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The Old Eastern Roman Empire

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1 The Old Eastern Roman Empire
Byzantium: The "New Rome" The Old Eastern Roman Empire Chapter 9

2 The Roman Empire Divided in 294

3 Barbarian (Germanic tribal groups) Invasions of the Roman Empire

4 Byzantine Empire Christian (Eastern Orthodox Church)
Emperor portrayed as chosen by God Power considered absolute Head of church patriarch appointed by emperor Greek became the official language (replaced Latin)

5 Constantine’s City—Constantinopole Capital of Byzantine Empire
Center of Trade Palatial Buildings, bridges, walls, schools, churches, reservoirs…..

6 Constantinople: A Greek City (Istanbul Today)

7 Justinian’s Goal Reestablish the Roman Empire
He succeeded (but it only lasted until 3 yrs after his death)

8 Justinian’s Empire at its Peak

9 Justinian’s Code (his major contribution to the world)
The Body of Civil Law Based on the code of Roman laws Basis of law in Eastern Roman Empire until 1453 Became the basis for many of the legal systems that developed in Europe

10 Church of Hagia Sophia [Holy Wisdom]

11 Interior of the Church of Hagia Sophia

12 Byzantine & Sassanid Empires

13 Schism Friction between Christian Church in Rome and Eastern Orthodox Church in Constantinople…….who’s the boss? Eastern Orthodox unwilling to accept Pope in Rome as sole head of Christian faith 1054 the Pope in Rome and the Patriarch in Constantinople excommunicate each other… Thus the Christian church split into two distinct, independent bodies……

14 A Threat to the Great Empires
Islamic Invasions A Threat to the Great Empires ? ?

15 Seljuk Turks

16 What’s going to happen next?
Byzantines face serious attacks from Islamic Seljuk Turks in Asia Minor…beaten badly in 1071 (it’s ugly) Don’t have $$$ or army to continue to fight off the Turks Asks Europe for military aid What’s going to happen next?

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