught running from the scene of a crime. He may or may not be involved and also may have information on others involved. The arresting officer has placed him under arrest and threatens to tie him to the chair and beat him up under interrogation. Which amendment protects Cody from officer brutality? Jason is arrested for cheating on his taxes. In court, he refuses to answer questions that make him look guilty. What amendment is he using? Give an example below of another situation where an amendment has been used (different from the amendments used in the situations above). EXAMPLE: AMENDMENT:

8 autocracy representation federalism tyranny rebellion
separation of powers principles checks and balances sovereignty


10 Founding Principles Checks and Balances: Constitutional powers are distributed among the branches of government allowing each to limit the application of power of the other branches and to prevent expansion of power of any branch. Consent of the Governed/Popular Sovereignty: The power of government comes from the people. Due Process: The government must interact with all people according to the duly-enacted laws and apply these rules equally with respect to all people. Federalism: The people delegate certain powers to the national government, while the states retain other powers; and the people, who authorize the states and national government, retain all freedoms not delegated to the governing bodies. Liberty: Except where authorized by citizens through the Constitution, government does not have the authority to limit freedom. Limited Government: Citizens are best able to pursue happiness when government is confined to those powers which protect their life, liberty, and property. Majority Rule/Minority Rights: Laws may be made with the consent of the majority, but only to the point where they do not infringe on the inalienable rights of the minority. Natural/Inalienable Rights: Rights which belong to us by nature and can only be justly taken away through due process. Examples are life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness. Private Property: The natural rights of all individuals to create, obtain, and control their possessions, beliefs, faculties, and opinions, as well as the fruits of their labor. Representative/Republican Government: Form of government in which the people are sovereign (ultimate source of power) and authorize representatives to make and carry out laws. Separation of Powers: A system of distinct powers built into the Constitution, to prevent an accumulation of power in one branch. Rule of Law: Government and citizens all abide by the same laws regardless of political power. Those laws are justly applied, consistent with an ethos of liberty, and stable.

11 6 Principles of the U.S. Constitution
Directions: There are 6 Principles (main ideas) of the US Constitution that are designed to limit the power of the Government, and prevent one person or group from becoming too powerful. Describe each core principle and analyze how each prevents one person or group within our government from becoming too powerful. Principle Definition How does it prevent one person or group within our government from becoming too powerful? Separation of powers Checks and Balances Popular Sovereignty Judicial Review Limited Government Federalism

12 Federalism Directions: As a result of living under the tyrannical rule of English kings, the Framers of the Constitution feared giving all the powers of a government to just one institution. Therefore, when writing the Constitution, they delegated some powers only to the national government, shared some powers with both the national and state governments, and reserved some powers only for state governments. Write each governmental power in the correct location on the Venn Diagram. Concurrent Power (powers shared between the federal and state governments Delegated Power (powers reserved for the National [Federal] Government) Reserved Power (powers reserved for the individual state governments) Make laws for trading among states and with other countries Build Roads, interstates, and Highways Conduct local elections for Mayor, Governor, Police Chief, etc Collect Taxes Maintains the Military Issues driver’s licenses, and permits for fishing and hunting Print Money Protect the safety of the citizens Makes laws for trade within a state Establish courts Borrow money Makes laws that apply to all states Sets speed limits Declare War Establish schools





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