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Section A By Alan Maddison (100 random questions) Click the mouse to see instructions.

2 As soon as a new question appears the timer (top right) will reduce from 30 seconds to zero. It also works on this slide so that you know what to expect. Once the time is up the slide remains on screen. Once you have calculated the answer on paper, click the mouse to check it against the correct answer (bottom right). If you are correct click the blue box to see the next question. If you have made a mistake, then continually click to reveal each step of the solution.

3 Test 3 11C. A school trip is planned for 46 pupils. There must be at least one adult for every 8 pupils. What is the minimum number of people on the trip? 46  8= 5 R 6 6 adults 46 + 6= 52 Answer 52

4 Test 3 5C. A Year 6 group raises £93.42 for charity. The money will be equally divided between seven charities. How much money will each charity receive? 93.42  7 = £ = £13.35 Answer £13.35

5 3 mins 12:50 + 6 = 12:56, add another 11 = 13:07, add another 20 =
Test 3 12C. A lesson begins at 12:50. The teacher prepares a 6 minute introduction followed by a 11 minute video clip and then a 20 minute activity. If the lesson ends at 13:30, then how much time is left for the plenary? 12: = 12:56, add another 11 = 13:07, add another 20 = 13:27 So 3 minutes left. Answer 3 mins

6 12 ½ % 12 ½ % 25 out of 200 = 5/40 = 1/8 = 12 ½ % Test 3
3C. In a year group of 200 pupils, 25 achieved an A* in GCSE Art. What percentage of the year group achieved an A* in GCSE Art? 25 out of 200 = 5/ = 1/ = 12 ½ % Answer 12 ½ % 12 ½ %

7 Test 3 7C. A junior school has 90 pupils in Year 6. Eighteen of these pupils achieved ‘above expected’ in the Key Stage 2 tests. What proportion of the year group achieved ‘above expected’? Give your answer as fraction in its lowest terms. 18 out of 90 = 2/10 = 1/5 Answer 1/5

8 Q7C Test 4 What is 5 per cent as a decimal? 0.05 Answer 0.05

9 32 10% of 110 = 11 40% of 110 = 44 44 – 12 = 32 were at expected.
Test 3 2C. In a year group of 110 pupils, 40% achieved expected or above in Key Stage 2 Maths. 12 pupils achieved above expected. How many achieved ‘expected’? 10% of 110 = 11 40% of 110 = 44 44 – 12 = 32 were at expected. Answer 32

10 144 km 180  5 = 36 36 x 8 = 288 km round trip = 144 km to the park
Test 3 8C. A school teacher plans a trip which includes a 180 mile round trip to Thorpe Park. As an approximation 8 km is equal to 5 miles. Using this approximation how far away is Thorpe Park in km? 180  5 = 36 36 x 8 = 288 km round trip = 144 km to the park Answer 144 km

11 Test 3 6C. A teacher attends a consortium meeting. The journey is 2.5 miles each way. Travel expenses may be claimed at 36p per mile How much is the teacher entitled to claim? 2.5 x 2 = 5 5 x 36 = 180 = £1.80 Answer £1.80

12 9 years 6 months + 7 months = 10 years 1 month Test 3
4C. A pupil entering a Year 6 class has an actual age of 9 years 6 months. The report from his previous school states that his reading age is 7 months above his actual age. What is the pupil’s reading age in years and months? 9 years 6 months + 7 months = 10 years 1 month Answer 10 years 1 month

13 640  8 = 80 x 5 = 400 miles 400 miles Q P Test 4
A school minibus travelled 640 kilometres. Taking 1 kilometre as equal to 5 / 8 of a mile, how many miles did the minibus travel? 640  8 = 80 x 5 = 400 miles Answer 400 miles

14 Q 1 Test 4 During a school trip to Germany, each pupil was allowed to exchange £100 into euros for spending money. The exchange rate was €1.06 to the pound. How many euros did each pupil receive? 100 x 1.06 = Euros 106 Answer 106 Euros

