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Welcome to Back to School Night!!! Ms. Crowley, Grade 5, Room 503

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Back to School Night!!! Ms. Crowley, Grade 5, Room 503"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Back to School Night!!! Ms. Crowley, Grade 5, Room 503
1. Please indicate how your child will get home each day on the transportation list (on sink counter). 2. Sit at your child's desk and take their folder home afterwards. 3. You may use lined paper to take notes during my presentation. It is on the cabinet counter by blue wall. I will begin promptly at 4:30 p.m. Welcome to Back to School Night!!! Ms. Crowley, Grade 5, Room 503

2 A little bit about myself....
I have been a teacher at Hedenkamp Elementary since we opened in 2003, eleven years in third grade,  four years teaching fourth grade, and a new year of teaching 5th grade. I have two sons: one in fourth grade, the other in 7th grade. I grew up in Chula Vista and am a native of San Diego. My teaching philosophy is to foster a love of learning, create memorable moments, and create strong bonds among the students and with the students. I incorporate social emotional learning, music, art, physical activity, and healthy choices into as many lessons as I can.  I have a sense of humor which helps engage my students.  I treat my students with respect and in turn, I expect them to treat me respectfully.

3 Husky Expectations Caught Being a Husky... Hard Working Understanding Showing Respect Kind Your Best Self!

4 Classroom Expectations/ Management
-Come to school prepared with needed materials -Ability to work independently and with groups cooperatively -Participation -Keep a positive attitude -Take home and return homework and any necessary flyers/information back to school on time -Students may bring whole food snacks from home to eat in class -Parents will be given access to ClassDojo which will show you positive and negative behavior choices your child made throughout the week.  Class Dojo also keeps you informed of what is happening in the classroom. -We also have a classroom blog page with other important information such as links your child may need for homework help or to practice work at home.  It is: Classroom Expectations/ Management

5 Homework Expectations/Flyers
Homework is given each Friday and due weekly on the following Friday. Homework consists of reading 20 minutes per day.  Math worksheets will also be sent home; however, again, it’s due weekly, not daily.   Students need to be responsible for setting up the timeline to complete the homework by its due date.  Homework is meant to practice skills and involve parents in their child's education.   

6 Tentative Daily Schedule
8:45-11:00 English Language Arts 11:00-11:15 Recess 11:15-12:30  Mathematics 12:30-1:15  Lunch Recess 1:15-1:35  Social Emotional Learning (new curriculum through Samford University) 1:35-2:35   Social Studies/Science  2:35-3:00 Physical Education (M, W, Th)/Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) Rotations/Technology (T) 3:00-3:15  Independent Reading **1:55 Dismissal on Friday!** ***We will have Kinder Buddies every other Friday morning.***  Tentative Daily Schedule

7 Social Emotional Learning
What is Sanford Harmony? Imagine a classroom where students are empowered to: communicate, cooperate, connect, embrace diversity, and resolve conflict. Welcome to Sanford Harmony—a social- emotional teaching program that cultivates strong classroom relationships between all students. Includes materials and strategies to target the following: Appreciating diversity How to effectively and confidently express ideas Understanding other’s perspectives Solving problems How to participate in collaborative conversations Increase caring, kindness and empathy

8 Fifth Grade Curriculum
should-know/ Common Core English Language Arts Standards and Common Core Math Standards:         (select Grade 5 on menu on right side) Next Generation Science Standards:   ***State Science Test this year!*** History and Social Science Framework:   ocuments/hssfwchapter8.pdf Physical Education Standards:   cuments/pestandards.pdf         (pages 29-32)         ***Physical Education testing this year!!!*** Fifth Grade Curriculum

9 Field Trips (on and off campus)
BizTown (teaches financial literacy)- (Monday, September 10, 1st quarter) Colonial Day(2nd Quarter) Birch Aquarium visit to Hedenkamp-Squid and Kelp Investigation (3rd quarter) Olympic Training Center (4th quarter)

10 Student Disaster Info Card stapled to all other important forms (big packet)
Annual Notification-District Wellness Policy (impacts birthday celebrations-parents are absolutely not allowed to bring food items to school to celebrate students’ birthdays Internet Consent Form –don’t forget to sign it! Cafeteria and Nutrition Services forms and applications PTA Membership- please sign up  Photo Release Form (to post pics of students on our blog) Forms and Handouts

11 One to one devices Students will receive a Dell  or Lenovo laptop computer this year to use in school only 1 Must be treated with respect  2 Settings (desktop, screensaver) should not be changed 3 Please read over Internet safety form with your child before they sign it 4 Great parent information about parent concerns with social media and other media:   5

12 School Supplies If you are able to supply, students will need......
their own pencil boxes or bags.   a two pocket folder to take homework and other papers home an old sock from home to use as a white board eraser Ear buds/head sets to use with their device NO MECHANICALS PENCILS PLEASE I will supply students with all necessary supplies if they are not able to provide them. School Supplies

13 Morning Routines Supervision begins at 8:15 a.m. daily
Students may participate in the Husky Hustle (running club), eat breakfast or read in the library until 8:35 a.m. Students who do not participate in any of these 3 activities should not be on campus until 8:35 a.m. All Students should be in their classroom line at 8:40 a.m. daily Instruction begins at 8:45 a.m Our class lines up on line HH (take note of this!). They should not be playing while in line nor eating. Be courteous in the parking lot.  Please make sure to pull your car all the way forward in both the loop and parking lot.  

14 Blog Pages Our classroom blog:
Please follow our School Blog at And sign up to receive all school flyers using the PeachJar Link  Please follow our PTA Blog at Please follow us on

15 How to Get Involved with your child’s education:
Volunteering-just let me know PTA-minimum $10 membership Reading at home with your child Be a follower on class dojo, our classroom blog page, the PTA’s blog page, and the school’s blog page Spend quality time with your child and learn what they’re doing at school How to Get Involved with your child’s education:

16 Communication with Ms. Crowley
By - By phone ext Or message me on


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