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Why did the Soviets pull their missiles out of Cuba?

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Presentation on theme: "Why did the Soviets pull their missiles out of Cuba?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why did the Soviets pull their missiles out of Cuba?

2 In 1959, Cuba became a Communist country, led by Fidel Castro
In 1959, Cuba became a Communist country, led by Fidel Castro. This development brought the Cold War close to home because Cuba is 90 miles off the coast of Florida. John F. Kennedy was elected president in 1960 and oversaw two major events that involved Cuba: 1) the Bay of Pigs invasion 2) the Cuban Missile Crisis

3 The Hour of Maximum Danger • According to the video, why did the Russians pull the missiles out of Cuba? • What do you think they mean by “delicate, behind-the-scenes negotiations?”

4 I will evaluate the effectiveness of Kennedy handling the Cold War
I will evaluate the effectiveness of Kennedy handling the Cold War. I will learn why the Soviets pulled their missiles out of Cuba. According to the primary source documents, what deal did the U.S. strike with the U.S.S.R.? Why was this deal kept secret? Who seems more scared or on the defensive in this documents? What does this event show you about how people felt during the Cold War?

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