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Work List by Priority.

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1 Work List by Priority

2 Reminder List

3 Jacob – Restocking Patients Rooms
Do not Enter if a Doctor is in the Room Do not Enter if the Door is Closed Do not Enter if there is a Crack in the Door…Whew solved that one

4 What if the Patient has Family Members or Friends in the Room?
Jacob was thought of as rude Jacob was not cut out for a Hospital Setting Jacob was thought not to be able to be hired for this job (Even though his job performance was impeccable)

5 Dilemma

6 Dilemma When to fill the patients room if family members or friends were present! How about if Jacob creates a schematic of the room? The support person shares where people are in the room in green Jacob puts an X where he should and shouldn’t walk

7 Dilemma Share with Jacob what a T – Chart is about
When you can walk in front and when you can’t Then ask Jacob to ask his team the two questions: -Should I ask them to Move -Should I come back later Jacobs team unanimously said come back later

8 T-Chart

9 Marty’s Work Plan at ETA
Engineering Technology Associates, Inc Marty’s Work Plan at ETA

10 In-service about Autism

11 Schedule of Support

12 Communication Sheet

13 Time Sheet

14 Self-Management System

15 Utilizing MRS and Transition Coordinators as Facilitators of Work Place Case Conferences

16 Facebook Posts

17 Brian’s Work Plan

18 Chime System – Bus Cart/Dirty Dishes

19 Employee information about Brian

20 Systems Sheet

21 Dishes in the 3 Compartment Sink

22 What Employees need to know about Brain

23 Break Area at Work Behind Restaurant Staff Concerned about Cars/Trucks
Area of Pavement Behind Restaurant – Painted a Pacing Area Not going to leave area

24 Have you ever volunteered for any organization?
Why did you continue to volunteer? Group Discussion

25 Natural Supports Maintenance
Employee of the Month Work Talk After Work Celebrations League Opportunities Fantasy Football Sports Pools Lotto Pools

26 People with ASD must be Approachable
Socially Appropriate Dress -Barbie Boots -Jelly Bean Jogging Suit Behavioral Issues -Stereotypical Behaviors Social Issues Picking Nose Spitting

27 The Network Do the natural supports go beyond the work environment?
Personality of the Person with ASD Climate of the Employment Community Dan and the Casino Ryan’s Party

28 Develop an On-Line LINK Social Network
Track Graduated LINKS Allow Networking Between LINKS Post Opportunities for Graduated LINKS by RCN Provide Parents List of Graduated LINKS by RCN Social Network will be Hosted by a Person with ASD

29 Imagine the Possibilities
Co-Workers Understanding of ASD Community College Opportunities University Opportunities Semi-Independent and Independent Living Arrangements Social Opportunities Community Opportunities

30 Now For the Research! Natural Supports

31 Alternatives to Traditional Job Coaching
Define Natural Supports in Terms of the Workplace Rather Than… Cultural (Environment) vs. Job Assessment Alternatives to Traditional Job Coaching Marc Gold & Associates

32 How Can We Look At Supporting People with ASD in Employment Opportunities….

33 Start with Least Amount of Support Not the Most Amount of Support
Traditional Model Assumes a Job Coach – Most Restrictive

34 Least Amount of Support to Most Amount of Support
Working independently without any supports or strategies Working independently with visual supports Working independently with self management plan and visual supports Working independently with self management plan, visual supports and job coach to train person to systems Working but dependent on job coach

35 Traditional Mindset Job Coach will Lead To…
Working Independently without any Supports or Strategies

36 Rarely True with a Person with ASD
Either Person with ASD becomes Dependent on the Job Coach Or Continues to Need Visuals and a Self Management Plan to be Independent

37 To Do This… Must Understand This…

38 Reconsideration of Job Analysis
Focus on Cultural Analysis of the Employment Environment rather than a Focus on Job Analysis Marc Gold & Associates

39 Natural Supports – Two Powerful Forces that Affect the Success
Features of Naturalness – Gain Access Individual Needs – Assure The Needs of the Individual are Met

40 7 Phase Sequence for Balancing Naturalness and Individual Needs
Determine Natural Ways Determine Natural Means Identify Natural People Facilitate Successful Performance Support/Substitute for Natural People Suggest More Effective Natural Means Adapt/Modify Natural Ways Marc Gold & Associates

41 Determine Natural Ways
Methods of Performance for Targeted Job Tasks Step by Step Procedures The Culture of the Workplace The Manner in Which Workers Interact The Managerial Style of the Setting All Other Natural Features which Describe the Unique Characteristics of Performance and Behavior Desired by the Employer Marc Gold & Associates

