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Forces and Energy Jeopardy

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2 Forces and Energy Jeopardy
THIS IS Forces and Energy Jeopardy

3 With Your Host... Mrs. Ammenheuser

4 Jeopardy Reflection, Refraction, and Others Insulators, Conductors, and More Vocabulary Lenses and Prisms Types of Energy Grab Bag 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500

5 ____________ is defined as the ability to do work.

6 Energy A 100

7 ________ is known as the rapid back and
forth motion of air and other objects. A 200

8 Vibration A 200

9 The number of waves passing a point in one second is called ____________.

10 frequency A 300

11 We describe something that a person can see through as ____________.
(Hint: Like a clear object.) A 400

12 transparent A 400

13 This type of energy is energy carried by electrons and can produce heat, motion, and light.

14 Electrical Energy A 500

15 What do we call it when a light ray is redirected upon itself
What do we call it when a light ray is redirected upon itself? (“Hey, I can see myself!”) B 100

16 Reflection B 100

17 ___________ is defined as the bending of light rays through a liquid or clear, solid prism.

18 Refraction B 200

19 A young fourth grader at Casis observes a rainbow
A young fourth grader at Casis observes a rainbow. She decides to ask a smart fifth grader what causes the rainbow. He replies, “Sunlight is _________ through raindrops.” B 300

20 Refracted B 300

21 Light cannot pass through an object that is ________________.

22 opaque B 400

23 When its thermal energy gets too great, ice will _________.
B 500

24 melt B 500

25 Name 2 types of lenses C 100

26 Convex and Concave C 100

27 A magnifying glass uses a _________ lens
C 200

28 convex C 200

29 This type of lens is thinner in the middle and thicker on the edges

30 concave C 300


32 The 3 primary colors of light are ________, ________, __________

33 Red, green, and blue C 400

34 An object that refracts white light into The Visible Spectrum is called a ________

35 prism C 500

36 The energy we get from the Sun is called ___________

37 Radiant Energy D 100

38 When a rolling ball has reached the bottom of a hill, it has its greatest amount of _________ energy. D 200

39 kinetic D 200

40 What form of energy does your body use for all of its functions?

41 Chemical energy D 300

42 A battery in a flashlight changes chemical energy into ________ energy!
D 400

43 electrical D 400

44 The idea that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, but only transforms from one form to another is known as _____________________________ D 500

45 The Law of Conservation of Energy
D 500

46 Which one of these is a good conductor of electricity?
Plastic Rubber Metal Glass E 100

47 Metal E 100

48 A car will skid more on a wet road than on a dry road
A car will skid more on a wet road than on a dry road. This happens because there is more magnetism between the tires and the dry road. TRUE or FALSE? E 200

49 FALSE. (There is more friction between the tires and the dry road than between the tires and the wet road.) E 200

50 If you drove at a rate of 64 m/hr, how far would you
drive in a half hour? E 300

51 32 miles E 300

52 When an object sitting still is contacted by something to make it move, it has come into contact with a _______. E 400

53 force E 400

54 Give an example of electrical energy changing into sound energy.

55 Example: Turning on the radio E 500

56 In what city did Mrs. Ammenheuser go to college?
F 100

57 Austin F 100

58 Identify a Republican running for President

59 Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina, Ted Cruz

60 What is the first name of Mrs. Ammenheuser’s youngest son?

61 Taylor F 300

62 What is the date of the last day of school before winter break?

63 December 18 F 400

64 When is the next leap year?
F 500

65 2016 F 500

66 The Final Jeopardy Category is: LIGHT
Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin

67 Name the 7 colors of the Visible Spectrum (in order)
Click on screen to continue

68 Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet
Click on screen to continue

69 Thank You for Playing Jeopardy!
Game Designed By C. Harr-MAIT

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