15 Q 2 Test 4 Ninety pupils travelled to an exhibition on two coaches. Each coach cost £180 to hire. The total entrance fee to the exhibition for all pupils was £90. How much did each pupil have to pay to meet the total cost? 180 x 2 = 360 = 450 450  90 = £5 Answer £5

16 Q 3 Test 4 A test is marked out of 60. Pupils need 75 per cent to achieve grade A. How many marks is this? 75% = 3/4 ¾ of 60 = 45 Answer 45

17 29 h 3 x 5 h 20 = 16 h 2 x 6 h 30 = 13 h Total = 29 hours Q 4 Test 4
The school library is open for 5 hours 20 minutes per day on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and for 6 hours 30 minutes per day on Tuesday and Thursday. What is the total time the library is open during the school week? 3 x 5 h 20 = 16 h 2 x 6 h 30 = 13 h Total = 29 hours Answer 29 h

18 Q5 Test 4 A primary school concert cost £80 for promotion, costumes and refreshments. The parents attending each paid a £1.50 entrance fee. Sixty parents attended. How much money was left for the school funds? Give your answer in pounds. 60 x £1.50 = £90 90 – 80 = £10 Answer £10

19 Q6 Test 4 A school sold copies of the class photograph to 28 pupils in the class for £2.50 each. What was the total amount raised from the sales of the photograph? 28 x £2.50 = 14 x £5 = 7 x £10 = £70 Answer £70

20 Q7 Test 4 What is 15 per cent as a decimal? 0.15 Answer 0.15

21 2/5 Girls = 45 – 27 = 18 18/45 = 2/5 ( 9) Q8 Test 4
In a year group of 45 pupils, 27 were boys. What fraction of the year group was girls? Give your answer in its lowest terms Girls = 45 – 27 = 18 18/45 = 2/5 ( 9) Answer 2/5

22 Q9 Test 4 A teacher plans a cross-country competition. The course is 3.45 kilometres long. Pupils do 3 laps of the course. What is the total distance run by each pupil in kilometres? 3.45 x 3 = 10.35 Km Answer 10.35 km

23 Q10B Test 4 There are 40 schools in a local authority. Thirty-five schools have been inspected in the last 6 years. What percentage has not been inspected? 5 / 40 = 1/8 = 12 ½ % Answer 12 ½ %

24 Q11B Test 4 A school play begins at 18:30 hours. It has one interval of 20 minutes. The play is 1 hour and 35 minutes long. At what time does the play end? Give your answer using the 24-hour clock. 1h m = 1 h 55 = 20:25 Answer 20:25

25 Q12B Test 4 0.8 of a year group of 160 pupils took part in a school sports day. How many pupils did not take part? 0.8 leaves 2/10 2/10 of 160 = 16 x 2 = 32 Answer 32

26 Q9B Test 4 A teacher plans a cross-country competition. The course is 2.55 kilometres long. Pupils do 4 laps of the course. What is the total distance run by each pupil in metres? 2.55 x 4 = 10.2 km = 10200 m Answer 10200 m

27 2/7 Girls = 56 – 40 = 16 16/56 = ( 8) = 2/7 Q8B Test 4
In a year group of 56 pupils, 40 were boys. What fraction of the year group was girls? Give your answer in its lowest terms Girls = 56 – 40 = 16 16/56 = ( 8) = 2/7 Answer 2/7

28 Q7B Test 4 What is 28 per cent as a decimal? 0.28 Answer 0.28

29 Q6B Test 4 A school sold copies of the class photograph to 27 pupils in the class for £3.20 each. What was the total amount raised from the sales of the photograph? 27 x £3.20 = £86.40 Answer £86.40

30 Q5B Test 4 A primary school concert cost £120 for promotion, costumes and refreshments. The parents attending each paid a £2.50 entrance fee. Seventy parents attended. How much money was left for the school funds? Give your answer in pounds. 70 x £2.50 = £175 175 – 120 = £55 Answer £55

31 3 x 5 h 10 = 15 h 30 m 2 x 6 h 30 = 13 h Total = 28 hours 30 min
Q 4B Test 4 The school library is open for 5 hours 10 minutes per day on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and for 6 hours 30 minutes per day on Tuesday and Thursday. What is the total time the library is open during the school week? 3 x 5 h 10 = 15 h 30 m 2 x 6 h 30 = 13 h Total = 28 hours 30 min Answer 28 h 30 m

