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Presentation on theme: "SMED ( One Step Setup) A STRATEGY FOR PERFORMANCE EXCELLENCE"— Presentation transcript:

Set-up and changeover reductions for equipment, tooling and machines. Single Minute Exchange of Dies is a “Process” focused on reducing waste through the reduction of setup processes associated with Equipment, Machines, Tooling. It is a continual improvement process focused on incremental improvement driving towards a “ On Step Setup Operation” We use One Step Setup to confer that the goal for setup operations should be a One Step Process taking less than a few minutes. A STRATEGY FOR PERFORMANCE EXCELLENCE

2 Performance Excellence Series Training Module Elements
Executive Overview Knowledge Breakthrough Tools Workbook Lecture notes Lecture notes Single Minute Exchange of Dies is a “Process” focused on reducing waste through the reduction of setup processes associated with Equipment, Machines, Tooling. It is a continual improvement process focused on incremental improvement driving towards a “ On Step Setup Operation” We use One Step Setup to confer that the goal for setup operations should be a One Step Process taking less than a few minutes. Participant manual

3 Knowledge Breakthrough
Table of Contents Knowledge Breakthrough SMED Session 1.0 Introduction…….……...………………… Session 2.0 Waste Management ………………………. 12 Session 3.0 Setup Practices…………………………….. 22 Session 4.0 Traditional /Strategic Setup Approach…… 29 Session 5.0 SMED Implementation Planning…………. 34 Element Implementation Team……………………… 36 Element 5.2 Implementation Plan………………………. 37 Element 5.3 Communication Plan………………………. 38 Element 5.4 Training Plan………………………………. 40 Element 5.5 One Step Setup…………………………… Element Separate Internal from External Setup…… 44 Element Integrating Internal into External Setup…. 49 Element Reducing Setup Processing Time…………. 63 Element Optimizing Setup Processes……………….. 92 Element 5.6 Verification & Standardization…………… 95 Session 6.0 Summary…………………………………… 105 5 S is a continual improvement process. It isn’t complete once you perform the 5 initial steps- this is known as “active 5S”. In fact, this is the beginning point for the next two applications of 5S: Making 5S a Habit and Preventive 5S.

4 SMED is Continuous Improvement
It is a customer driven requirement. Customers are demanding: Product and service diversity Lower costs Higher reliability and quality. In essence organizations need to become leaner ! So organizations must: Produce smaller lots, more frequently. Expand the scope and diversity of products and services. Reduce quality defects. One Step Setup ( SMED) is a critical success factor required for an organizations growth and profitability! With an effecti8ve SMED program in place, companies will reduce waste associated with excess motion, excess inventories, excess waiting times, excess transportation, process waste, waste associated with defects. The result A more flexible organization which can produce smaller and more diversified lots of products and services, at lower costs, without inventory buildups and with zero defects! Hence, on time deliveries, in the right quantity,at competitive costs.

5 Meet Customer’s Expectations !
Ultimately, SMED focuses on reducing changeover and set-up times, thus enabling organizations to: Produce smaller lots of products and services more frequently ! Develop a broader scope of products and services ! Reduce quality defects towards zero ! One Step Setup results in customer service. Meet Customer’s Expectations !

6 What Does Set-up/changeover reduction mean for my business?
Increased customer service levels and profits ! Via Waste Elimination resulting in: Reduced Lead Times-Faster Delivery Zero Inventories-Reduced Working Capital Improved Quality Improved Safety Smaller lots of products-flexibility Diversified Product & Service Options The ultimate deliverable of SMED is to increase service levels and profits ! It does this by the elimination of the wastes noted earlier. The only reason were in business is to make money ( profits) we do this by satisfying the customer, and we satisfy the customer by providing the “right product and service” at the “right time” at the “correct quantities”.

7 Why SMED ? Look Familiar? To eliminate the wastes that result from
The primary focus of SMED is the elimination of wastes in the work environment that result from unorganized, unclean material, tools, machines, associated with setup/changeover processes. To eliminate the wastes that result from “uncontrolled” processes increasing inventories and lead times.. To gain control on equipment, material & inventory. Apply Control Techniques to Eliminate Erosion of Improvements. Standardize Improvements for Maintenance of Critical Set-up Parameters.

