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CP 9 Lesson 2: Career Cluster Finder

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1 CP 9 Lesson 2: Career Cluster Finder
Students will identify their top career clusters based on their interests, personal qualities and school subjects.

2 What are Career Clusters?
There are 15 Career Clusters Careers are grouped by similar occupations and industries Career clusters help find careers of interest, college matches, and majors related to career choices Career clusters help you strategically make academic plans and allow for more informed decision making about future career choices

3 Take a look at the 15 Career Clusters

4 Log in to Naviance Log Go Click Open GOOGLE CHROME
“Waffle” Click More Apps and search Clever (Blue Square with White C) Naviance Learning Styles Inventory Go Go to Office 365 Log Open GOOGLE CHROME Log into

5 Go to “About Me” then “My Assessments”

6 Choose Career Cluster Finder

7 Begin Career Cluster Finder

8 “Favorite” Your Top Three Career Clusters

9 Follow-Up Explore Within Your Clusters
Open your top 3 career clusters or click the link to show all and start exploring. Read the Overview, Credentials, Related Careers, Related Majors and Plan of Study.

10 Follow-Up Questions for the Career Cluster Finder
What are your top two Career Cluster Matches? Name two careers that interest you within each of those two top clusters. (4 careers total) Are you surprised by your results? Is there a career you are interested in that was not within your top Career Clusters? How can you use these career clusters to choose electives for next year at the high school or MBIT?

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