32 Q 3B Test 4 A test is marked out of 80. Pupils need 25 per cent to achieve grade D or better. How many marks is this? 25% = 1/4 ¼ of 80 = 20 Answer 20

33 Q 2B Test 4 Eighty pupils travelled to a football match on two coaches. Each coach cost £160 to hire. The match fee was £2.50 per pupil. How much did each pupil have to pay to meet the total cost? 160 x 2 = 320 320  80 = 32  8 = 4 = £6.50 Answer £6.50

34 Q 1B Test 4 During a school trip to Spain, each pupil was allowed to exchange £80 into euros for spending money. The exchange rate was €1.08 to the pound. How many euros did each pupil receive? 80 x 1.08 = Euros 86.40 Answer 86.40 Euros

35 51 mins 255 mins 255  5 = 51 mins Q12B Test 1
A school's policy for Key Stage 3 was to set four and a quarter hours of homework per week. What was the mean number of minutes to be spent on homework per weekday evening? 255 mins 255  5 = 51 mins Answer 51 mins

36 £90 3/7 of 14 2 x 3 = £6 each So total = 6 x 15 = £90 Q11B Test 1
A school trip was planned at a total cost of £14 per pupil. The coach cost three-sevenths of the total. If fifteen pupils were going, then what was the cost of the coach? 3/7 of 14 2 x 3 = £6 each So total = 6 x 15 = £90 Answer £90

37 Q10B Test 1 A pupil achieved 72 marks out of a possible 144 in a test. What percentage mark did the pupil achieve for the test? 72 / 144 = 6/ 12 = 1 / 2 50% Answer 50%

38 Q9B Test 1 A teacher took a group of pupils to an show whilst visiting Germany. The total entrance cost for the group was 220 euros. Taking 1.1 euros as equal to one pound, what was the total entrance cost, in pounds, for the group of pupils? 220 / 1.1 = / 11 = £200 Answer £200

39 7/8 4 / 32 =1 / 8 Do not need = 7/8 Q8B Test 1
In a class of 32 pupils, four need additional support. What fraction of the class do not need additional support? Give your answer in its lowest terms 4 / 32 =1 / 8 Do not need = 7/8 Answer 7/8

40 Q7B Test 1 What is seven hundred and forty-two divided by zero point two? 742 / 0.2 =7420 / 2 =3710 Answer 3710

41 Q6B Test 1 Six out of 25 pupils scored full marks in a test. What percentage of pupils scored full marks? 6/25 24/100 24% Answer 24%

42 Q5B Test 1 The morning session in a school began at 09:15. There were three lessons of 35 minutes each and two breaks of 15 minutes. At what time did the morning session end? Give your answer using the 12-hour clock. 09: = 09:50 09: = 10:25 10: = 11:00 2 x 15 = 30 = am Answer 11:30 am

43 Q4B Test 1 For a science experiment a teacher needed 83 cubic centimetres of vinegar for each pupil. There were 27 pupils in the class. Vinegar comes in 1000 cubic centimetre bottles. How many bottles of vinegar were needed? 27 x 83 = 2241 = 3 bottles Answer 3

44 19.5 cm 10% = 1.5 30% = 4.5 New length = 15 + 4.5 = 19.5 cm Q3B Test 1
As part of the numeracy work in a lesson, pupils were asked to stretch a spring to extend its length by thirty per cent. The original length of the spring was 15 centimetres. What should be the length of the extended spring? Give your answer in centimetres. 10% = 1.5 30% = 4.5 New length = = 19.5 cm Answer 19.5 cm

45 Q2B Test 1 All 25 pupils in a class took part in a sponsored spell to raise money for charity. The pupils were expected to get an average of 16 spellings correct each. The average amount of sponsorship was 28p for each correct spelling How many pounds would the class expect to raise for charity? 28 x 16 = 448 448 x 25 = 11200p =£112 Answer £112

