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Preparing Industry for a New Code

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1 Preparing Industry for a New Code
White Paper Summary Developed by: Kristin Heinemeyer, Mike Bachand, Steve Burger, Sean Darcy, and Nehemiah Stone November 27, 2012

2 The Problem Title 24 changes every 3-4 years
Builders and Building Departments do not feel that they understand the changes by the time the new code becomes effective They want more training and other help Statewide Investor Owned Utilities’ Compliance Improvement Advisory Group

3 Questions Raised/Addressed
Is the perception of there being too little training available correct? What could make the training more effective? How could training be made more attractive? What else besides training would help prepare contractors and building departments for code changes? Statewide Investor Owned Utilities’ Compliance Improvement Advisory Group

4 Is the perception of there being too little training available correct?
Explored the catalogue of training offered by the utilities, the CEC, CALBO, trade associations, unions, manufacturers and distributors. Decided that the volume of training is not the primary problem. Additional forms of outreach should be tried: Brochures to be delivered by funders (e.g., trade assc., distributors) Lunch speakers Mailers Statewide Investor Owned Utilities’ Compliance Improvement Advisory Group

5 What could make the training more effective?
Timing Introduction ~3-6 months before effective date Deeper summary starting ~3 months before Duration Some sessions short enough for brown bags Most online sessions < 3 hours Keep it free Involve contractors and BD staff in creating and delivering training Statewide Investor Owned Utilities’ Compliance Improvement Advisory Group

6 How could we attract more contractors and BD staff to training?
Offer training through local chapters Require code update training as continuing education credits for both contractors and BD staff Involve BD staff, contractors and other target audiences in creation and delivery of the training Oregon example: rolling in minimum training/certification requirements for contractors, technicians, inspectors, etc. Statewide Investor Owned Utilities’ Compliance Improvement Advisory Group

7 What else besides training is needed?
“Simplify compliance with the code” is likely to be one potential solution in virtually every white paper topic, as it was here. Checklists (similar to what the CEC now offers) targeted to various roles made accessible (e.g., laminated, electronic) Fully searchable version of Standards and Manuals Statewide Investor Owned Utilities’ Compliance Improvement Advisory Group

8 Final thoughts The CEC should have an evaluation of the effectiveness of its (and others’) training efforts to identify what is working and what is not. There needs to be better coordination between the CEC, the utilities, local building departments, contractor associations, manufacturers, and others on efforts to prepare the industry for code changes. The CEC’s web page with links to training and other aids is very helpful, but not widely enough known. Statewide Investor Owned Utilities’ Compliance Improvement Advisory Group

9 You can’t improve what you don’t measure.
Until the state develops a useful metric for estimating compliance rates and employs it across all jurisdictions, measuring the impact of training and tools designed to increase compliance, much less early compliance with new codes will continue to be very difficult. Statewide Investor Owned Utilities’ Compliance Improvement Advisory Group September 5, 2012

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