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English 12 Friday 10/21. English 12 – 10/20 Some people go right on to college after High School, others take a year or more off to travel or work. Which.

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Presentation on theme: "English 12 Friday 10/21. English 12 – 10/20 Some people go right on to college after High School, others take a year or more off to travel or work. Which."— Presentation transcript:

1 English 12 Friday 10/21

2 English 12 – 10/20 Some people go right on to college after High School, others take a year or more off to travel or work. Which do you think is a better option? Explain why?

3 Today Goals: To demonstrate your understanding of The Man Who Was Almost A Man To demonstrate your ability to identify a theme in literature. Due Homework: Monday, October 24 – The Man Who Was Almost A Man questions to by 11:59pm Monday, October 24 th – Senior Project Plan Revisions Thursday, October 27 th – Personal Essay Revisions to by 3:00 pm Agenda: Summative Assessment information The Man Who Was Almost A Man Discussion

4 Sit in the following groups: 1 - Dave2 – Joe3 – Daves Parents 4 –Mr. Hawkins Group 1LizzieMichaelSummerVictoria Group 2KeithColinKevinSpencer Group 3KrisTrevorWesleyAllegra Group 4GinoAaronEeshanNolan Group 5KamriDakotaJenaElena Group 6EdwardSeanReillyAlex Group 7JonCaseyTyler Group 8KatieColeBeth

5 The Man Who Was Almost A Man Individually, take 15 minutes to complete the following for your assigned character 1 – Dave 2– Joe 3 – Daves parents 4 –Mr. Hawkins Review: Identify age appropriate/inappropriate behavioral patterns/actions. Note these in your journal Find at least 6 examples Examine the reasons behind these actions – note these in your journal For example, Daves mom keeps his money – is this an age appropriate or inappropriate behavior

6 The Man Who Was Almost A Man Complete the following in your groups: Provide a brief summary of your character(s ) Age, location, anything else that seems important Share the three most important behavior patters/actions Describe whether they were age appropriate or inappropriate Describe why you believe the character engaged in this behavior Use the text as support! Thinking about the qualities of adults discussion from class, explain whether or not your character should be considered an adult.

7 Dave

8 Joe

9 Daves Parents

10 Mr. Hawkins

11 The Man Who Was Almost A Man Possible Issues: Feeling of powerlessness due to adolescence Methods for dealing with powerlessness Firearms sale to minors Adult irresponsibility Accepting responsibility for ones actions

12 The Man Who Was Almost A Man questions Answer the questions regarding The Man Who Was Almost A Man You have already answered the first two Due by 11:59pm on Thursday night to Remember the essay prompts – you can use this information in your essay!!

13 Questions Why does Dave think that he is almost a man? Are his actions those of an adult? Why does he think a gun will make him a man? Consider the adults in actions in the story. Are they respectable role models? Should Daves mother have given him the money to purchase a gun? Why or why not? Should Joe have sold the gun to Dave? Why or why not? Why do you think Daves father was left out of the decision making process?

14 Questions When Dave lies to his mother about where the gun is (after he buys it), what recourse does she have? What should Daves immediate reaction have been after shooting the mule? Why is more concerned for himself than the mule? What do his actions show? Does the punishment fit the crime? Why or why not? Do you think Daves running away is a manly act? Why or why not? Do you think he will be considered a man wherever he ends up? Why or why not? What other response to the shooting may have resulted in a happier resolution to the story? Why?

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