46 Q1B Test 1 Teachers organised activities for two classes of 23 pupils and three classes of 25 What was the total number of pupils involved? 2 x 23 = 46 3 x 25 = 75 Total = 121 Answer 121

47 18:35 17 x 5 = 85 =1 hr 25 mins Plus 10 = 1 hrs 35 Finish 6.35 pm
Q PA Test 1 A parents evening was planned to start at 5pm There were 17 consecutive appointments of 5 minutes each and a break of 10 minutes during the evening. At what time was the parents evening due to finish? Give your answer using the 24 hour clock 17 x 5 = 85 =1 hr 25 mins Plus 10 = 1 hrs 35 Finish 6.35 pm = 18:35 Answer 18:35

48 20:05 6 per hour = 3 hrs 20 mins Plus 15 = 3 hrs 35 20:05 Q P Test 1
A parents evening was planned to start at 16:30 There were 20 consecutive appointments of 10 minutes each and a break of 15 minutes during the evening. At what time was the parents evening due to finish? Give your answer using the 24 hour clock 6 per hour = 3 hrs 20 mins Plus 15 = 3 hrs 35 20:05 Answer 20:05

49 Q1 Test 1 Teachers organised activities for three classes of 24 pupils and four classes of 28 What was the total number of pupils involved? 3 x 24 = 72 4 x 28 = 112 Total = 184 Answer 184

50 Q2 Test 1 All 30 pupils in a class took part in a sponsored spell to raise money for charity. The pupils were expected to get an average of 18 spellings correct each. The average amount of sponsorship was 20p for each correct spelling How many pounds would the class expect to raise for charity? 30 x 18 = 540 540 x 20 = 10800p =£108 Answer £108

51 63 cm 10% = 4.5 40% = 18 New length = 18 + 45 = 63 cm Q3 Test 1
As part of the numeracy work in a lesson, pupils were asked to stretch a spring to extend its length by forty per cent. The original length of the spring was 45 centimetres. What should be the length of the extended spring? Give your answer in centimetres. 10% = 4.5 40% = 18 New length = = 63 cm Answer 63 cm

52 Q4 Test 1 For a science experiment a teacher needed 95 cubic centimetres of vinegar for each pupil. There were 20 pupils in the class. Vinegar comes in 1000 cubic centimetre bottles. How many bottles of vinegar were needed? 20 x 95 = 1900 = 2 bottles Answer 2

53 Q5 Test 1 The morning session in a school began at 09:25. There were three lessons of 50 minutes each and one break of 20 minutes. At what time did the morning session end? Give your answer using the 24-hour clock. 09: = 10:15 10: = 11:05 11: = 11:55 11:55 = 20 = 12:15 Answer 12:15

54 Q6 Test 1 Seven out of 28 pupils scored full marks in a test. What percentage of pupils scored full marks? 7/28 1/4 25/100 25% Answer 25%

55 Q7 Test 1 What is six hundred and forty-three divided by zero point one? 643 / 0.1 =6430 / 1 =6430 Answer 6430

56 7/8 3 / 24 =1 / 8 Do not need = 7/8 Q8 Test 1
In a class of 24 pupils, three need additional support. What fraction of the class do not need additional support? Give your answer in its lowest terms 3 / 24 =1 / 8 Do not need = 7/8 Answer 7/8

57 Q9 Test 1 A teacher took a group of pupils to an aquarium whilst visiting France. The total entrance cost for the group was 160 euros. Taking 1.6 euros as equal to one pound, what was the total entrance cost, in pounds, for the group of pupils? 160 / 1.6 = £100 Answer £100

58 Q10 Test 1 A pupil achieved 84 marks out of a possible 120 in a test. What percentage mark did the pupil achieve for the test? 84 / 120 = 7/ 10 = 70% Answer 70%

59 Q11 Test 1 A school trip was planned at a total cost of £120 per pupil. The accommodation cost two-fifths of the total. What was the cost of the accommodation per pupil? 2/5 of 120 240  5 = £48 Answer £48

