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Language and Literacy Kylie Fettig.

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1 Language and Literacy Kylie Fettig

2 Overview Language and Literacy is the foundation of communication.
With a strong background in literacy child have the ability to be more successful in their education. Oral language, written language, and reading are all built off of language and literacy.

3 Environment for Language and Literacy
Because children learn differently we have to have centers and/or areas that accommodate their learning style. (i.e., visual, oral, etc.) Environments are ever changing to accommodate the growth and milestones in a child’s life.

4 Birth-1 Year Birth (Young Infant-Birth to 8 Months: Imitates vowel sounds, such as “ah” or “oh” or “oo”- in turn turns into taking turns by making sounds in response to adult talking with baby. Birth (Older Infant-8 to 18 Months): Produces own sounds or babbles either by self or in response to others. Environment- Music with words, as well as instrumental, mirrors are also included

5 1-2 Years 1-2 (Toddler Months): Imitates new words or learns new signs, leading to repeating simple rhymes or songs. Environment- Toys are talking and asking/initiating conversation, music with more actions and interactive books (i.e., Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes)

6 2-4 Years 2-4: Participate in opportunities to speak, sing, act out, and recite (e.g., stories, songs, rhymes, and fingerplays) Monkeys On The Bed Five little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped His head Mama called the doctor and The doctor Said, “No more monkeys Jumping on the bed!” Continue counting

7 2-4 Years Environment Dramatic Play Areas- Acting out and whole body movements Signs on the wall and exposure to words/what they look like Labeling items and “what goes where”

8 4-6 Years 4-6: RF.2. Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes) Group activity- clapping syllables (name) Environment- Introduce “Word Walls,” manipulative letters or words, posters splitting up words (syllables), labeling items

9 6-8 Years 6-8: Grade 1: RF.2. Orally produce single-syllable words by blending sounds (phonemes), including consonant blends. Example- Saying word broken out and then putting together Grade 2: RF.2. Distinguish long and short vowels when reading regularly spelled one-syllable words. Environment- “Word Walls,” books/book lofts, classroom libraries, listening center, writing centers/ practicing writing

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