42 This Phase is Crucial… Brenda and Kent County
Information for New Employee to Fit In Easier for Supervisors and Co-Workers to Provide Assistance and Troubleshoot Problems Due to the Similarity of Performance Marc Gold & Associates

43 7 Phase Sequence for Balancing Naturalness and Individual Needs
Determine Natural Means Identify Natural People Facilitate Successful Performance Support/Substitute for Natural People Suggest More Effective Natural Means Adapt/Modify Natural Ways

44 Determine Natural Means
Ask the Employer to Describe the Procedures Used Observe Teachings Done by Employees in the Setting Ask to be Taught How to Perform the Job Task by the Persons Who Would Naturally Assist the Jobs to be Performed Marc Gold & Associates

45 How Did You Learn How to Write an IEP?

46 7 Phase Sequence for Balancing Naturalness and Individual Needs
Identify Natural People Facilitate Successful Performance Support/Substitute for Natural People Suggest More Effective Natural Means Adapt/Modify Natural Ways Marc Gold & Associates

47 Identify Natural People
Identify and Enlist the Natural People Who Typically Support New Employees to Perform Their Jobs (600 Formalized P2P Support Programs) Most Novel Aspect of the Natural Supports for Traditional Providers of Supported Employment Services

48 In the Past…Job Developers Often Promised Employers…
Job Trainers Would Provide all the Assistance Necessary for Successful Performance They Would Have No Investment in the Initial Training or Support of the Employee Job Trainers Would Act as an Interpreter for All the Information, Rules, Policies and Activities This Role Placed the Job Coach Between the Employer and the Employee

49 Not a Typical Model for an Employer/Employee Relationship
Job Coach Employee

50 Unnatural dependence on an adult not associated with the environment
Similar to Issues with the Over-reliance on the use of Paraprofessionals in the Schools Unnatural dependence on an adult not associated with the environment

51 This Practice Resulted in Isolation of Supported Employees in their Own Work Settings

52 7 Phase Sequence for Balancing Naturalness and Individual Needs
Facilitate Successful Performance Support/Substitute for Natural People Suggest More Effective Natural Means Adapt/Modify Natural Ways Marc Gold & Associates

53 Facilitate Successful Performance (Ongoing Problem Solving Process)
Initial and Ongoing Assistance to the Supported Employee Job Developers(Facilitators) Must Now Decide the Degree of Naturalness Which Will Be Used for Initial Training Strongly Suggested…Unless There Are Clear Indications to the Contrary, Natural Procedures Be Utilized Initially Marc Gold & Associates

54 Natural Supports and Case Conferences
Weekly or Monthly Meetings Problem Solving Focus May Include the Person with ASD Teaching Support Strategies in the Case Conference that will Generalize to the Work Environment

55 Case Conference – Alex – 40 Minutes During Staff Lunch Time
OT/PT Department – 23 Staff People Information about ASD in the Workplace Alex was in the case conference Referred to Alex for input frequently Questions from Staff Alex to answer first

56 Information about ASD in the Workplace
Sections of Looking at ASD Differently Adult that pertain to Alex Literal Interpretation of Information Misunderstanding of Social Situations Responding to Others Needs Truth at all Costs

57 Questions from Staff in OT/PT
Can we talk to Alex while he is working? Yes, of course in the same way you would speak with your colleagues. You might have to tell him the conversation is over. Can we ask Alex to get materials for us? Yes! Alex can retrieve materials needed during therapy sessions. Can we ask Alex to do things for us? Yes, but please use Alex’s Note Pad, located at the Aid Desk.

58 Shared Alex’s PT/OT Task List
Remember to always be mindful of patients Remember Patient care comes first Remember to always use gloves when sanitizing and only when area and/or item is not in use Additional task are other things the staff need Alex’s assistance

59 Task Lists

60 Natural Supports and Case Conferences
Weekly or Monthly Meetings Problem Solving Focus May Include the Person with ASD Teaching Support Strategies in the Case Conference that will Generalize to the Work Environment

61 Case Conference Information Sheet
Each staff fills out the sheet at the beginning of the case conference The facilitator collects the sheets and determines if there are any patterns in the answers The information from the sheet generates the discussion using the board

62 Case Conference Information Sheet

63 Case Conference Mechanics and Outcomes
Utilize meeting mechanics – always use the board Positives – Concerns – Brainstorming Information from the board is written on the Case Conference information sheet Copies are made for each staff member, person with ASD, and parent or guardian if appropriate