60 Q12 Test 1 A school's policy for Key Stage 2 was to set three and a half hours of homework per week. What was the mean number of minutes to be spent on homework per weekday evening? 210 mins 210  5 = 42 mins Answer 42 mins

61 Q10 Test 4 There are 35 schools in a local authority. Twenty-eight schools have been inspected in the last 4 years. What percentage has not been inspected? 7 / 35 = 1/5 = 20% Answer 20%

62 Q11 Test 4 A school play begins at 19:00 hours. It has one interval of 15 minutes. The play is 1 hour and 55 minutes long. At what time does the play end? Give your answer using the 24-hour clock. 1h m = 2 h 10 = 21:10 Answer 21:10

63 Q12 Test 4 0.9 of a year group of 180 pupils took part in a school sports day. How many pupils did not take part? 0.9 leaves 1/10 1/10 of 180 = 18 Answer 18

64 Test 3 10. A group activity contains two tasks. In the first task all 5 members of the group achieve 3 marks each. In the second task 2 members of the group achieve 4 marks each and the other 3 members achieve 3 marks each. What is the total number of marks achieved by the group? 5 x 3= 15 2 x x 3= 17 Total = = 32 Answer 32

65 0.4 Don’t = 110 – 66 = 44 Proportion that don’t = 44 out of 110
Test 3 1. In a year group of 110 pupils, 66 pupils have school dinners. What proportion of the year group do not have school dinners? Give your answer as a decimal. Don’t = 110 – 66 = 44 Proportion that don’t = 44 out of 110 = 44 / 110 = 4 / 10 ( 11) = 0.4 Answer 0.4

66 Test 3 9A. For a practical task, a primary teacher needs 23 millilitres of liquid for each pupil. There are 31 pupils in the class. How many ml of liquid are needed? 31 x 23 = 713 Answer 713

67 Test 3 3A. In a year group of 120 pupils, 12 achieved an A* in GCSE English. What percentage of the year group achieved an A* in GCSE English? 12 out of 120 = 12/ = 1/ = 10% Answer 10%

68 Test 3 Practice A: In a maths exam 2/3 of the total marks come from a written paper and 1/3 of the marks from coursework. In the written paper 1/5 of the marks come from a mental test. What fraction of the total marks come from the mental test? 1/5 of 2/3 = 1/5 x 2/3 = 2/15 Answer 2/15

69 0.3 Don’t = 50 – 35 = 15 Proportion that don’t = 15 out of 50
Test 3 1A. In a year group of 50 pupils, 35 pupils have school dinners. What proportion of the year group do not have school dinners? Give your answer as a decimal. Don’t = 50 – 35 = 15 Proportion that don’t = 15 out of 50 = 15 / 50 = 3 / 10 = 0.3 Answer 0.3

70 25 75% of 120 = ¾ of 120 = 90 Level 5 = 90 – 65 = 25 Test 3
In a year group of 120 pupils, 75% achieved a Level 4 or Level 5 in Key Stage 2 English. 65 pupils achieved a level 4. How many achieved a Level 5? 75% of 120 = ¾ of 120 = 90 Level 5 = 90 – 65 = 25 Answer 25

71 Test 3 9. For a practical task, a primary teacher needs 25 millilitres of liquid for each pupil. There are 28 pupils in the class. How many ml of liquid are needed? 28 x 25 = 700 Answer 700

72 23 25% of 140 = ¼ of 140 = 35 Level 5 = 35 – 12 = 23 Test 3
2A. In a year group of 140 pupils, 25% achieved a Level 4 or Level 5 in Key Stage 2 English. 12 pupils achieved a level 4. How many achieved a Level 5? 25% of 140 = ¼ of 140 = 35 Level 5 = 35 – 12 = 23 Answer 23

73 10 y 2 m 8 years 9 months + 17 months = 10 years 2 months Test 3
4A. A pupil entering a Year 4 class has an actual age of 8 years 9 months. The report from his previous school states that his reading age is 17 months above his actual age. What is the pupil’s reading age in years and months? 8 years 9 months + 17 months = 10 years 2 months Answer 10 y 2 m

