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Regional Coordination Group on SDG4-Education 2030 (West and Central Africa) Consultation Meeting UNESCO Regional Office Dakar, 16 June 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Regional Coordination Group on SDG4-Education 2030 (West and Central Africa) Consultation Meeting UNESCO Regional Office Dakar, 16 June 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regional Coordination Group on SDG4-Education 2030 (West and Central Africa) Consultation Meeting
UNESCO Regional Office Dakar, 16 June 2016

2 AGENDA Introduction Global perspective RCG4 TORs Joint activities Next
1. Introduction 2. Global perspective 3. RCG4 TORs 4. Joint activities 5. Next


4 WCA-RCG4 West and Central Africa Regional Coordination Group on SDG4-Education 2030 Established Activities so far 16 May 2016 In attendance: UNESCO, UNICEF, UNHCR, UN Women, FAWE, Save the Children, CONFEMEN/ PASEC, CONFEJES, CAMES, REESAO, Handicap International Inaugural statement Decision to create TORs and discuss joint activities at 2nd RCG4 meeting Report of the first meeting Web article Online survey to collect elements for TORs and ideas of joint activities 15 responses to survey Engage key agencies for membership Development of some ideas of immediate joint activities Meeting with GPE

5 Global perspective

6 TORs

7 RCG4 TORs Rationale: Synergy, collaboration and coordination in support of countries and teams Linking global and national Vision: ‘Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all’ in WCA Consideration of particularities, esp. CESA16-25 Partners: Countries with ministries, LEGs, agencies’ teams, CSOs Regional agencies Key Functions: regional space for dialogue and communication through regular meetings exchange of knowledge, experiences, expertise and information, including by means of an online platform joint regional programmes to support national education development linking global with country-level processes

8 RCG4 Composition RCG4 Membership Plenary group: Working modalities:
Member organizations’ regional focal points responsible for education or their representatives Secretariat: UNESCO Regional Office in Dakar, the coordinator and secretary of the group, with the support of the steering team. Key responsibilities of WCA-RCG4 focal points The WCA-RCG4, all UN and non-UN agencies and organizations working on education in WCA Membership based on invitation or request, subject to majority’s approval or non-objection Membership institutional A steering group, comprised of five members, elected by constituencies The WCA-RCG4 composed of a plenary group and several task teams Working modalities: A WCA-RCG4 work plan in light of the global directions and in line with regional priorities A meeting at least every three months; Annual retreat to review progress on the work plan and ways forward One annual activity report Regular exchange of information through a dedicated webportal, bilateral contacts and

9 RCG4 Task Teams Sub-sectoral Thematic
Basic education (including early childhood development, primary and secondary education) Skills development (including technical and vocational education and training, literary , accelerated learning and non-formal education) Higher education, including research Sector-wide issues (including sector planning, integration of SDG4, financing, capacity development, crisis- and conflict informed planning to strengthen resilience and responsiveness of systems, etc.) Governance and accountability (including local governance, inclusion, equity, right to education, etc.) Management (sector planning, financing, information management, indicators, monitoring, etc.) Quality of teaching and learning Society and life skills (education for value, peace and human rights, in emergencies and transition, reproductive health, safe learning environment, climate change, etc.) Key responsibilities and working modalities

10 SDG4 Means of Implementation
RCG4 Task Teams SDG4 Targets SDG4 Means of Implementation Target 4.1 General education: all secondary education with relevant and effective learning outcomes Target 4.1 ECD: all have access to quality ECD, care and preprimary education Target 4.3 Post-basic: Equal access for all to affordable and quality TVET and tertiary education Target 4.4 Skills: Relevant skills for youth and adults Target 4.5 Equality: for gender and the vulnerable Target 4.6 Literacy/numeracy: Youth and adults’ literacy and numeracy Target 4.7 Relevance: All acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development Target 4.a School facilities: Build and upgrade education facilities that are child, disability and gender sensitive and provide safe, nonviolent, inclusive and effective learning environments for all Target 4.b Scholarships: substantially expand globally the number of scholarships available to developing countries Target 4.c Teachers: the supply of qualified teachers Could also be a combination of all of the above three angles

11 Management The secretariat of the WCA-RCG4, with the Steering Team:
Managed by UNESCO Dakar Convening Yearly retreat, quarterly meetings, and any other meetings of the WCA-RCG4 as necessary; Coordinating the development, management, monitoring of the WCA-RCG4 annual work plans; Identifying strategic or emerging issues requiring WCA-RCG4’s attention and/or action; Compiling and disseminating information on key events, reports; Facilitating the development of advocacy and communication tools and channels; Dedicated webportal and electronic information exchange; Mobilizing resources for WCA-RCG4 activities.


13 Knowledge management/sharing
Web portal (news, forum, key documents Policy briefs (esp. around SDG4 targets) Knowledge creation (research/analytical work on key issues common to most countries in the region) Strategic information (mapping of progress compiling available data to have a common understanding of the major issues and challenges based on available data) Pooling of information (one-stop info, pulling together all relevant documents, news, good practices and events of all member agencies)

14 Advocacy and communication
Regional resource package/communication materials to support national consultations on SDG4 and its integration into education sector plans Joint events for international days: International Nelson Mandela day, 18 July International teacher day, 5 October International Day of the Girl Child, October 11 Visibility of RCG4 through agencies: relay information Mapping local education groups and joint sector reviews Coordination and cross fertilization with the ESA RCG4 in the making (in order to benefit from cross regional synergies)

15 Capacity development Planning/integration of SDG4 Costing/financing
Development of indicators framework and training Learning assessment Global/responsible citizenship Teacher policies Lifelong learning systems Skills training through synergy between formal and non-formal education Harmonization and qualification frameworks for TVET and higher education

16 Resource mobilization
Support for national education development RCG4 work GPE: regional engagement? GPE: quality check of education sector pans? Education Commission ( research? Private sector and foundations Education cannot wait (for emergencies Dubai Cares ( Non-traditional bilateral donors

17 Concrete examples of joint activities by task team
Teaching And Learning: Educators’ Network for Transformation (TALENT) – UNESCO-led? International Nelson Mandela day, 18 July using his quote “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” – an NGO-led? Results framework, planning, M&E and reporting by SDG4 target – UNESCO-led? List of country coordination groups/leads – UNICEF-led? Mapping of education emergencies leads/status – UNHCR-led? Bachelor-Master-Doctorate (LMD) reform and harmnzation – CAMES-led?

18 NEXT 1. Summary of the meeting outcomes 2. Next meeting 3. AOB

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