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Vocabulary 3/6/15 The Explorers.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary 3/6/15 The Explorers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary 3/6/15 The Explorers

2 The Explorers VIP Vocabulary Information Picture

3 Chap A nicely dressed gentleman.

4 Uncharted A place that does not have a map and no one has ever gone.

5 Accent The way a person talks depending on where they are from.

6 Attic The room at the top of the house, usually used for storage.

7 Ahoy A way to say hello

8 Yanking To pull really hard

9 Matey A friend or someone you work with on a ship

10 Poke To use your finger to tap someone

11 Retirement community A place where people can live after they retire from work.

12 Visions Pictures in your brain

13 Sparkling Shining and glittery

14 Eagerly Excited and ready to go.

15 Uniform An outfit worn at work or sports that represents a team or a job.

16 Ancestors Relatives from a long, long time ago.

17 Ancient Something that is really old.

18 Antique watch A really old watch

19 Lettering Fancy writing on something.

20 Leather A cloth like item, usually made out of animal skin.

21 Book spine The edge of the book that keeps the pages together.

22 Dust jacket A cover used to keep dust of a book.

23 Design Something put together with a purpose or plan.

24 Offended Annoyed because of an insult.

25 Protest Disapproval of something.

26 Lugging Carrying something very heavy, slowly.

27 Expedition An adventure into the unknown.

28 Disappointed Upset you did not get what you wanted or your way.

29 First edition The first copy of a particular book, ever printed.

30 Beholder The person who holds you dear.

31 Batch A large amount.

32 Uncertainly Not sure of something.

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