74 Test 3 5A. A sixth form group raises £93.40 for charity. The money will be equally divided between four charities. How much money will each charity receive? 93.40  4 = £23.35 Answer £23.35

75 Test 3 In a year group of 120 pupils, 15 achieved an A* in GCSE English. What percentage of the year group achieved an A* in GCSE English? 15 out of 120 = 15/ = 3/ = 1/ = 12 ½ / = 12 ½ % Answer 12 ½ %

76 Test 3 7A. A primary school has 60 pupils in Year 6. Thirty six of these pupils achieved three Level 5s in the Key Stage 2 tests. What proportion of the year group achieved three Level 5s? Give your answer as percentage. 36 out of 60 = 36/60 = 3/5 = 6/10 = 60% Answer 60%

77 Test 3 10A. A group activity contains two tasks. In the first task all 6 members of the group achieve 4 marks each. In the second task 2 members of the group achieve 5 marks each and the other 4 members achieve 4 marks each. What is the total number of marks achieved by the group? 6 x 4= 24 2 x x 4= 26 Total = = 50 Answer 50

78 12 y 2 m 10 years 11 months + 15 months = 12 years 2 months Test 3
4. A pupil entering a Year 6 class has an actual age of 10 years 11 months. The report from his previous school states that his reading age is 15 months above his actual age. What is the pupil’s reading age in years and months? 10 years 11 months + 15 months = 12 years 2 months Answer 12 y 2 m

79 Test 3 8A. A school teacher plans a trip which includes a 365 mile coach journey. As an approximation 8 km is equal to 5 miles. Using this approximation how long is the journey in km? 365  5 = 73 73 x 8 = 584 Answer 584

80 Test 3 6. A teacher attends a consortium meeting. The journey is 7.5 miles each way. Travel expenses may be claimed at 40p per mile How much is the teacher entitled to claim? 7.5 x 2 = 15 15 x 40 = = £6 Answer £6

81 Test 3 Practice: In a maths exam ¾ of the total marks come from a written paper and ¼ of the marks from coursework. In the written paper ¼ of the marks come from a mental test. What fraction of the total marks come from the mental test? ¼ of ¾ = ¼ x ¾ = 3/16 Answer 3/16

82 Test 3 6A. A teacher attends a consortium meeting. The journey is 9.5 miles each way. Travel expenses may be claimed at 43p per mile How much is the teacher entitled to claim? 9.5 x 2 = 19 19 x 43 = 817 = £8.17 Answer £8.17

83 Test 3 11. A school trip is planned for 56 pupils. There must be at least one adult for every 8 pupils. What is the minimum number of people on the trip? 56  8= 7 adults 56 + 7= 63 Answer 63

84 Test 3 7. A primary school has 60 pupils in Year 6. Twenty four of these pupils achieved three Level 5s in the Key Stage 2 tests. What proportion of the year group achieved three Level 5s? Give your answer as decimal. 24 out of 60 = 24/60 = 2/5 = 4/10 = 0.4 Answer 0.4

85 Test 3 5. A sixth form group raises £82.50 for charity. The money will be equally divided between three charities. How much money will each charity receive? 82.50  3 = £27.50 Answer £27.50

86 11:04 10:30 + 5 = 10:35, add another 12 = 10:47 , add another 17 =
Test 3 12A. A lesson begins at 10:30. The teacher prepares a 5 minute introduction followed by a 12 minute video clip and then a 17 minute activity. At what time does the activity end? 10: = 10:35, add another 12 = 10:47 , add another 17 = 11:04 Answer 11:04

87 Test 3 8. A school teacher plans a trip which includes a 150 mile coach journey. As an approximation 8 km is equal to 5 miles. Using this approximation how long is the journey in miles? 150  5 = 30 30 x 8 = 240 Answer 240

88 Test 3 11A. A school trip is planned for 72 pupils. There must be at least one adult for every 8 pupils. What is the minimum number of people on the trip? 72  8= 9 adults 72 + 9= 81 Answer 81

