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Board of Education K-12 Mathematics Report

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1 Board of Education K-12 Mathematics Report
Lisa Kotowski Randy Malandro Abigail Bates Jeff Tillett May 15, 2018


3 Instructional Materials
Adopted in 2014 Integrated Mathematics Pathways Math Expressions, K-5 Connected Mathematic Project (CMP3), 6-8 College Preparatory Math (CPM), 9-11 Approved new courses Exploring Computer Science CP Consumer Math (Financial Literacy) Pre-Calculus

4 Professional Development
Instructional Coaches for Mathematics Department Chair meetings Cadre meetings/Afterschool PD Silicon Valley Math Institute Members (SVMI)

5 Online Resources FASST Math, K-6 Timez Attack, K-6 DreamBox, K-8

6 Summer Math Program Silicon Valley Education Foundation (SV[e]F)
Elevate [Math] Target group Incoming 7th – 10th grade students Who are “nearly meeting standards” Purpose Prepare students for their next math course and bring them up to proficiency. Students who are just above the “meeting standards” cut off also are invited to boost their math skills and confidence.

7 Summer Math Program Enrollment
205 students (ongoing enrollment) Staffing 10 teachers District Summary Program # Enrolled # Waitlisted (Above 35/class) E[M] 7 70 16 E[M] 8 47 E[M] 9 57 E[M] 10 15 Total # of Students 189

8 21st Century Skills are the Standards for Mathematical Practice


10 9th Grade Placement by Year

11 Comparison to last year’s 9th grade placement numbers
Initial Placement Bear Creek Lodi High McNair Tokay HSM -71 -54 -48 HSM/Int. 1 13 -1 9 11 Int. 1 6 74 81 Int. 2 5 -9 4 Int. 2/Int. 2+ -3 8 43 more overall students;

12 Adapts to Individual Learner Aligned to Common Core
Integrates Assessment with Instruction Empowers teachers/administrators with data and reports Access and Equity for ELLs Develops Skills, Closes Gaps Personalized Instruction Intervention and Enrichment

13 Recommendations 60 minutes/week
Can be split up as sites/teachers desire 5-8 lessons/week (10-15 min per lesson) Teachers: access DB data once per week Research shows linear relationship More Dreambox → higher test scores

14 Sample Lesson- Division with Remainders (5th)

15 Total lessons complete
DreamBox Growth is NON-Linear % Growth Progress through the standards. 100% = 1 yr Time Frame July 31 – March 7 Student Grade Total lessons complete Total Growth Growth Grade K Growth Grade 1 Growth Grade 2 Growth Grade 3 Growth Grade 4 Growth Grade 5 Growth Grade 6 Growth Grade 7 Growth Grade 8 L. Female 3 420 240.50% 0.00% 2.10% 19.60% 50.30% 89.40% 59.50% 10.50% 9.10% From “Lodi Unified Impact Review - March 2018.pptx”


17 District Growth by Grade
From “Lodi Unified Impact Review - March 2018.pptx”

18 Compare: 6th Grade Title 1
School Year Avg Active Students Avg Min/Week Total Hours Avg Lessons/Wk Total Lessons Growth Avg Standards Met Class 1 0.4 (1%) 2 min 9.3 0.1 36 1% Class 2 16.2 (42%) 44 min 685.5 2.6 2,369 22% 3.1

19 Compare: 6th Grade GATE 2017-18 School Year Avg Active Students
Avg Min/Week Total Hours Avg Lessons/Wk Total Lessons Growth Avg Standards Met Class 1 13.3 (45%) 22 min 307 1.9 1,563 27% 4 Class 2 20.5 (74%) 70 min 1,237.7 5.8 6,129 124% 14.1 Program bumped students back to 4th (started in 5th), but not even on grade level yet (GATE students have holes too). With a little time, the GATE students are exposed to standards in their grade and

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