64 “ “Case Conferences” Overview of ASD
Triad – Social, Communication, Restrictive Repetitive Theory of Mind Impact – How it looks in Work Setting Rude, Disrespectful, Etc. Answer Specific Questions about Behavior Looks Like Stalking/Doesn’t Know How to Enter Conversation Social Mistakes

65 Role and Rules of work

66 Work Rules

67 “ “Case Conferences” Overview of ASD
Triad – Social, Communication, Restrictive Repetitive Theory of Mind Impact – How it looks in Work Setting Rude, Disrespectful, Etc. Answer Specific Questions about Behavior Looks Like Stalking/Doesn’t Know How to Enter Conversation Social Mistakes

68 Friends At Work A Friend A Role Model An Encourager Sense of Belonging Community Connection

69 (Not found in Callahan’s Document)
Strongly Suggested…Unless There Are Clear Indications to the Contrary, Natural Procedures Be Utilized Initially People with ASD will make social mistakes…need an ongoing problem solving approach to the address the mistakes that will be made (Not found in Callahan’s Document)

70 Strong Rationale For the Job Developer (Facilitator) to Take Risk
Allow Natural Means a Chance to Be Effective Marc Gold & Associates

71 Dignity of Risk Robert Perske
The concept of “dignity of risk” is we allow our children, and ourselves, to make choices and the accompanying mistakes, failures… because this is how we learn. This is how we build our self-esteem and self-worth. Our Dignity.

72 What Does This Mean To Us
Public Transportation – Brian Overnight/Sports Teams – Dan Washington D.C. Trip - Ryan

73 This Means… Never again will a Student with ASD be in such a protected environment. If mistakes are made, those mistakes can generally be fixed. With appropriate supports, Students with ASD must be given the same opportunities as their same aged peers. The Dignity of Risk needs to be a part of every decision educational teams are making for Students with ASD.

74 By Looking At Autism Spectrum Disorder Differently
So…How are the Service Agencies Supporting Adults with ASD Going to Manage this Explosion… By Looking At Autism Spectrum Disorder Differently

75 A Reasonable Trade-Off…
To Accept the Lessened Performance Through Naturalness Over That Available Through Powerful Training Procedures (W/O Parapro less quality work)

76 So Why Would This Be So Difficult…
Because it is Not the Way We Have Done This in the Past

77 Constraints to the Initial Use of Natural Supports
Job Developer and Employment Facilitator are Different People (Don’t have Skills) Impact of the Employee’s Disability Requires the Facilitator to Model Effective Techniques for the Natural Supports (Training/LINKS) Fragile Situations in Relation to Employer’s Low Expectations of Success (Get OUT) Modifications to Job Sites and/or Job Stations (Customized employment to meet needs) Marc Gold & Associates

78 7 Phase Sequence for Balancing Naturalness and Individual Needs
Support/Substitute for Natural People Suggest More Effective Natural Means Adapt/Modify Natural Ways Marc Gold & Associates

79 Support/Substitute for Natural Supports (If We Change System This Issue Already Addressed)
Demonstrate a More Powerful Technique Negotiate a Time for Discussion and Feedback with the Natural Supporter (Case Conferences) Offer Training Formally and Informally (Awareness of ASD) Shadow the Natural Support and Offer On-Going Feedback Marc Gold & Associates

80 7 Phase Sequence for Balancing Naturalness and Individual Needs
Suggest More Effective Natural Means Adapt/Modify Natural Ways Marc Gold & Associates

81 Suggest More Effective Natural Means
Reconsideration of the Natural Means Used by Employers to Teach and Motivate Employees to Perform Their Jobs Teaching Style of One Co-Worker May Differ Significantly from Another and Further Yet from a Supervisor Consideration…Various Strategies Which Seem to be Working and Who Uses Them Specific Suggestions to Specific Natural Supports…Each Different Marc Gold & Associates

82 Job Analysis Process in Supported Employment is a…Human Service Activity Designed to Assist Facilitators To: Organize the Information to be Performed by the Supported Employee Recognize the Natural Ways, Means and People Used by the Employer to Typically Perform and Teach the Job Develop a Plan for Balancing the Natural Features of Support Available at the Job Site Form Relationships Necessary to Accomplish the 7 Phase Sequence Marc Gold & Associates

83 Job Analysis Begins… After the Employer Has Given Approval for the Job to Begin and Before the Supported Employee Begins to Work

84 Why Would A Job Analysis Be Performed By A Human Service Provider?
At This Time, The Funding and Responsibility for the Provision of These Supports Rest with Human Service Agencies Marc Gold & Associates

85 Summary Medium of Exchange Recruitment Training Maintenance
Staff Responsibility Development of a Natural Support System

86 Where is your Team in the V3 Discovery Process

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