89 12:30 11:40 + 10= 11:50, add another 15 = 12:05, add another 25 =
Test 3 12. A lesson begins at 11:40. The teacher prepares a 10 minute introduction followed by a 15 minute video clip and then a 25 minute activity. At what time does the activity end? 11: = 11:50, add another 15 = 12:05, add another 25 = 12:30 Answer 12:30

90 Test 3 9B. For a practical task, a primary teacher needs 26 millilitres of liquid for each pupil. There are 29 pupils in the class. How many ml of liquid are needed? 29 x 26 = 754 Answer 754

91 Test 3 Practice B: In a maths exam 5/6 of the total marks come from a written paper and 1/6 of the marks from coursework. In the written paper 1/10 of the marks come from a mental test. What fraction of the total marks come from the mental test? 1/10 of 5/6 = 1/10 x 5/6 = 5/60 = 1/12 Answer 1/12

92 Test 3 10B. A group activity contains two tasks. In the first task all 4 members of the group achieve 7 marks each. In the second task 1 member of the group achieve 6 marks each and the other 3 members achieve 5 marks each. What is the total number of marks achieved by the group? 4 x 7= 28 1 x x 5= 21 Total = = 49 Answer 49

93 0.2 Don’t = 70 – 56 = 14 Proportion that don’t = 14 out of 70
Test 3 1B. In a year group of 70 pupils, 56 pupils have school dinners. What proportion of the year group do not have school dinners? Give your answer as a decimal. Don’t = 70 – 56 = 14 Proportion that don’t = 14 out of 70 = 14 / 70 = 2 / 10 = 0.2 Answer 0.2

94 8y 10m 9 years 4 months - 6 months = 8 years 10 months Test 3
4B. A pupil entering a Year 5 class has an actual age of 9 years 4 months. The report from his previous school states that his reading age is 6 months below his actual age. What is the pupil’s reading age in years and months? 9 years 4 months - 6 months = 8 years 10 months Answer 8y 10m

95 Test 3 6B. A teacher attends a consortium meeting. The journey is 6.4 miles each way. Travel expenses may be claimed at 30p per mile How much is the teacher entitled to claim? 6.4 x 2 = 12.8 12.8 x 30 = = £3.84 Answer £3.84

96 Test 3 8b. A school teacher plans a trip which includes a 210 mile coach journey. As an approximation 8 km is equal to 5 miles. Using this approximation how long is the journey in km? 210  5 = 42 42 x 8 = 336 km Answer 336 km

97 49 50% of 132 = ½ of 132 = 66 Level 5 = 66 – 17 = 49 Test 3
2B. In a year group of 132 pupils, 50% achieved a Level 4 or Level 5 in Key Stage 2 English. 17 pupils achieved a level 4. How many achieved a Level 5? 50% of 132 = ½ of 132 = 66 Level 5 = 66 – 17 = 49 Answer 49

98 Test 3 7B. A primary school has 75 pupils in Year 6. Thirty three of these pupils achieved three Level 5s in the Key Stage 2 tests. What proportion of the year group achieved three Level 5s? Give your answer as decimal. 33 out of 75 = 33/75 = 11/25 = 44/100 = 0.44 Answer 0.44

99 Test 3 3B. In a year group of 125 pupils, 20 achieved an A* in GCSE English. What percentage of the year group achieved an A* in GCSE English? 20 out of 125 = 20/ = 4/ = 16 / = 16% Answer 16%

100 10:01 09:10 + 8 = 09:18, add another 13 = 09:31, add another 30 =
Test 3 12B. A lesson begins at 9:10. The teacher prepares a 8 minute introduction followed by a 13 minute video clip and then a 30 minute activity. At what time does the activity end? 09: = 09:18, add another 13 = 09:31, add another 30 = 10:01 Answer 10:01

101 Test 3 5B. A sixth form group raises £86.50 for charity. The money will be equally divided between five charities. How much money will each charity receive? 86.50  5 = £17.30 Answer £17.30

102 Test 3 11B. A school trip is planned for 81 pupils. There must be at least one adult for every 9 pupils. What is the minimum number of people on the trip? 81  9= 9 adults 81 + 9= 90 Answer 90

103 The End

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