8 Tool Kit Comparison 5S 4 4 Elimination waste
Major CPI Tools (6s) Kaizen Lean Description Cp/Cpk Process capability assessment DOE Design of experiments SPC Process control based on statistics and data analysis FMEA Risk assessment tool Regression Correlate effect one variable has on another Process Map Map process steps to communicate and identify opportunities 5 whys /2 hows Determination methods for root cause discovery Pareto Column chart ranking items highest to lowest Fishbone Cause / Effect Diagram 5S Elimination waste Visual Mgmt Emphasis on visual techniques to manage process Poka-Yoke Error proofing techniques Spaghetti Chart Kanban Material storage technique used to control process Takt Time Determine pace or beat of a process Std Work Evaluate tasks done during a process SMED Single minute exchange of dies - Quick machine set up TPM Integrate maintenance strategy with process Cellular Flow Reduce inventory & cycle time through process layout and pull production techniques This matrix is extremely important in understanding the relationship of Kaizen, Six Sigma, and Lean- site manufacturing. Notice that many of the continual improvement tools are common amongst the three programs. In essence it is important to note that Lean-site Manufacturing is really a deliverable of Kaizen ( when employed completely and correctly). It is also important here to recognize where SMED fits into the equation. SMED focuses on the elimination of wastes, so it is common and required for successful completion of Kaizen and Lean-site initiatives. Expand Process Improvement Program to Utilize Kaizen Tool Kit

9 Identify what types of internal and external setup times are involved in the following pictures.
Picture A: Wire Cutting Machine Picture B: Metal Stamping Machine Have the group form in pairs and identify the types of inside/outside setup operations required for these types of machines. As part of the exercise, have them list an approximate setup time for each of the setup operations identified.

10 Identify what types of internal and external setup & times are involved in the following pictures.
Picture A: Wire Cutting Machine Picture B: Metal Stamping Machine Think Break ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Setup Type Time ( Min) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Setup Type Time ( Min) Have the group form in pairs and identify the types of inside/outside setup operations required for these types of machines. As part of the exercise, have them list an approximate setup time for each of the setup operations identified.

11 Internal External Setup
Think Break Classify Three items under each item category. Internal External ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Which items would you convert from internal to external Setup ? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Why? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Have the group do this individually and give them about 10 minutes to complete this exercise. Lead a discussion on why items were put into each category and why the items were chosen to be discarded.

12 Traditional Setup Practices
Material movement occurs after the machine is turned off. Completed products are transferred to next operation. Raw material is moved after the machine is stopped. Detection of defects or missing equipment is noticed which the machine is running. Setup tooling delivered after the changeover has begun. Defective product identified after internal setup has begun. Defective tooling,fixtures, setup instruments are noticed after the machine is turned on. The operator notices that equipment is missing after internal setup has begun.

13 5 “Traditional”Setup Steps Defined
Preparation - Ensures that all the tools are working properly and are in the right location. Mounting & Extraction - Involves the removal of the tooling after the production lot is completed and the placement of the new tooling before the next production lot. Establishing Control Settings - Setting all the process control settings prior to the production run. Inclusive of calibrations and measurements needed to make the machine, tooling operate effectively. First Run Capability - This includes the necessary adjustments( re-calibrations, additional measurements) required after the first trial pieces are produced. Setup Improvement- The time after processing during which the tooling, machinery is cleaned, identified, and tested for functionality prior to storage.

14 “Traditional”Setup Resource Consumption Analysis

15 Examples of wastes in a traditional setup !
Think Break What kind of “setup wastes” can you identify in this pictures ? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Have the group identify the types of waste associated with the setup/changeover operations for these two machines. How would an improved setup process eliminate or reduce these waste ?

16 Progressive Enhancements
One Step Setup Implementation Plan Step 1 Develop One Step Setup Implementation Team Step 2 Develop Specific Implementation Plan Step 3 Develop Communication Plan Step 4 Develop One Step Setup Training Plan Step 5 Implement One Step Set-up Separate Internal from External Setup Progressive Enhancements Reduction of Setup Processes Listed above is the implementation plan for a 5S program. Each step is explained on the upcoming slides. Optimizing Setup Processes Integrate Internal into External Setup Step 6 Verification / Standardization

17 Combining equipment functionality
Phase 2 Combining equipment functionality Involves standardizing the equipment ( parts, tooling, processes) based on commonality between setups to reduce the number of setup steps and cycle times. The common setup parts were identified and replaced with this jig/holder combination. By using these fixtures, the parts are automatically centered and adjusted for height and flatness as a part of External setup-not Internal setup. Notice how different quantities of the same part can be setup with the same fixture. Also, these setups can occur while the machine is running.

18 Waste associated with finding, replacing, motion will be eliminated by this example of visual placement. Tooling supplies are clearly labeled Tooling supplies are neatly assigned a unique location.

19 Elimination of Bolts & Adjustments.
Phase 3: Reducing setup processing time. Elimination of Bolts & Adjustments. Example of One Step Fastening Bolt attachments requires 32 complete turns for each bolt or screw (1 for each thread) to fasten this bolt and die to a machine. This clamp attachment requires one step to attach the die to a machine.










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